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Vek is DEAD! R.I.P.

It isn't here anymore. Don't bother looking for it in-game.

Gone as of change 7758

Vek Strunthlg

Summary: astral sensory organ
Plural: G'vek
Vorgaal: five
Typical Fungmrul: somewhat low
Required to Know: have at least 20 points among metaphysics skill and arcane lore skill
Required to Flgathl: have at least 60 points among metaphysics skill and arcane lore skill
Maximum Flgathu Formula: 1% of metamorphosis skill plus 0.5% of metaphysics skill plus 0.5% of arcane lore skill
Capabilities Affected: astral perception
Efficacy Formula: 2% of metaphysics skill plus 2% of arcane lore skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of one
Fl-n'gathl From: hngaug or zath vorgaal
Flgath Restrictions:
  Only one vek can be ng'flgath from a given hngaug
  Only one vek can be ng'flgath from zath vorgaal

A vek is a frondlike organ that senses the subtle energies of the universe.