Ordo Ignis Aeternis Spells

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Blue Flame

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 300 points among 100% of abjuration skill, 75% of Exoma fieldcraft skill, 75% of order affinity skill, 75% of chaos affinity skill, 50% of chirurgery skill, 25% of metaphysics skill, 60% of biology skill, 50 points for having completed Hardin's Gauntlet, 20 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest, and 200 points for having completed Kill Blue
  • Rating Formula : 20% of conjuration skill plus 20% of pyraturgy skill plus 30% of anatomy skill plus 20% of somatesthesia skill plus 70% of abjuration skill plus 20% of Exoma fieldcraft skill plus 20% of chirurgery skill plus 20% of biology skill plus 50% of empathy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : seventy points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 350
  • Rating Maximum : 900
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : extraordinarily difficult
  • Form of Evocation : blue flame <target>

Though the Ordo Ignis Aeternis has vowed not to get involved with the insipid battles of ideaologies known as order and chaos, sometimes one of our own is an innocent bystander of the backlash of that conflict. One of the most notoriously debilitating attacks that the forces of Chaos have is their ability to completely warp a person's entire identity, from their race, to their skin colour, to the make-up of their anatomy. This effect essentially cruelly disfigures whomever it touches that is not in alignment with Chaos. To help protect ourselves and those aligned with us, a spell was devised that would counter this disfigurement process. This spell burns away the chaos energies that were forced upon the target, and much like a phoenix rising whole again from its funeral pyre, the recipient of this spell will rise again in its original form. The process has not been perfected yet, so there may be some loss of motor coordination or clouding of the mind. Many victims of chaos warping will gladly sacrifice that small amount for their original form back. Sadly though, this spell cannot restore lost talents that were wiped away during the original warping process.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Sat Jul 21 21:52:25 2012.

Burning Fever

  • Knowledge Requirement : robustness skill of 35 or higher or disease affinity skill of 15 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 30% of enchantment skill plus 40% of pyraturgy skill plus 70% of first aid skill plus 70% of robustness skill
  • Base Energy Costs : sixty points of spiritual energy and twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 100
  • Rating Maximum : 400
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : burning fever <target>

This spell calls forth the ability of fire to burn away impurities, in this case, the impurity is disease. Timely use of this spell can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Due to the use of elemental fire in this spell, it is not the most gentle method of removing an affliction, so care must be taken when administering this magickal remedy to those who are sensitive to the effects of flames.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Nov 06 17:35:43 2013.

Burnt Offerings

  • Rating Formula : 20% of conjuration skill plus 30% of introspection skill plus 30% of imagination skill plus 30% of concentration skill plus 1% of cosmology skill
  • Base Energy Costs : ten points of spiritual energy
  • Rating Minimum : 0
  • Rating Maximum : 350
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : easy
  • Form of Evocation : burnt offerings

During one of the many scrying missions upon the Plane of Fire, a form of sentient flame was discovered. Using a combination of magicks, this being was brought forth to the Prime. Once it fully materialized, it began rampaging, treating the entire plane as a fuel source to be consumed. Seeking to rectify this mistake, the elders of Ordo Ignis Aeternis first attempted to destroy this creature, but since it was immune to even their strongest spells, they imprisoned this creature in a pocket dimension that was being researched for a completely different purpose. Further investigations concerning this creature revealed that as it consumed items from the material plane, it emitted energies beneficial to the Order. Making the best of the situation, the elders tuned these energy emissions to the internal fire found in all members of Ordo Ignis Aeternis. They next devised this spell, which creates a one-way conduit to the pocket dimension that holds the fire entity, sending through any non-living material in the caster's local environment. These items are consumed by the elemental being, and the energies released from this burning are distributed amongst all active members of the Order.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Nov 06 17:35:43 2013.

Calm Heartfires

  • Knowledge Requirement : empathy skill of 35 or higher or carousing skill of 38 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 30% of enchantment skill plus 30% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of empathy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : seventy points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 175
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : calm heartfires <target>

Aspects of fire can be found almost everywhere, including in the mortal emotions. Several emotions burn within the hearts of mortals, instilling them with fervor and passion. One of these emotions manifests itself as rage, and can completely overtake the rational mind and reduce a person to raw animal savagery. This spell was crafted to counter these effects and bring the recipient back to the rational realms of thought. It works by affecting the fire within the target, bringing it from a raging inferno that burns the mind and reddes the eyes, to a smaller, more managable flame.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.


