Twilight's Developer Test

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Revision as of 21:49, 22 April 2008

Here's a little "test" of what it's like being a developer.

Here's a room description:

The inner walls of the room are composed of irregular triangular iron slabs that form a large circle with dome-like slope to the ceiling.  A long white gold bar curves around the edge of half the room.  Black oak tables, chairs, and barstools furnish the room.  A sparkling paper lantern hangs from the center of the ceiling, casting the room in a stark, flickering illumination.  The decor of the room is overall elegant and esthetically unified, deliberately muted in color with a few riches for adornment, with only the crude iron of the walls serving as a reminder of the harsh exterior architecture.

Pretty simple. Here's the code for that room description:

void configure() {
   set_code("the White Sprite");
   set_short("the White Sprite Bar and Grill");
       Abstract_Item_Identity           : ([
           Identity_Adjectives          : ({ "solid" }),
           Identity_Nouns               : ({ "walls", "wall" }),
       Abstract_Item_Descriptions       : ({({
           ({ 't', 0, }), "are thick and well-interlocked, for the most part hiding the motley",
           "exterior.  What few gaps there are let in the",
           "shadows cast by the light of strange chaotic energies",
           "playing across the metal scraps and twisted wires that hold this place together."
       Abstract_Item_Attach_Description : ([
           Description_Type             : Description_Type_Simple,
           Description_Content          : ({
               "The inner walls of the room are composed of",
                   Description_Type    : Description_Type_Element_Name,
                   Description_Content : ({ "irregular triangular", "slabs" }),
               "that form a large circle with dome-like slope to the ceiling."
           Description_Order            : Description_Order_Early,
       Abstract_Item_Elements           : ({
               Element_Type             : Material_Iron,
       Abstract_Item_Identity           : ([
           Identity_Adjectives          : ({ "long" }),
           Identity_Nouns               : ({ "bar" }),
       Abstract_Item_Descriptions       : ({({
           "The bar is made of the same",
           "and excellent craftsmanship as the door.  It's edges are",
           "gently etched with depictions of",
           "sprites of various poses and likenesses."
       Abstract_Item_Attach_Description : ([
           Description_Type             : Description_Type_Simple,
           Description_Content          : ({
               ({ 'a', 0 }), "curves around the edge of half the room",
           Description_Order            : Description_Order_Early,
       Abstract_Item_Elements           : ({
               Element_Type             : Material_Gold,
               Element_Color            : "white",
       Abstract_Item_Identity           : ([
           Identity_Nouns               : ({
               "furniture", "tables", "chairs", "barstools", "table", "chair", "barstool"
       Abstract_Item_Descriptions       : ({({
           ({ 't', 0 }), "is all of the same make and style,",
           "spartan and durable, but not without some of the beauty of",
           "fine craftsmanship."
       Abstract_Item_Attach_Description : ([
           Description_Type             : Description_Type_Simple,
           Description_Content          : ({
                   Description_Type    : Description_Type_Element_Name,
                   Description_Content : "tables, chairs, and barstools",
               "furnish the room",
           Description_Order            : Description_Order_Early,
       Abstract_Item_Elements           : ({
               Element_Type             : Material_Oak,
               Element_Color            : "black",
       Abstract_Item_Identity           : ([
           Identity_Adjectives          : ({ "sparkling" }),
           Identity_Nouns               : ({ "lantern", "light" }),
       Abstract_Item_Descriptions       : ({({
           ({ 't', 0 }), "is of traditional design, designed to take",
           "oil and burn with fire, but has been enchanted by someone",
           "to burn with a crackling glow that shoots",
           "off dazzling white sparks.  It hangs from",
           "the ceiling by", 'a',
               Description_Type    : Description_Type_Element_Name,
               Description_Index   : ([
                   Element_Part    : Part_Binding,
           Description_Content : "string",
       Abstract_Item_Attach_Description : ([
           Description_Type             : Description_Type_Simple,
           Description_Content          : ({
               ({ 'a', 0 }), "hangs from the center of the ceiling,",
               "casting the room in a stark, flickering illumination",
           Description_Order            : Description_Order_Early,
       Abstract_Item_Elements           : ({
               Element_Type             : Material_Paper,
               Element_Color            : "white",
               Element_Type             : Material_Hemp,
               Element_Color            : "gray",
               Element_Part             : Part_Binding,
               Element_Proportion       : 0.1,
               Element_Form             : Form_String,
               Element_Flags            : Element_Flag_Secondary,
               Element_Type             : Material_Dweomer,
               Element_Color            : "sparkling white",
               Element_Part             : Part_Infusion,
               Element_Flags            : Element_Flag_Secondary,
               Element_Type             : Material_Light,
               Element_Color            : "sparkling white",
               Element_Part             : Part_Setting,
               Element_Flags            : Element_Flag_Secondary,
       Description_Type             : Description_Type_Simple,
       Description_Content          : ({
           "The decor of the room is overall elegant and esthetically unified,",
           "deliberately muted in color with a few riches for adornment,",
           "with only the crude",
               Description_Type     : Description_Type_Element_Subdescription,
               Description_Index    : Element(([ Element_Type : Material_Iron ])),
           "of the walls serving as a reminder of the harsh exterior architecture."
       Description_Order            : Description_Order_Slightly_Early,
   add_exit("out", Spilskinanke_Room("spil_-1_-1_-3"));
   add_door("out", Spilskinanke_Misc("white_sprite_door"));

If every time you want a four sentence description, you're willing to do all that, then maybe, just maybe, you can consider being a developer.

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