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Lost Souls Color Support

  • Lost Souls supports a method of colorizing text that can be used by players. The basic method looks like this: {{blue}colored text}, resulting in blue colored text. The colors produced are only visible to those with a terminal setting that supports ANSI color or who are using Lost Souls client software; see 'help term' for more on terminal settings.

  • The ability to use colors requires responsibility. While we understand that many people enjoy having complex color patterns associated with their character, please refrain from being truly gratuitous about it, and most certainly refrain from using colors strictly to confuse or obscure

information. Irresponsible use of colors may result in administrative sanctions.

  • In addition to the basic form above, color sequences can be embedded within one another; for example, {{blue}one {{white}two} {{green}three} four} appears as one two three four, with 'one' in blue, 'two' in white, 'three' in green, and 'four' in blue.

  • The basic colors available are:
         bright black            black              dark black           
         bright blue             blue               dark blue            
         bright brown            brown              dark brown           
         bright cyan             cyan               dark cyan            
         bright gray             gray               dark gray            
         bright green            green              dark green           
         bright orange           orange             dark orange          
         bright pink             pink               dark pink            
         bright red              red                dark red             
         bright violet           violet             dark violet          
         bright white            white              dark white           
         bright yellow           yellow             dark yellow          

  • There are various aliases or secondary forms of these colors available, which may display differently on a Lost Souls client. These are:
         amber                   auburn                  azure                
         beige                   blonde                  blood-red            
         blue-gray               brass                   bronze               
         burgundy                burnt sienna            cerulean             
         chartreuse              chocolate               cobalt blue          
         copper                  crimson                 deep blue            
         emerald                 forest green            fuchsia              
         gold                    golden                  golden-red           
         greenish                hazel                   honey-brown          
         hot pink                indigo                  ivory                
         jade                    lavender                lemon yellow         
         lemon-yellow            light blue              light brown          
         light gray              light green             lilac                
         magenta                 maroon                  matte black          
         mauve                   midnight blue           milky                
         navy                    night-black             ocean blue           
         ochre                   off-white               olive                
         orange-red              pale blue               pale green           
         pale violet             pale yellow             peach                
         platinum blonde         puce                    pure black           
         pure white              purple                  raven-black          
         reddish                 reddish-brown           reddish-purple       
         rose                    ruby                    russet               
         rust-red                saffron                 salmon               
         scarlet                 shadowy                 silver               
         silvery                 silvery-white           sky blue             
         tan                     tawny                   teal                 
         umber                   verdant                 yellowish