  • Rating Formula : 50% of evocation skill plus 50% of thermaturgy skill plus 60% of anatomy skill plus 100% of first aid skill
  • Base Energy Costs : fifteen points of elemental fire energy and forty-five points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 1
  • Rating Maximum : 900
  • Spell Type : elemental
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : cauterize <target>

This spell delivers extreme heat to the site of any fresh, untreated wounds upon a fleshly target's body, stopping bleeding and preventing infection, thereby providing a measure of healing. The effect is extremely painful, however, and usually causes severe scarring. The subject's resistance to heat will reduce the effectiveness of the spell.

Development Information : This spell was created by Chaos and is maintained by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Comforting Warmth

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 320 points among 50% of first aid skill, 100% of somatesthesia skill, 100% of anatomy skill, 100% of chirurgery skill, 100% of diagnosis skill, and 100% of completed quest points
  • Rating Formula : 80% of first aid skill plus 30% of somatesthesia skill plus 10% of introspection skill plus 50% of diagnosis skill plus 50% of anatomy skill plus 50% of thermaturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : forty points of elemental fire energy and eighty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 300
  • Rating Maximum : 375
  • Spell Type  : utility
  • Difficulty  : difficult
  • Form of Evocation  :comforting warmth <target>

This simple enchantment calls upon the nurturing aspect of fire and heat to soothe the weary and help mend the body. Unlike most healing spells, this one works in stages, doing the most healing in the first stage, and slowly tapering off as time passes. The healing energies are carried through a living body in pulsing waves. This unique method of delivery requires a significant amout of control over both heat and fire in order to avoid accidentally burning the recipient. As such, very few new initiates are able to handle the processes of this spell-- even some very experienced members of the guild have difficulty with the very subtle nuances required for mastery of this spell. Fortunately, though, practitioners of this spell are able to heal with minimal scarring, unlike magi who use Cauterize. Cauterize is more for use in field and emergency situations, whereas Comforting Warmth is for use in quiet seclusion away from the din of battle. The long processes involved in avoiding accidental injury with this spell make it a very poor candidate for use in battle, as spell interruption will lead to an incomplete healing, leaving the patient open to further injury or infection.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Fri Aug 22 22:09:34 2014.

Deplete Phlogiston

  • Knowledge Requirement : eructation skill of 5 or higher, anatomy skill of 25 or higher, and metaphysics skill of 25 or


  • Rating Formula : 50% of eructation skill plus 30% of biology skill plus 30% of anatomy skill plus 30% of pyraturgy skill plus 10% of enchantment skill
  • Base Energy Costs : thirty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 165
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : deplete phlogiston <target>

One of the naturally occuring processes for fire production is found in a dragon's breath weapon. Studies into this phenomenon have led to the discovery of the phlogiston liquid, produced in the phlogiston glands and ignited in the air. This natural combustion depletes these phlogiston glands, and it could take some time to replenish fully. This spell helps to accelerate the depletion process, by enhancing the rate at which the phlogiston is consumed, and burning it off before it has a chance to be ignited.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Aug 25 00:28:38 2014.

Desiccate Remains

  • Knowledge Requirement : desert fieldcraft skill of 30 or higher and mortuary skill of 30 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 70% of anatomy skill plus 20% of thermaturgy skill plus 120% of mortuary skill
  • Base Energy Costs : thirty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 150
  • Rating Maximum : 350
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : desiccate remains

This spell uses the heat from the desert to completely dry out the mortal remains of an unfortunate being, and preserves them, preventing any further decay of their body.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Aug 25 00:28:38 2014.

Disperse Personal Flame

  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 10 or higher or pyraturgy skill of 10 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 30% of enchantment skill plus 30% of evocation skill plus 30% of pyraturgy skill plus 40% of abjuration skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of spiritual energy
  • Rating Minimum : 75
  • Rating Maximum : 375
  • Spell Type : elemental
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : disperse personal flame

This spell lies in contradiction to most of the teachings of Ordo Ignis Aeternis. It channels energy into the personal flame that is the source of power for all other guild spells, and disperses it momentarily. It doesn't destroy the flame or harm it in any way, but causes it to momentarily die down, taking away some of the protective benefits of possessing the flame. This renders the caster much more vulnerable to heat than would normally be expected of one who wields flames. The effect is very temporary as the inner flame will restabilize itself rather quickly. It offers enough respite from heat protection so that a mage can test the temperature as a normal being would, to refresh hir own senses as to what heat feels like, or as a means of self punishment. Some even use it in an aesthetic sense to make their flesh vulnerable enough to heat to be branded or otherwise purposefully cauterizing the flesh. This spell only targets the caster's own personal flame, and cannot be used on an opponent to render them more vulnerable to heat attacks.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Sat Oct 08 19:12:18 2011.

