Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris

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(Joining the Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris)
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Line 37: Line 37:
[[Arcane lore]] 1 [[Arcane lore]] 1
[[Centering]] 1 2 [[Centering]] 1 2
- [[Channeling]] 1 2+ [[Equilibrium]] 1 2
- [[Enochian]] 1+
[[Introspection]] 1 [[Introspection]] 1
[[Legerdemain]] 1 [[Legerdemain]] 1
Line 46: Line 45:
[[Scholarship]] 1 [[Scholarship]] 1
[[Telesmatic Weapon]] 1 [[Telesmatic Weapon]] 1
 + [[Yllpa'tzi]] 1
So that's 3 [[intelligence]], 1 [[constitution]], 2 [[willpower]], 2 [[dexterity]] specialties. So that's 3 [[intelligence]], 1 [[constitution]], 2 [[willpower]], 2 [[dexterity]] specialties.
Line 56: Line 56:
=Spells= =Spells=
-The spells of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris involve [[evocation]] processes of varying sorts, but they all begin by incanting the spell's name, followed by the target (if any), in the [[Enochian]] tongue. Some spells have additional requirements, such as material components or an environs with respirable air. These will be noted in each spells help file.+The spells of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris involve [[evocation]] processes of varying sorts, but they all begin by incanting the spell's name, followed by the target (if any), in the [[Yllpa'tzi]] tongue. Some spells have additional requirements, such as material components or an environs with respirable air. These will be noted in each spells help file.
Your rating in a spell is determined by a weighted average of certain attributes and skills, listed in the help file. You must have a certain minimum rating (also listed) into order to cast the spell at all, and every point above that rating will increase the effectiveness and decrease the energy cost of the spell. Exactly how much it's decreased depends on the difficulty of the spell -- ordinary spells will go down to about half of the base rating, while more difficult spells will go down by only a small fraction. Your rating in a spell is determined by a weighted average of certain attributes and skills, listed in the help file. You must have a certain minimum rating (also listed) into order to cast the spell at all, and every point above that rating will increase the effectiveness and decrease the energy cost of the spell. Exactly how much it's decreased depends on the difficulty of the spell -- ordinary spells will go down to about half of the base rating, while more difficult spells will go down by only a small fraction.

Revision as of 05:50, 29 September 2016


Guild Help

You are a member of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris, a cabal of magi attuned to meteorological energies.

Like all magi, you require a handful of esoteric skills that will allow you to manipulate the arcane, as well as a deep reserve of spiritual energy. In addition to these skills and energies, you will use several techniques and power stores unique to your order.

Your primary style of spell usage is aeroturgic. While many factors affect the weather, the atmosphere is the medium in which those factors combine with the most dynamism and fungibility. Elemental air energy is thus of great value to a Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris.

Underlying the patterns of the atmosphere is raw chaos, and it is incumbent upon you to reflect this chaos within your spirit. This will both allow you to better manipulate and draw out the deepest mysteries of the weather, and give you a valuable ethos by which to live your life. The universe, like the weather, is fickle, and it takes a certain acceptance and transmission of its fickle nature in order to harmoniously express and manifest one's most personal self. (More on this below.)

Overlaying the patterns of the atmosphere is electricity, the highest and most intense form that the weather takes. Electricity is the fuel for the most powerful and dangerous of your spells.

These three things -- elemental air, chaos, and electricity -- serve as fuel that you can use to manipulate and resonate with any number of natural phenomena. Almost as many of us find comfort in a life at sea as one in the clear skies; some prefer the starry night, others a tempestuous storm. Precipitation is commonly manipulated by the Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris, but there have been those that could call upon fiery heat of the desert, or the lensing effects of water droplets, or even the atmospheric vacuum of deep space.

As mentioned a moment ago, a certain type of chaotic ethos is central to your spellcasting prowess. This does not mean that you must be a prancing fool (after the fashion of Discordians) or rampantly destructive (after the fashion of most adventurers) -- though some of us have been those things. It means rather that you must strive to maintain a certain degree of independence and spontaneity within you. As the weather emerges as a system in its own right out of a confluence of forces, so the Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris must always strive to be more than the sum of his surroundings; he must always bring something new and uniquely himself to every situation.

