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Rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
krah-li, thabtka, qiange, ekaschos, omavistis, memtholin, festiglis, quesivsk,
gevel, mragsh, aaglyth, ulkhnaur, jaderaleq, kelvryx, kaonfar, fyl'thyrzha,
ravarak, grosvsk, ilaeri, vanar, irimdes, b'padhax, grynovsk, emtat, qx,
zerivalak, fyegreh, vilix, mordekres, zadash, ciiv, n'rax, and batarim


Rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
slurtaw, rbardanis, krah-li, ekaschos, memtholin, thabtka, somagth, aaglyth,
omavistis, irimdes, hytelmos, n'rax, ciiv, zadash, rethnal, batarim, qx,
ulkhnaur, poltradn, evrak, sithalg, zil, paezan, dakati, emtat, jaderaleq,
mizakral, symnat, qiange, yisaa, arkonaad, dysamak, bzaan, vanar, venglar,
leminkail, nysevrak, kelvryx, ilaeri, ylamari, ravarak, zerivalak, b'padhax,
and ghelisk



Tongod is a troll, native of Yevath. She is a member of the Ringwielders. Tongod is truly the TON OF GOD.

[02:35] [OOC Kaballah] what the fuck, where's my companion's RW ring
[02:35] [OOC Xekrin] he sold it to support his heroin habit?
[02:35] [OOC Kaballah] Tongod asserts, [- I am carrying a region of thin air
(total weight one million two hundred fifty thousand dekans). -] in
gutturally-accented Anglic.
[02:35] [OOC Kaballah] ugaguhguh??
[02:35] [OOC Cerias] Haha
[02:35] [OOC Chaos] !
[02:36] [OOC Nilten] lol wtf
[02:36] [OOC Nilten] that is totally awesome
[02:36] [OOC Kaballah] Be assertive Tongod!  You go!
[02:36] [OOC Kaballah] No shit!
[02:36] [OOC Chaos] wow i am fucking impressed
[02:36] [OOC Kaballah] I think it is the traveler temple!
[02:36] [OOC Chaos] he is CARRYING celydon 37/0/5
[02:36] [OOC Kaballah] AWESOME hahahaha
[02:36] [OOC Nilten] that is pretty sweet
[02:36] [OOC Cerias] I told you to be careful with 'get all' !
[02:36] [OOC Chaos] clearly he was well named
[02:36] [OOC Kaballah] TON OF GOD
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] > tc @tongod
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] _
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] /d/Esartur/Skarlan/Yevath/mon/olog-hai#771617
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] _
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] 1:   /d/Almeria/Celydon/rms/m_37_0_5 (0)
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] _
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] 2:   /d/Affiliations/Guilds/Ringwielders/etc/link#771618
[02:37] [OOC Kaballah] And incidentally her RW ring is not present
[02:37] [OOC Dyne] ...
[02:37] [OOC Chaos] i fucking love that it weighs 1.25 million dekans too
[02:37] [OOC Chaos nods]
[02:37] [OOC Elronuan] cubic km
[02:37] [OOC Xekrin] You get the very best bugs Kaballah
[02:37] [OOC Kaballah] Sometimes I outdo myself
[02:38] [OOC Kaballah] this is one of those times
[02:44] [OOC Kaballah] Tongod should be immortalized in troll mythology as She
Who Carries The Sky

Tongod's Rune picks

n'rax, ciiv, zadash, mizakral, irimdes, krah-li, ekaschos, omavsistis,
vanar, thabtka, khyaros, aerinax, quariil, bzaan, mragsh, uvmodath, qiange,

Tongod's Quests

Quests completed by Tongod:

  • 3 for Aid Phyrra
  • 5 for At'lordrith's Riddle
  • 5 for Inner Sanctum
  • 5 for Lost Kentaur
  • 6 for Assassination
  • 12 for Rescue of Lord Nareth
  • 12 for Quest of the Observer
  • 15 for Death at Corna
  • 15 for Prince Avryx's Rescue
  • 15 for Power Potion Quest


Rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
aaglyth, thabtka, krah-li, ekaschos, qiange, vanar, irimdes, omavistis,
wzadris, gaj, memtholin, somagth, n'rax, zadash, ciiv, mizakral, b'padhax,
fyegreh, and khyaros

Tankus and Gankus

Tankus and Gankus were a pair of NPC Ringwielders that belong to Tako. This is no longer possible for NPC gogtzulu to do, but it was neat while it lasted.