Brotherhood of Wine and Song

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The bardic tradition is a long-standing, time-honoured one; the 
Brotherhood of Wine and Song is not.  Many denizens of the realm complain
that this organization of adventurers just exists as a reason to gather and
drink.  Danilo Thann, the brotherhood's founder certainly agrees with this
popular opinion.  Once questioned directly about these concerns, Danilo simply
replied: "And?".  He's pleased with the way his little brotherhood has shaped;
an organization unconcerned with politics, religion or other complex personal
ideologies.  The main focus of the brotherhood is the enjoyment of life.


You quietly say, [- say I wish to leave the Brotherhood -] to <§>  Arcane  <§> .
<§>  Arcane  <§>  says, [- I wish to leave the Brotherhood -]
Danilo sighs.
Danilo says, -- If you are certain, Sir Matondor, then say so again. -- to <§>  Arcane  <§> .
You quietly say, [- say I wish to leave the Brotherhood -] to <§>  Arcane  <§> .
<§>  Arcane  <§>  says, [- I wish to leave the Brotherhood -]
Danilo says, -- No... I didn't think you had the stomach for it. --
Danilo whistles loudly.
A large brute with a questionably functional eye slinks in and drops a wicked club blow to <§>  Arcane  <§> 's head.
Danilo says, -- Vinnie, dump him somewhere dark. --
The one-eyed brute drags <§>  Arcane  <§> 's unconscious body out of the shop.
<§>  Arcane  <§>  stops resting.
Danilo mutteringly exclaims, -- Some people! -- to himself.

Doesn't appear to be rejoinable, even if you meet the other requirements:

You state, "I wish to join the Brotherhood" in flowingly-accented Anglic.
The olive-skinned male human asks you, 'You broke away, sister... remember?'
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

How To Join

1. Go to Danilo Thann
2. Give him a Rumplemintz
   2.1 You can get a Rumplemintz two shops to the west.  It's a shot of liquer.
3. Say "I wish to join the Brotherhood" in Anglic
4. If your ego isn't high enough (80, including bonuses) he'll say you're too ugly and won't let you join.
5. If your vitality isn't high enough (70, including bonuses) he'll say "You couldn't keep up with the mandatory drinking regimen of our little  group." -- to you.

Specialization Details

Min  Max  Bon  Specialty
     +1        Acting
     +1        Balance
     +1        Brewing
 1   +10       Carousing
     -9        Discipline
     +1        Eavesdropping
     +1        Elude
     +1        Empathy
     +1        Etiquette
     +3        Fast Talk
     +3        Gambling
     +2        Haggling
     +1        History
     +1        Intimidation
     +1        Leadership
     +1        Legend Lore
     +1        Linguistics
     +1        Literacy
     +1        Lockpicking
     +3        Manipulation
     +1        Memory
     +1        Mimicry
     +1        Musical Composition
     +1        Percussion Instruments
     +1        Rhetoric
     +1        Singing
     +1        Stealth
     +1        Storytelling
     +1        Streetwise
     +1        Stringed Instruments
     -10       Subordination
     +1        Tumbling
     +3        Vocalization
     +1        Wind Instruments


Danilo says, -- As a Questor of Tyr, you could not become a drunkard, a hedonist or a libertine by joining the Brotherhood 
of Wine and Song. -- to you.
Danilo says, [- As a Devonshire Cleric, you could not become a rogue by joining the Brotherhood of Wine and Song. -] to you.
Danilo says, "As an Apollonian Disciple, you could not become a hedonist by joining the Brotherhood of Wine and Song." to you.
Danilo says, -- You specialize in subordination to a degree which is forbidden to Brothers of Wine and Song. -- to you.
End of spoiler information.