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Using this page as a sandbox to work on articles that I don't intend to link to yet.


Porphyria's Guide to Spears


The spear is quite possibly one of the most ancient forms of weaponry, undoubtedly having roots far back in the days when even the elves and tuatha were no more than bands of wandering hunters scratching a living from the face of the world. And though the art of the spear is a long-lived and noble one, the implements with which one might practice this art are somewhat difficult to find, especially if one wants a weapon that has more authority than a simple pointed stick. Unfortunately, swords appear to have taken much of the popularity away from the spear as an implement of war, and though the spear-user's plight may not be as poor as the plight of those who choose to use bludgeons or flails for their combat needs, it can seem from time to time as if for every spear of impressive power, there are twenty or so swords of equal merit.

In these pages, I will attempt to catalog a number of spears and provide some guidance as to how each spear stacks up against its brothers and sisters. Although much of the process of comparing and choosing weapons is subjective and must be done for oneself, I will attempt to give as much good information as possible in the pursuit of providing a basis upon which a choice might be made, as well as to perhaps provide some enlightenment for the unexperienced spear-user on where to secure a decent armament.

Cultural Notes


While thrusting weapons would appear to be ideal as a defensive measure in the cramped quarters of a mineshaft, the dwarves of Kolond have acquired some sort of perverse fascination for axes and hammers -- weapons that take a great deal of room to swing. There is nary a spear of any sort to be found within the tunnels of Kolond. As a result of this cultural eccentricity, the tunnels delved by Kolondinian dwarves are much higher and wider than would otherwise be necessary, allowing for much easier access by orcs and trolls than would be possible were the tunnels engineered to the proper height for sensibly-armed dwarven warriors. Given the insensibility of the dwarven defense plans for Kolond, it is indeed a surprise that this settlement has endured for as long as it has. It is as if the whole culture was designed for the aesthetic appeal of hammer- and axe-armed berserkers (which the northmen of Gardagh pull off much more effectively) than for any sort of practical considerations.

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