Emblazon Heartfires

  • Knowledge Requirement : empathy skill of 70 or higher or killer instinct skill of 75 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 50% of empathy skill plus 40% of evocation skill plus 30% of pyraturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 245
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : emblazon heartfires <target>

Aspects of fire can be found almost everywhere, including in the mortal emotions. Several emotions burn within the hearts of mortals, instilling them with fervor and passion. One of these emotions manifests itself as rage, and can completely overtake the rational mind and reduce a person to raw animal savagery. This spell was crafted to instigate these effects and push the target past the brink of their normal sanity, succumbing completely to the rage that dwells deep within them. Being affected by this spell lose control of their inhibitions and lash out wildly in combat. While this may be a boon to a physical fighter, it can be a serious detriment to trying to cast spells.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Enhance Phlogiston

  • Knowledge Requirement : eructation skill of 5 or higher, anatomy skill of 25 or higher, and metaphysics skill of 25 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 50% of eructation skill plus 30% of first aid skill plus 30% of biology skill plus 20% of anatomy skill plus 30% of pyraturgy skill plus 10% of enchantment skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 115
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : enhance phlogiston <target>

One of the naturally occuring processes for fire production is found in a dragon's breath weapon. Studies into this phenomenon have led to the discovery of the phlogiston liquid, produced in the phlogiston glands and ignited in the air. This natural combustion depletes these phlogiston glands, and it could take some time to replenish fully. This spell helps to accelerate this process, drawing upon the initiate's healing ability, pyraturgy, enchantment, and knowledge of eructant weapons to heal the glands and stimulate further glandular production.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.


  • Knowledge Requirement : evocation skill of 100 or higher, pyraturgy skill of 100 or higher, telesmatic weapon skill of 40 or higher, and thermaturgy skill of 55 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 70% of evocation skill plus 100% of pyraturgy skill plus 70% of thermaturgy skill plus 30% of telesmatic weapon skill
  • Base Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy, sixty points of elemental fire energy, and thirty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 300
  • Rating Maximum : 1000
  • Spell Type : area attack
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : eruption

This spell creates an area-wide eruption that damages multiple opponents in the general vicinity with blasts derived from the raw elementa of fire and heat. When used in combat, this spell will target the caster's opponents. If cast outside of combat, the spell's blast radius is less focused, targetting any living being in the room (possibly including the caster and his friends). Casting the spell upon a greater number of targets creates a chain reaction, bouncing from one to another, although this increases the chance of including undesirable targets with each link of the chain. Higher proficiency and rating with this spell will work to prevent friendly fire, and vastly increase its destructive power. Casting this spell near or in water will produce an elemental reaction and include it within the damage scope.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Thu Aug 16 11:34:40 2012.


  • Knowledge Requirement : pyraturgy skill of 20 or higher, firefighting skill of 20 or higher, or physics skill of 20 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 70% of pyraturgy skill plus 70% of firefighting skill plus 50% of physics skill plus 50% of abjuration skill plus 30% of enchantment skill
  • Base Energy Costs : five points of amalgamal smoke energy
  • Rating Minimum : 150
  • Rating Maximum : 1000
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : extinguish

This spell acts to extinguish all natural fires (even if their original cause was unnatural) in the area.

Development Information : This spell was created by Chaos and is maintained by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Aug 25 13:17:16 2014.

