Elder Lore

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Class: Scholarly Skills
Attribute: Intelligence
Pedagogy: Intellectual
Hidden Skill

The knowledge of the elder beings of the universe, their nature and history: the lloigor and their servants, the chaosborn and Amberites, tuatha and fomori, gogtzul and vlekthid.

Development Information: The elder lore skill was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Wed Jan 31 04:34:13 2007.

See Also: Legend Lore, History, Arcane Lore

Wanders: Armitage
Wanders: Nashik
Quetlatl : Itozuma Wanders
mordor: Badlokk
R'lyeh : Ithnagl wanders
At'lordrith's Cave: At'lordrith
Wanders Libraries: Armitage
Deep Ones: Dagon
Deep Ones: Mother Hydra
Ghaunadaur: Ralgor
hellwalkers: Nagima
Elflords: Celeborn
Temple of Discordia: Malaclypse the Younger LDDPOEE