Autonomoi Statistics

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This is where I will keep data on autonomoi's statistics, acquired through bezhuldaar domination ray.

  • Specialties
  • Stats (as reported)
  • Affiliations (if appliable)
  • etc.

Feel free to contribute too.

It's tough to carry npcs around beyond telling them to follow you, because they constantly escape from your inventory.

It could be that some npcs cannot be dominated. They print "... resists the attack." on a separate line. However this is just a theory and not confirmed.

Losthaven beggar:

You rumble, -- beggar, report specialties -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   Sasaror says, "I am a third-degree specialist in combat reflexes, the
ability to make a precision strike, and tactics; a second-degree specialist in
hardiness, intimidation, pain tolerance, and unarmed combat; a first-degree
specialist with one bonus degree in the Anglic language; and a first-degree
specialist in athleticism, discipline, the ability to dodge, leadership, and
resilience." in halting Anglic.
You rumble, -- beggar, report attributes -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   Sasaror says, "My strength is inferior, my agility is unremarkable, my
vitality is inferior, my ego is unimpressive (though I appear to be raerfegied
functioning at a slightly lower level), and zeanibuc intellect, willpower, and
perception are unimpressive." in halting Anglic.
Sasaror says, "I am not hungry." in halting Anglic.
You rumble, -- beggar, report affiliations -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   Sasaror says, "I naitud unaffiliated." in halting Anglic.
Sasaror says, "My speed is slightly quick." in halting Anglic.
Sasaror says, "I breathe air by means of vailoig lungs.  I am not holding
my breath.  I am normally able to hold my breath for one minute and
thirty-four seconds." in halting Anglic.
It weighs about seventy-nine and a half dekans.

Random human in Cimbra fields:

This is a male human with brown skin, silver hair, and brown eyes.  His
right arm and right hand are unusable.  His expression is glazed and vacant.
He has a bezhuldaar domination field upon him.
   He looks about fifteen and a half dimins tall, four and nine tenths dimins
wide, and one and a quarter dimins front to back.
   He is in bad shape.
   He is fleeing.
   He wears a pair of wool trousers on his legs, a pair of leather boots on
his feet, a violet satin shirt on his upper body, and a wool cap on his head.
The brown-skinned male human says, "I am a fifth-degree specialist in
combat reflexes and the dealing of massive blows; a fourth-degree specialist
in leadership, the ability to make a precision strike, and tactics; a
second-degree specialist in centering, discipline, the ability to find an
opponent's weakness, intimidation, pain tolerance, recuperation, stamina, and
steadiness; a first-degree specialist with one bonus degree in the Anglic
language; and a first-degree specialist in hills fieldcraft, legend lore,
quickness, and unarmed combat."
The brown-skinned male human says, "My strength is remarkable, my agility
is decent, my vitality, ego, and intellect are good, my willpower is
remarkable, and my perception is good."
The brown-skinned male human says, "I breathe air by means of my lungs.  I
am not holding my breath.  I am normally able to hold my breath for two
minutes and four seconds."
The brown-skinned male human says, "I am unaffiliated."
The brown-skinned male human says, "I am an Almerian wildling."
The brown-skinned male human says, "I have ten coins."
The brown-skinned male human says, "My wealth capacity is twenty-five
thousand coins."
   The brown-skinned male human says, "I can carry up to one hundred eleven


The brown-skinned male human quietly says, "My command has been
queued for after I recover from being stunned." to you.

Random domandan in the Cimbra plains

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I am a sixth-degree specialist in
pain tolerance; a sixth-degree specialist with two bonus degrees in stamina; a
fifth-degree specialist in tactics; a fourth-degree specialist in combat
reflexes and the dealing of massive blows; a third-degree specialist with two
bonus degrees in load bearing and recuperation; a third-degree specialist in
the ability to make a precision strike; a second-degree specialist in
discipline, the ability to dodge, the ability to find an opponent's weakness,
intimidation, leadership, and steadiness; a first-degree specialist with one
bonus degree in the Anglic language; and a first-degree specialist in
awareness, unarmed combat, and wyrding."

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "My strength and agility are good,
my vitality is high, my ego and intellect are average, my willpower is very
high, and my perception is remarkable."

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I am a Jhanite."

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I am unaffiliated."

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I breathe air by means of my
lungs.  I am not holding my breath.  I am normally able to hold my breath for
two minutes and twenty seconds."
say anthrope, report wealth

   You rumble, -- anthrope, report wealth -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I possess no wealth."
say anthrope, report wealth capacity

   You rumble, -- anthrope, report wealth capacity -- in brutally-accented
   The white-skinned female anthrope says, "My wealth capacity is twenty-five
thousand coins."

You rumble, -- anthrope, report worship -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I do not worship any gods."

The white-skinned female anthrope says, "My speed is slightly quick."
You rumble, -- anthrope, report burden -- in brutally-accented Anglic.
   The white-skinned female anthrope says, "I am burdened by three dekans in
weight.  I have a nine percent encumbrance penalty from what I am wearing."

Thond baby in Banir Lok

The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "I am a fourth-degree specialist in
steadiness and tactics; a third-degree specialist in athleticism, discipline,
the ability to dodge, equilibrium, intimidation, the dealing of massive blows,
pain tolerance, and the ability to make a precision strike; a second-degree
specialist in awareness; a first-degree specialist in carousing, combat
reflexes, plains fieldcraft, resilience, stamina, and unarmed combat; and a
first-degree specialist with one bonus degree in the Dethek language and
robustness." in Dethek. (ninja)

The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "My strength is high, my agility is
mediocre, my vitality is good, my ego is unremarkable, my intellect is decent,
my willpower is superb, and my perception is decent." in Dethek.

The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "I am an Almerian wildling." in

They're in Tenochlan yet they're almerian wildlings...

   The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "I possess no wealth." in Dethek.

   The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "My wealth capacity is twenty-five
thousand coins." in Dethek.

   The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "I am burdened by zero dekans in
weight.  I have no encumbrance penalty from wearing anything." in Dethek.

   The tan-skinned male thond baby says, "I am not hungry." in Dethek.

Did you know thond babies weigh 45 dekans? They also are 9 dimins tall, so not much of babies

"Children" are 10 dimins tall, not much of a difference.

This may take more time than expected because I need to get my skills up.