Feed Inner Flame

  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 10 or higher or pyraturgy skill of 10 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 100% of pyraturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : nine points of elemental fire energy and twenty-five points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 75
  • Rating Maximum : 475
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : feed inner flame <target>

This simple enchantment performs well beyond what one would expect from its name. Feeding the inner flame makes one more closely aligned with fire energies, but at the same time, it nourishes and sustains the physical body. Once the inner flame has achieved the maximum amount that it can, the excess energy flows over to nourish the body. Although multiple castings will continue to nourish the body, only so much can be done. The inner flame, just like the physical body, can only sustain so much. Anything after this is a waste of a casting.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Fiery Temper

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 250 points among 25% of pyraturgy skill, 100% of combat reflexes skill, 100% of imagination skill, 100% of concentration skill, 100% of empathy skill, 100% of killer instinct skill, 100% of find weakness skill, 100% of dirty fighting skill, and 100% of discipline skill
  • Rating Formula : 100% of empathy skill plus 40% of discipline skill plus 50% of pyraturgy skill plus 70% of enchantment skill plus 40% of concentration skill
  • Base Energy Costs : seventy-five points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 200
  • Rating Maximum : 950
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : very difficult
  • Form of Evocation : fiery temper <target>

This spell draws upon the power of fire and heat to stir emotions in a target. By specifically targetting the fire within, this spell increases the passion with which one fights, instilling in them the same fire and zeal as someone who truly believes in what they are fighting for. While the effects can be quite pronounced for a typical mage, some of the effects may not be as pronounced for a zealot or a hardened warrior. It should also be noted that it is not possible to rouse the temper of those who are incapable of emotions.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Tue Dec 11 01:20:10 2012.

Fire Gem

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 200 points among 50% of pyraturgy skill, 400% of gem lore skill, and 20 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest
  • Rating Formula : 10% of gem lore skill plus 10% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of conjuration skill plus 30% of imagination skill plus 40% of enchantment skill
  • Base Energy Costs : one hundred points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 170
  • Rating Maximum : 450
  • Spell Type : elemental
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : fire gem

Management of esoteric energies is paramount for the continued success of any mage. This spell enables a mage to better maintain a steady supply of such energies by manifesting a physical item that stores the energies. This particular vessel is known as a fire gem. Crushing such a gem will release the esoteric energies bound into it. During a slower period of a mage's life, sie can create a supply of these gems, and use them when hir energies run low, allowing for a more evenly sustained flow of energy. These energies can also be transferred to another if they have the capacity to use such energies. These gems can also be used as a spell focus for other spells of the Order.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Fire Portal

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 30 points among 100% of cosmology skill, 35% of metaphysics skill, and 30 points for being a Stalker of the Gate
  • Rating Formula : 25% of conjuration skill plus 25% of pyraturgy skill plus 25% of cosmology skill plus 25% of spatiophrasty skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 75
  • Rating Maximum : 650
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : easy
  • Form of Evocation : fire portal

Among the many things that has been revealed to Ordo Ignis Aeternis, the Plane of Fire, called so for lack of a better term, holds among the most fascination. Many days have been spent scrying this plane, with very little results. Efforts to transport anything fully to this plane have met with utter failure, but it has been discovered that a doorway can be opened directly through this fiery plane. The exact physics of this is completely unknown, and what happens to unanchored item is complete speculation. One beneficial effect that was found is that the transport room of Schola Fervitus can be set up as an anchor. As such, by casting this spell, a member of the order can transport hirself 'through' the elemental plane and emerge unscathed in Schola Fervitus. Further experiments are being conducted to extend the amount of time spent in the realm of flames, but for now, the amount of time the portal is open is barely long enough to let through a small portion of the fire laden atmosphere.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Fire Web

  • Knowledge Requirement : throwing skill of 25 or higher and traps skill of 35 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 30% of evocation skill plus 50% of pyraturgy skill plus 60% of conjuration skill plus 60% of prestidigitation skill plus 130% of throwing skill
  • Base Energy Costs : two points of spiritual energy and forty-five points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 125
  • Rating Maximum : 600
  • Spell Type : construct
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : fire web <target>

One day while taking a much needed break from spell development and research, one of the pioneers of spell development happened to look up and see a small spider had made is web in the study. Before the mage could fetch a broom to brush away the cobwebs, the spider had caught a moth. Watching in amazement at the skill this tiny spider used in covering a moth many times its own size in webbing, a spark of ingenuity struck the mage. Creating this spell, the mage formulated a means to create long strands of thin, semi-solid flames that can be forced to wrap around an opponent. The more the opponent struggles, the more the fire webbing burns. While elemental fire energies are required to create the web, spiritual energies are used to reinforce the web as the opponent struggles, causing a steady drain on the caster's spiritual reserves while the web is in existence.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Fire Wine

  • Knowledge Requirement : cooking skill of 20 or higher and have at least 5 quest points
  • Rating Formula : 40% of enchantment skill plus 10% of pyraturgy skill plus 40% of cooking skill plus 30% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs : thirty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 130
  • Rating Maximum : 400
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : fire wine <target>

This very simple spell is of great benefit to incendivores and those who maintain an immolated form for extended periods of time. It ignites mundane food items, filling them with fire to make them more readily acceptable to the incendivore diet. It is possible to cast this spell on mundane objects, but this does not make them any more edible, nor does it enhance the object in any way.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.


