Hank's Garbage Thondur

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-- Hank's Garbage Thondur Help --

You are a Garbage Thond (whatever race you think you were, it is garbage thondur now) and as such your job is to pick up the realm's litter and garbage and make Hank happy by turning in tokens. Beyond that objective Hank has little interest in your goings-on and only expects you to be the best at your job. As part of this job you have been given a portable litter disposal unit designed to hold and compact the litter you pick up.

Hank isn't too worried about relying on your assistance as a Garbage Thond, he has done this job for years, so leaving isn't a problem. You can so at any time, and even return to help out again if you wish. However, leaving does sever any connection you have with your disposal unit and your rewards and tokens will be removed.

For more information on your role as a Garbage Thond, the help files below are available.

disposal unit - buttons - tokens - litter - rewards As a Garbage Thond, you have access to the chanle 'garbagethond' or 'gt' for short. You also gain the quote style Garbage Thond.


Your portable litter disposal unit is capable of many things. Not only is it a great receptacle for litter you find in your adventures, but it can also provide you with certain other advantages. Such advantages come in the form of buttons. Buttons will reveal themselves once you have proved yourself to be a capable garbologist.

Each button has it own help file defined by color or name from the list below.

Buttons Available : [compact garbage | automated collection | garbage
retrieval | garbage analysis | garbage ejection]

The syntax to press a button follows standard selection rules. See 'help specifying targets' for some rules to the syntax needed.

A few examples are:

press my unit's yellow button

press the first button of my unit

press the black plastic button of my unit

When you have sufficient knowledge of garbology and ooze affinity, your unit will register this achievement and reveal buttons that you are capable of activating. But garbology is sometimes not the only requirement. Tokens you turn into Hank are also registered with your unit and tracked by it as well. See 'help disposal unit' and 'help tokens' for more information. As you accumulate more tokens, you will receive rewards for certain milestones, as well as possibly unlocking new buttons on your unit.

Garbage Thondur Relic

This is an armband made of pewter. The quality of its craftsmanship is good. It appears to be quite aged, with hairline fractures running deeply through it. From these miniscule cracks, a shimmering green substance oozes outward, evaporating into the air. Somehow you know these fractures are not random, but spell out words in some unknown language which translate as enhancing your abilities in lack of weakness, dodge, massive blow, combat reflexes, killer instinct, unarmed combat, and precision strike when worn. It is somewhat nicked. It is intermediate in size, and looks just about right to fit you. It appears to you as if it was crafted for a garou. It looks about a fifth of a dimin across and one and a fifth dimins around. It weighs about nineteen twentieths of a dekan. You appraise it at twenty-four gold. You are wearing it.

For every 100 tokens you turn in it'll add another skill to it. The amount each skill is increased is determined by your garbology skill

Specialty Details

Min  Max  Bon  Specialties
  2  +10    0  Garbology
  1  +10    0  Ooze Affinity
  0   +4    0  Load Bearing
  0   +1    0  Armour Lore
  0   +2    0  Carousing
  0   +2    0  Dethek
  0   +1    0  Weapon Lore
 ??   ??   ??   Others

End of spoiler information.