Astral Perception

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Astral Perception

   Trait Type: Rating
   Overall Possible Values: 0 to 10

Astral perception enables one to visually perceive the subtle energies that permeate the world, from the spiritual energy common to all living things to magickal forces and the manifestations of psychic powers. For instance, gazing at a magickal weapon, one would see not only the physical substance of the blade but also the energies of the enchantment suffusing it. Higher ratings in astral perception allow you to see more clearly and finely; at lower ratings, only the larger and more potent collections of energies will be visible, with subtler influences escaping your notice. You are also more sensitive to particular kinds of energy to which you are attuned for one reason or another. Astral perception does not function while one is blinded. (Development note: it is intended that this should cease to be the case when sufficient support is available for modeling the world as seen solely through astral perception.)

Development Information: The astral perception trait was created by Chaos, who wishes to credit Paul Hume as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Sun Mar 25 16:41:58 2007.

Familiar Power: Astral Perception

   Relevant Attributes: perception
   Relevant Skills: enchanting

Many animals have one foot in the spirit world. This ability allows one to draw upon this link and visually perceive the flows of energy that permeate nature. It incidentally gives one a slight bonus to perception, and opens one's mind to the world enough to aid in rejuvenating spiritual energy. To use this ability, 'concentrate on perceiving the astral world'.