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iThe Losthavener culture is similar to the Filialtri, but has diverged in a number of ways unique to itself. Its most distinctive feature is the long-standing tradition of racial and social tolerance within the walls of Losthaven, leading to a highly cosmopolitan society, contrasting with the human-dominated Filialtri.

 /------------------------- The Losthavener Culture --------------------------\
 | Races                     Typical                  Dwarf, Elf, Faerie,     |
 |                                                    Gnome, Goblin,          |
 |                                                    Half-Elf, Human, Ogre,  |
 |                                                    Orc and Skaven          |
 |                           Atypical                 Kentaur, Advenus, Drow,  |
 |                                                    Duergar, Garou, Invae,  |
 |                                                    Kender, Kobold, Mantid, |
 |                                                    Mul, Rachnei, Sekh,     |
 |                                                    Slaan, Sleestak,        |
 |                                                    Svirfneblin and Yeti    |
 | Languages                 Primary                  Anglic                  |
 | Skills Taught             Angrak                   5                       |
 |                           Archery                  10                      |
 |                           Awareness                10                      |
 |                           Bludgeon                 25                      |
 |                           Climbing                 10                      |
 |                           Crossbow                 10                      |
 |                           Dagger                   20                      |
 |                           Dethek                   5                       |
 |                           Dodge                    15                      |
 |                           Elude                    10                      |
 |                           First Aid                10                      |
 |                           Literacy                 5                       |
 |                           Shield                   20                      |
 |                           Sling                    15                      |
 |                           Sperethiel               5                       |
 |                           Staff                    10                      |
 |                           Swimming                 10                      |
 |                           Sword                    10                      |
 |                           Takargu                  5                       |
 |                           Throwing                 10                      |
 |                           Tracking                 10                      |
 |                           Unarmed Combat           20                      |
 | Homelands                                          Losthaven               |
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