Blonde-haired linen rag doll

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When squeezed gives Electrical Affinity and Electrical Atttack

Out of Combat

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll exclaims, /~ I LOVE YOU! ~\.

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll exclaims, /~ Woooo I'm SPECIAL!~\.

You squeeze your blonde-haired linen rag doll lovingly.

Your blonde-haired linen rag doll wobbles around madly.

A pleasant tingling sensation settles across your body.

In Combat

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll coos like an infant.

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll glows brightly as streaks of lightning race out from its head, striking the granite serpent statue.

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll drools like an imbecile.

The orange male drake's blonde-haired linen rag doll glows brightly as streaks of lightning race out from its head, striking the reddish-skinned male half-elf soldier.