Zia d'Crow

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|                                 Zia d'Crow                                  |
|      You are one of the Chosen of Vashanka, the god of war and power.       |
|             You are a member of the Legion of Dynamic Discord.              |
|                       You are a Warden of Lost Souls.                       |
|                     You are an Explorer of Lost Souls.                      |
|                 You are one of Lord Thanatos' Dark Reapers.                 |
|            You are a member of the Order of Darkness Ascendant.             |
>------------------------\ /-----------------------\ /------------------------<
|       Sex: Neuter       |       Race: Aviar       |         Age: 34         |
|       Level: 100        |  Experience: 31916502   |      Wealth: 61468      |
|      Kills: 40209       |       Deaths: 53        |   Kill Ratio: 758.66    |
|        Lives: 27        |    Quest Points: 164    |    Diet: Ametabolic     |
>------------------------/ \----------\ /----------/ \------------------------<
| Strength      Unearthly     [ 301 ]  | You are about eighteen and a half    |
| Intelligence  Incredible    [ 137 ]  | dimins tall, five and three          |
| Constitution  Unearthly     [ 321 ]  | twentieths dimins wide and one and   |
| Dexterity     Unearthly     [ 232 ]  | three tenths dimins long.  You are   |
| Willpower     Preternatural [ 200 ]  | left-handed.  Your ethics are        |
| Charisma      Amazing       [ 145 ]  | diabolical and chaotic, and your     |
| Perception    Preternatural [ 189 ]  | alignment is wicked and chaotic.     |
|                                      | Your ethics and alignment are        |
|                                      | drifting apart.  You worship Ares,   |
|                                      | Eris and Thanatos.  You are of the   |
|                                      | Losthavener culture, with Losthaven  |
|                                      | your homeland.  You are leader of    |
|                                      | the Order of Darkness Ascendant.     |
>------------------------\ /----------/ \----------\ /------------------------<
|   Combat: Sacrificial   |  Attack Scatter: 100%   |      Effort: 100%       |
|        Aim: High        |      Strike: Head       |    Brief Combat: On     |
|       Elude: Off        |       Chase: Off        |      Stealth: Off       |
|   Encumbrance: Light    |                         |       Wimpy: 25%        |
>------------------------/ \-----------------------/ \------------------------<
|                           Speed: Very Quick (48)                            |
|              Your pole arm skill level is preternatural (368).              |
|               Your sword skill level is fairly skilled (70).                |
|            Your unarmed combat skill level is incredible (152).             |
|                 Type 'help vashanka' for more information.                  |
|                 Type 'help LDD' for Discordian information.                 |
|                  Type 'help wardens' for more information.                  |
|  You have a psychic wild talent.  Type 'help wild talent' for information.  |
|               Type 'help explorers' for Explorer information.               |
|                  Type "help guild" for Reaper information.                  |