While most of our order are wanderers, and while there is no official hierarchy within the cabal, a certain degree of civility is expected among its members. The cabal recognizes that this is rather difficult, as its Magi tend to be strong personalities. Nonetheless, the egregore that you use is maintained by the strength of the ethos that you follow and the energies that you command collectively within your spirits. With inner strife, our magicks are be weakened.

Joining the Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

In Tetlacana, at coordinates 7, 39, 0 there is an exit "in" to the guildhall.

The guildmaster is Torlira, a female aviar. If you wish to join the Order of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris, say 'pledge me to Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris'. To leave them, say 'I renounce Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris'.

The OZM is a chaotic neutral guild. This means that you CANNOT level up unless you are chaotic neutral, or very close to it. (Nyladon Notes: LIES!!!! it only matters that you're chaotic. You can be whatever good/evil, doesn't matter. Verified with an evil/chaotic Zuth.

Torlira quietly intones, ~* As a Stalker of the Gate, you could not become a proponent of chaos by joining Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris. *~ to <§>  
                            Arcane  <§> .

Required and bonus specialties

                 Bonus    Min
Air Affinity               1
Aeroturgy                  1
Arcane lore        1
Centering          1       2
Equilibrium        1       2
Introspection      1
Legerdemain                1
Literacy           1       2
Memory             1
Prestidigitation           1
Scholarship        1
Telesmatic Weapon  1
Yllpa'tzi                  1

So that's 3 intelligence, 1 constitution, 2 willpower, 2 dexterity specialties.

End of spoiler information.


Aerina is available in the guildhall for training.


The spells of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris involve evocation processes of varying sorts, but they all begin by incanting the spell's name, followed by the target (if any), in the Yllpa'tzi tongue. Some spells have additional requirements, such as material components or an environs with respirable air. These will be noted in each spells help file.

Your rating in a spell is determined by a weighted average of certain attributes and skills, listed in the help file. You must have a certain minimum rating (also listed) into order to cast the spell at all, and every point above that rating will increase the effectiveness and decrease the energy cost of the spell. Exactly how much it's decreased depends on the difficulty of the spell -- ordinary spells will go down to about half of the base rating, while more difficult spells will go down by only a small fraction.

Almost all combat spells require you to aim them and can potentially be dodged; your attack rating with these spells is always determined by your telesmatic weapon, aeromancy, and their mother attributes.

Spells do not have endurance cost, except when cast in combat. The amount of extra energy it takes to cast a combat spell is determined by one's skill at legerdemain.


