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the Tuatha:

The Tuatha are a race of fair and ancient beings, favored of the forces of good. Sometimes called High Elves, they resemble the elven race in some ways, though they are taller and thinner yet than those folk. Like any Elder Race, they have tremendous lifespans but learn very slowly. Their quickness of body is legendary, rivalling even the most dextrous among the mighty Amberites.

Like many of the fey races, the Tuatha are vulnerable to weapons of iron, and to a lesser extent iron alloys like steel. Their native language is arcane Cilaghai, from which elven Sperethiel is said to derive, and most speak that lesser tongue fluently, as well as Aelvalie and Anglic.

It is often said of the Tuatha that they bear the true light of goodness in their hearts; the stories of their exploits throughout the world bear up this assertion. If one people can be said to near unsullied compassion and caring, it is the Tuatha.

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