Synousia Algesis

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The Lady of Pain, the Goddess Tolmet, has a priesthood based out of the Temple Bloodmoon. Only accepting of female devotioners to wear her cloth, the Willing Whip shows her favour to those who revere in pain and suffering of all kinds. Her priestesses are known for their physical beauty, a trait that is often matched only by their somewhat fearsome reputation for enjoying the violent subjugation of others.

You see Sithyrr the high priestess of Torture.
Sithyrr stares at you, as if evaluating something.
This is a female drow with black skin, copper hair, and amber eyes.  A tall, elegant creature of ethereal beauty, her hair falls down to her 
shoulders, framing her face.  Her lips are stained a violet hue.  By anyone's standards, she is gorgeous.  By drow standards, she is is a goddess to 
be worshipped and feared -- all the more reason, too, as she is the high priestess of Torture for Tolmet.  She has a webwork of sparkling light within 
and around her.  She looks about twenty dimins tall, five and three twentieths dimins wide  and one and three tenths dimins long.  She is in good  
shape and is giving off light.  She wields a black leather whip in her right hand and a ruby- set black adamantite misericorde in her left hand.  She 
wears a pair of red leather thigh boots on her legs and feet, a large red leather corset on her chest, a large lightning amulet around her neckand a 
pair of red leather gloves on her hands.
Those who wish to join with the priesthood of Tolmet, subjugating themselves in blessed pain to her whims, may say, 'Mistress, I wish to join the  
Synousia Algesis.'  Synousia Algesis who wish to forsake their connection to Tolmet may say, 'Mistress, I desire to leave the Synousia Algesis.  Her  
limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right
hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right foot and left foot.  Sithyrr is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Mistress, what abilities can you enhance?
                         Mistress, what can you teach me?
   Cost inquiry:         Mistress, what would it cost to enhance my <subject>?
                         Mistress, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Mistress, this one begs you to teach me <subject(s)>.
                         Mistress, I beg of you, please enhance my <subject(s)>.
Sithyrr was created by Aria; the source code was last updated Fri Nov 20 13:42:09 2009.  The drow race was created by Lost Souls, who wish to credit  
Gary Gygax as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Fri Nov 20 00:03:51 2009.
Sithyrr is the High Priestess of Torture for Temple Bloodmoon.  She
can keep a victim alive long after most people would have them dead
from the pain and blood loss.  She is highly valued for her skills
with torture and the Goddess Tolmet herself placed her in her current
Sithyrr has realized the true nature of justice and law.

You say, [- Mistress, I wish to join the Synousia Algesis -] in beautifully-accented Anglic.

Sithyrr says, './/< Please, lady.  Can't you spend just a little time on your appearance?  You'd otherwise make a fine candidate. >\\. to you.

Set Description

   Usage: set description to <text>

   Sets your description.  This is text that will appear when people look at you along with the rest of the information which is visible about you.

   For example, if you were to do 'set description to He is a strong, rugged adventurer.', people would see that text as part of the display when they
   looked at you.

   The description may be as long as you like, and may include color controls (see 'help color'), but please be reasonable.

   See Also: show description, clear description

Your description is now 'This is a female Amberite with black skin, Raven Black hair, and Blue eyes.  A tall, elegant creature of ethereal beauty, her 
hair falls down to her shoulders, framing her face.  Her lips are stained a violet hue.  By anyone's standards, she is gorgeous.  By Amber standards, 
she is is a goddess to be worshipped and feared -- all the more reason, too, as she is the high priestess of Torture for Tolmet'.

You say, [- Mistress, I wish to join the Synousia Algesis -] in beautifully-accented Anglic.
Sithyrr says, './/< Good, lady, you're ready.  Now, stand bare before me, and let Tolmet have her way with your inconsequential flesh. >\\. to you.

You take off the Girdle of the Earthmother.
You feel the vitality and sense of attunement to nature which had filled you fade.
You take off your large amethyst-set silver anklet.
You take off your large misty bodysuit.
Your large misty bodysuit evaporates into a light mist that slides off your black skin.
You cease to float in the air.
You take off your large amethyst-set silver anklet.
You take off your mithril circlet of insight.
You feel weaker of mind as the circlet is removed.
You take off your silver amulet of Tyr.
You feel the power of Tyr slip quietly from your form.
You are not wearing a black leather phylactery of blinding speed.
You are now unencumbered.
Sithyrr asks you, './/< Truly?  Please, lady.  The Goddess would never see fit to bestow any true amount of favour upon a wretched form like THAT.  Can't you... go fix yourself, or something? >\\.
Apparently, there is a list of forbidden races. I am unsure about the other races, but Svirfneblin & Llelimin cannot join. If you try, you will get the above message. 

- Nor Duergar, looks like what drow consider 'Slave races' are likely unallowed to join. I would include Kedeth in this list, feel free to verify - Meraria.

- Nyloc are forbidden. - Kylantha

- Also, Srazhar. for now. - Xathanon

- Ardhalokh also recieve that message

You say, [- Mistress, I wish to join the Synousia Algesis -] in beautifully-accented Anglic. 
Sithyrr says, './/< As an osprey Ranger, you could not become a sadist by joining Synousia Algesis. >\\. to you.
The female drow says, './/< Can't you see I'm trying to rest, Rurazz? Come to me when I have returned to my torture chambers. >\\. to you. (This happens if you    try to join while she is in her room)
You assert, -* Mistress, I wish to join the Synousia Algesis *- in lyrically-accented Anglic.
Sithyrr says, './/< You are forbidden to specialize in the ability to torture to the first degree, which is required of a Synousate Algesis. >\\. to you.
As an Aristeia, you could not become a proponent of malevolence by joining Synousia Algesis.
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

.// Synousia Algesis \\.

Synousia Algesis is a Graecan phrase -- a language known to be preferential to the Lady of Pain's divine ears -- that loosely translates to "society of pain," a lower-tier sub-branch of the Willing Whip's closest priesthood, the Hierateia Algesis.

Synousia Algesis are responsible for running the majority of the day-to-day operations of the Goddess Tolmet's primary temple, Temple Bloodmoon, with only a few Hiereia Algesis being required for the temple's higher echelons of administrative function.

As an initiate to Tolmet's priesthood, you are given certain benefits; the goddess may take note of you in ways that she does not for others, and certainly the high priestesses in Temple Bloodmoon should be more friendly and able to help you; you may wish to seek them out. You are also provided with a method of communication you share with other Synousia Algesis; any Synousate may communicate with the abbreviated command 'syn'.


1 Discipline[WIL]
1 Find Weakness[PER]
2 Pain Tolerance[WIL]
1 Precision Strike[PER]
1 Torture[PER]

Specialty Access

Anatomy           +2
Balance           +1
Breath Control    +2
Cold Tolerance    +1
Concentration     +2
Dagger            +1
Dirty Fighting    +1
Discipline        +3
Eavesdropping     +1
Empathy           +3
Erotic Lore       +1
Etiquette         +2
Find Weakness     +3
First Aid         +2
Flail             +1
Hardiness         +2
Heat Tolerance    +1
Imagination       +1
Intimidation      +2
Leadership        +1
Linguistics       +1
Lip Reading       +1
Logic             +1
Manipulation      +3
Massive Exertion  +2
Pain Tolerance    +4
Precision Strike  +2
Psychology        +1
Resilience        +1
Somatesthesia     +1
Stamina           +2
Steadiness        +1
Subordination     +3
Theology          +3
Torture           +5

Also boosts the traits Algopoeia by 5 and Algolagnia by 3

End of spoiler information.