Poison and Nectar (Aligned Form)

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the form Poison and Nectar

   Form Type                   : symbol
   Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 100 points among calligraphy
       skill and 50% of Nihonese skill and have at least 175 points among
       philosophy skill and symbology skill
   Facility Formula            : 15% of charisma plus 15% of intelligence
       plus 15% of willpower plus 20% of telesma skill plus 20% of centering
       skill plus 10% of leximancy skill plus 10% of philosophy skill plus
       10% of symbology skill
   Facility Minimum            : 525
   Additional Requirements     : resistance to temporal damage of lower than
   Facility Maximum            : 900
   Your Facility               : 693.47
   Perfection                  : 45%
   Energy Costs                : fifty points of order energy
   Process to Actualize Form   : visualize the kanji for mortality
   The proper attitude towards mortality is to view it as a limitation from which strength can be drawn.  One's eventual demise is inevitable, but temporary nature of one's life let's one use it to gain certain kinds of

wisdom otherwise unobtainable. When one learns to adopt this attitude and express it within a kanji, one can actualize this form and magickally realize a more enlightened state via a chakra.

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