Strength Based Attack Rating Challenge

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Mitya issued a challenge to make a character with a decent attack rating using a strength-based weapon skill. No bonds or combat meditation allowed.

Fyriole, take 1:

 /--------------------- Attack Rating for Axeman with Iron Hand Axe ----------------------\
 | Factor                             Value                  Effect            Total      |
 | Strength                            493                     +493             493       |
 | Intelligence                        150                      +45             538       |
 | Dexterity                           150                      +45             583       |
 | Perception                          140                      +38             621       |
 | Axe                                 394                     +394            1015       |
 | Precision Strike                    253                      +70            1085       |
 | Streetwise                          24                       +36            1121       |
 | Flight                               0                       -20            1101       |
 | Weapon Performance                                  +1.2% :  +14            1115       |
 | Combat Mode                       Patient            +40% : +440            1555       |
 /--------------------- Damage Rating for Axeman with Iron Hand Axe ----------------------\
 | Factor                                    Value                 Effect        Total    |
 | Strength                                   493                    +542          542    |
 | Massive Blow                               23                      +25          567    |
 | Streetwise                                 24                      +24          591    |
 | Usable Physical Bulk                                              +138          729    |
 | Potential Contact Area Size                                         +6          735    |
 | Leverage                            One Limb, Flight              -100          635    |
 | Combat Mode                              Patient           +25% : +159          794    |
 | Total Effect on Damage                                                        +21.3    |
 /------------------- Deflection Rating for Axeman with Iron Hand Axe --------------------\
 | Factor                            Value                   Effect            Total      |
 | Strength                           493                      +547             547       |
 | Intelligence                       150                       +45             592       |
 | Dexterity                          150                       +41             633       |
 | Perception                         140                       +38             671       |
 | Axe                                394                      +394            1065       |
 | Precision Strike                   253                       +70            1135       |
 | Streetwise                          24                       +24            1159       |
 | Massive Blow                        23                        +3            1162       |
 | Flight                              0                        -10            1152       |
 | Weapon Performance                                 +10.6% : +122            1274       |
 | Combat Mode                      Patient             +10% : +115            1389       |
 |                                   Axeman                                    |
 |                     You are one of Leonid's Sentinels.                      |
 >------------------------\ /-----------------------\ /------------------------<
 |        Sex: Male        |     Race: Amberite      |        Age: 2500        |
 |        Level: 11        |    Experience: 8014     |        Wealth: 4        |
 |        Kills: 48        |        Deaths: 0        |      Kill Ratio: *      |
 |        Lives: 30        |     Quest Points: 0     |     Diet: Omnivore      |
 >------------------------/ \----------\ /----------/ \------------------------<
 | Strength      Unearthly  [ 493 ]     | You are about twenty-one and a half  |
 | Intelligence  Amazing    [ 150 ]     | dimins tall, six and thirteen        |
 | Constitution  Amazing    [ 160 ]     | twentieths dimins wide, and one and  |
 | Dexterity     Amazing    [ 150 ]     | thirteen twentieths dimins front to  |
 | Willpower     Remarkable [  70 ]     | back.  You are ambidextrous.  Your   |
 | Charisma      Mediocre   [  50 ]     | ethics are diabolical and ordered,   |
 | Perception    Incredible [ 140 ]     | and your alignment is demonic and    |
 |                                      | ordered.  Your ethics and alignment  |
 |                                      | are in accord.  You are of the       |
 |                                      | Trueborn culture, with Amber your    |
 |                                      | homeland.  You are sober, satiated,  |
 |                                      | and quenched.                        |
 >------------------------\ /----------/ \----------\ /------------------------<
 |     Combat: Patient     |   Attack Scatter: Off   |      Effort: 100%       |
 |        Aim: High        |      Strike: None       |    Brief Combat: Off    |
 |        Elude: On        |       Chase: Off        |      Stealth: Off       |
 |   Encumbrance: Light    |                         |      Resolve: 35%       |
 >------------------------/ \-----------------------/ \------------------------<
 |                          Speed: Fairly Quick (30)                           |
 |                Your axe skill level is preternatural (394).                 |
 |               Type 'help Sentinels' for Sentinel information.               |
 /-------------------------------- Specialties of Axeman ---------------------------------\
 | Skill                 Asg     Bon     Tot     Max     Min    Rat    Cei    Sus     Att |
 | Armour Operation       13      0       13      35      1     173    360     0      Dex |
 | Axe                    18      0       18      18      0     394    460     0      Str |
 | Machine Operation      1       0       1       35      1     130    80      2      Int |
 | Order Affinity         0       1       1       10      1     80     80      0      Wil |
 | Physics                12      0       12      35      0     144    340     0      Int |
 | Practice               7       0       7       18      0     74     240     0      Wil |
 | Precision Strike       14      0       14      18      0     253    380     0      Per |
 | Recuperation           8       0       8       25      0     117    260     0      Con |
 | Stamina                8       0       8       18      0     117    260     0      Con |
 | Thari                  0       1       1       3       0     80     80      0      Int |
 /----------------- Attributes of Axeman -----------------\
 | Attribute     Natural                Effective         |
 | Strength      Preternatural [ 186 ]  Unearthly [ 493 ] |
 | Intelligence  Amazing       [ 150 ]                    |
 | Constitution  Amazing       [ 160 ]                    |
 | Dexterity     Incredible    [ 130 ]  Amazing   [ 150 ] |
 | Willpower     Remarkable    [  70 ]                    |
 | Charisma      Mediocre      [  50 ]                    |
 | Perception    Incredible    [ 140 ]                    |