/--------------------------- Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris Spell Summary -----------------------\
Spell                  Min/Max    Description                          s/  m/  a/  x/  e/dif
breath of air           50/350  respiratory replenishment              0/  1/  1/  0/  0/ord
breath of life         100/400  healing                                6/  1/ 20/  0/  0/som
call summons            50/500  gather existing summons                0/ 20/  0/  0/  0/ord
channel currents        50/800  weather energy infusion              155/  0/  0/  0/  0/ext
chaos lightning        280/600  chaotic lightning attack              30/  0/  0/ 15/ 10/ver
chaoswind              215/550  chaotic wind area attack              15/  0/  0/ 30/  0/ord
cloud form             350/650  anorganic, cloud-like state            0/ 15/  5/  0/  0/ord
compression ram         50/250  door breaking                         45/  0/  0/  0/  0/eas
dephlogisticate air    150/600  enhance atmosphere combustibility      0/ 10/  0/ 80/  0/ord
desert wind blast      125/325  searing wind attack                    9/  -/  0/  0/  0/ord*
direction of the winds  10/150  coordinate orientation                 0/  2/  1/  0/  0/ord
drift                   30/375  wingless flight                       30/  2/  2/  0/  0/ord
electrical protection   50/375  electrical resistance                 16/  1/  0/  0/  2/ord
electrical storm       600/900  mobile storm area attack               0/ 10/ 92/  0/300/ext
electrification        150/400  electrical contact damage             38/  3/  0/  0/  5/ord
essence of the wind    400/800  short term near-invulnerability        0/  0/ 50/  0/  0/ver
feather mantle         200/600  armour encumbrance reduction           0/  8/  8/  0/  0/ord
fog                     90/300  physical/elemental protection         60/  0/  0/  0/  0/ord
knowledge of the winds 190/390  identification                         0/  5/  0/  0/  0/ord
lighten load            25/500  load bearing boost                     0/ 10/  0/  0/  0/ord
lightning bolt         275/600  lightning attack                      90/  0/  0/  0/ 15/ver
magick dart            175/475  mana attack                            3/  5/  0/  0/  0/som
mind maelstrom         375/525  psychic protection                     0/ 10/  5/ 13/  0/dif
noctilucent mist       150/425  visibility enhancement                 0/  8/  1/  0/  0/ord
numb                   150/350  analgesia                              0/  1/  0/  0/ 20/ord 
osprey's call           50/250  avian charm                            0/ 10/  0/  0/  0/eas
rainbow butterfly      150/750  conjure benevolent rainbow spirit      0/ 25/ 20/ 33/  0/ord
rarify aether          150/450  clinging vacuum attack                 7/  -/  0/  0/ 20/dif*
resilient volatility   200/700  order/earth/cold resistance            0/  -/ 30/ 13/ 13/som*
ride the winds          25/350  teleportation                        100/  0/  0/  0/  0/eas
scithial armour        300/600  armour conjuration                    34/  0/ 25/  0/ 11/dif
scithial bonds         300/700  constraints of reified air            45/  0/ 15/  0/  0/som
sea's blessing         350/600  multifaceted protection charm          0/ 50/ 60/ 30/  0/som
seeker spark            75/700  inerrant sorcerous lightning attack    0/  1/  0/  0/  1/ord
serpentina's lightning 375/675  sorcerous chain lightning attack      52/  -/  0/  0/ 25/som*
shrieking gale         175/600  sonic wind attack                     17/  0/  0/  0/  0/ord
skyfury                125/600  resilience/ruthlessness boost          0/  0/ 10/  0/  0/som
squall                 300/600  clinging, shredding air area attack    0/  5/ 15/  0/  0/som
summon                  50/1000 extradimensional spirit conjuration  115/  0/  0/  0/  0/dif
sunlit senses          275/575  multifaceted sensory enhancement      60/  0/  0/  0/  0/ord
sylphic pulse          100/450  augment weapon speed/penetration      32/  2/  5/  0/  0/ord
tempestas              200/500  unarmed combat enhancement             0/  -/ 10/ 10/ 10/som*
thunderclap            250/600  stunning thunder attack               55/  0/  0/  0/  0/som
thunderforge           200/800  mass weapon electrification           20/ 20/  0/  0/ 15/dif
tornado                300/550  sorcerous air attack                  21/  5/  0/  0/  0/ord
torrential rain        400/750  water area attack                     70/ 30/  0/  0/  0/ext
umbral wind blast      145/345  umbral wind attack                    15/  -/  0/  0/  0/ord*
wall of wind           225/450  multipurpose protection aura         125/  0/  0/  0/  0/ord
welkin wings           500/800  magickal wings                         0/  5/  0/ 93/  0/ver
wind blast             100/300  air attack                            12/  0/  0/  0/  0/eas
wind speed             200/500  short speed burst                      0/ 32/  0/  0/  0/ord
windsong                25/500  sonic protection                      18/  3/  1/  0/  0/ord
zephyr                 300/600  restorative atmospheric effect        50/  0/ 15/ 13/  6/som
Min=minimum spell level required to cast
Max=maximum effective spell level
s=base spiritual energy cost
m=base magickal energy cost
a=base air energy cost
e=base electrical energy cost
x=base chaotic enegry cost
dif=difficulty level
Difficuly levels: easy, ordinary, somewhat difficult, difficult, very difficult, extraordinarily difficult
*=could not verify costs due to unavailable help file