Owl (Empathic Bond)

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Known Abilities

Attribute Modifiers

Those who form an empathic bond with an owl receive bonuses to their Willpower, Charisma and Perception.

Specialization Access

Initial bonus specialties are provided to:

Awareness: 1
Centering: 1

Additional bonus specialties with bond development in order of appearance:

Introspection and Telesmatic Weapon: 1
Discipline: 1
Channeling: 1

Specialty access is provided for:

Fire Affinity, Water Affinity, Air Affinity and Earth Affinity: 2
Pyromancy, Hydromancy, Cthonimancy, Aeromancy: 2


The ability to recall your conjured followers to your side. To do this, concentrate on recalling the desired follower or followers.

The ability to summon a water spirit. To do this, concentrate on summoning a water spirit

The ability to call your familiar to your side. To do this, concentrate on calling your familiar.

The ability to summon a earth spirit. To do this, concentrate on summoning an earth spirit.

The ability to send your familiar to safety. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on sending your familiar to safety.

The ability to summon a loamphlage. To do this, concentrate on summoning a loamflage.

The ability to urge your familiar to specific action. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on urging your familiar to undertake the desired action.

The ability to convert spiritual energy into more refined forms. You sense that this bond is enabling you to acquire elemental fire, elemental water, elemental earth and elemental air energies with this ability. To do this, concentrate on channeling my spiritual energy into the desired type of energy.

The ability to urge your familiar to specific action. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on urging your familiar to undertake the desired action.

Additional Abilities

Owl familiars open and charge? the Sahasrara(willpower) chakra periodically.

You will also develop elemental attacks like the following:

You raise your right hand, and a bolt of elemental earth leaps toward the brown male rat, barely catches him and causes a tremor in him.

These attacks use the elemental energy gathered with the charm above.
Note from Ralnos: There seems to be two tiers of elemental attacks. The one shown here is a bottom tier attack, which means it takes only one type of elemental energy and very minimal amounts of it. The upper tier attacks take two types of energies, as far as I know, and take more significant amounts. (Stream of Elemental Water takes one water energy per use, Cloud of Tempest takes around 3 and some air energy as well.)

The bond also grants night vision and reduces light sensitivity.

Traits Granted

Owl familiars grant Night vision and Light sensitivity that increases based on bond strength.

Suspected Abilities

Misc. skill bonuses in centering, telesmatic weapon and others.

Ralnos comments: Twilight said that owls can summon twelve different spirits. We'll see soon what they are and what they're capable of. We already know of loamflages and two elemental spirits- water and air- so far. I suspect that we get actual elementals eventually and maybe another extraterrestial summon like the loamflage.