Verse (Aligned Form Type)

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Knowledge Requirement

have at least 40 points among poetry skill and cosmology skill

Actualization Requirement

have at least 145 points among leximancy skill and poetry skill

Facility Formula

30% of intelligence plus 30% of poetry skill plus 30% of leximancy skill plus 15% of telesma skill plus 5% of cartography skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of three

Energy Costs

ten points of order energy

Process to Actualize Form

subvocalize A lightning flash: / between the forest trees / I have seen water.

This form is commonly known but not commonly actualized, for its actualization brings one to a strange and foreign plane: the River Tethys: a sort of interplanar crossroads or nexus which is difficult to leave. The Aligned who use this power typically are advanced enough with alignment and attunement that they can sustain themselves indefinitely by esoteric means that do not require additional supplies for nourishment or medical attention. Reciting the haiku to oneself while on Tethys will give one cartographic and coordinate knowledge of one's whereabouts -- and, of course, bypass the heavy spiritual cost required for interplanar translocation. This cost is substantial, though it can be mitigated somewhat by increasing one's facility with this form. The cost in order energy remains slight but constant.


Knowledge Requirement

have at least 90 points among poetry skill, 10% of cosmology skill and unmodified Exoma fieldcraft skill

Actualization Requirement

have at least 300 points among telesma skill, poetry skill and meditation skill

Facility Formula

20% of charisma plus 10% of willpower plus 30% of telesma skill plus 15% of poetry skill plus 15% of meditation skill plus 15% of leximancy skill plus 5% of the Exoma fieldcraft skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of three

Energy Costs

twenty points of order energy

Process to Actualize Form

subvocalize The moment two bubbles / are united, they both vanish. / A lotus blooms.

This form contains a principle of emergent or resistant order, with chaos as a foil; it contains a resilience principle of order that can arise and even thrive in the face of chaos. It is indispensible for those Aligned who traverse the chaotic wilds of the Exoma: actualizing this form will manifest one's microcosm, an extremely small subplane of the Exoma that is personalized to one's needs, and even protective of one against hostility. One must be in the Exoma to actualize this form. There is a variable spiritual cost associated with this form that decreases radically with increased facility. The cost in order energy remains constant


Knowledge Requirement

have at least 130 points among poetry skill and tenacity skill

Actualization Requirement

have at least 400 points among leximancy skill and tenacity skill

Facility Formula

17.5% of intelligence plus 17.5% of charisma plus 17.5% of willpower plus 17.5% of tenacity skill plus 17.5% of leximancy skill plus 17.5% of telesma skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of three

Energy Costs

fifty points of order energy

Process to Actualize Form

subvocalize If you can dream -- and not make dreams your master, / If you can think -- and not make thoughts your aim;

At bottom, life is a self-determining structure, and while any organic structure could be used to instance this, it is a fact adequately expressed only in poetry. By reciting these lines to oneself, the Aligned can open a chakra that funnels magickally refined self-determination into their bodily constitution.

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