  • Rating Formula : 70% of evocation skill plus 100% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental spiritual energy and five and a quarter points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 25
  • Rating Maximum : 350
  • Spell Type : directed attack
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Evocation Key : fireball on [target]

The most basic attack spell in a mage's arsenal, it conjures a ball of pure fire and hurls it at an opponent. While very simple and direct, its simplicity also makes it limited in potential. It will never get as strong as other spells can, but is the staple of most mages as it requires the least energy to cast. It is also the first spell most mages will master and can be one of their primary spells for quite a while.

Development Information : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Sat Mar 28 12:30:01 2015.

Funeral Pyre

  • Rating Formula : 40% of pyraturgy skill plus 10% of conjuration skill plus 10% of enchantment skill plus 20% of symbology skill plus 10% of evocation skill plus 80% of mortuary skill
  • Base Energy Costs : one point of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 5
  • Rating Maximum : 350
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : funeral pyre

This spell sets ablaze a funeral pyre that burns any remains in the area. The warmth provided by the pyre rejuvenates the caster, and provides warding against the cold for a time.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Hylocosm Volley

  • Knowledge Requirement  : have at least 150 points among 50% of metaphysics skill, 50% of pyraturgy skill, 25% of evocation skill, and 50% of prestidigitation skill
  • Rating Formula  : 40% of evocation skill plus 60% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of conjuration skill plus 30% of metaphysics skill plus 70% of cosmology skill
  • Base Energy Costs  : forty-five points of spiritual energy and twenty-five points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum  : 100
  • Rating Maximum  : 700
  • Spell Type  : affine
  • Difficulty  : difficult
  • Evocation Key  : hylocosm volley (of [amalgamal combo]) on [target]

This spell conjures up volley of energy that directly pulls from the esoteric affinities within the body of the caster. This almalgamation can be controlled and if left out will simply default to fire. Increased proficiency will cause multiple attacks to be directed simultaneously at the target. Different hylocosmic types use the mage's skill derived from that energy's origin. For example, heat will use thermaturgy, while malign-heat (qlippotic + heat) will use cacoturgy and thermaturgy. Regardless of type, each will still pull upon your abilities in pyraturgy, prestidigitation and telesmatic weapon for control and power. If a target is omitted, it will default to the current opponent or fail if not in combat.

The damage types currently available to you are smoke, star-lightning, chaosfire, malign flame, malign smoke, ravening smoke, sinsmoke, malign heat, heat, sinfire, starsin, malign light, and sinlight.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Wed Mar 25 09:18:36 2015.

Access to damage variants is based on one's Affinities and the higher the user's Rating in the spell the more efficiently the Affinities translate to damage combinations. The magickal skill associated with the damage type (ex. chaos damage - Chaoturgy) is used in the spell's Attack (and Damage?) Rating when that damage type is used.


  • Knowledge Formula : have at least 150 points among 50% of unmodified pyraturgy skill, 35% of unmodified fire affinity skill, 25% of metaphysics skill, 25% of enchantment skill, and 55% of completed quest points
  • Rating Formula : 60% of enchantment skill plus 50% of evocation skill plus 70% of conjuration skill plus 80% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of prestidigitation skill plus 50% of unmodified fire affinity skill
  • Base Energy Costs : two hundred points of spiritual energy and one hundred points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 200
  • Rating Maximum : 1000
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : very difficult
  • Form of Evocation : immolate

This spell infuses the caster body with elemental fire energies and covers hir in a shroud of flames. There are various side effects to this. This causes what can be a great fortification to the caster's physical durability and endurance. It also attunes the mage's affinity with fire immensely, along side an affinity with most energies associated closely with fire. Another side effect to this spell is modifying the mage's dietary preferences, to that of an Incendivore, forcing them only capable of consuming flammable objects to sustain themselves. Greater proficiency with the spell can cause the mage to become luminescent and allows the mage's sensitivity to light (primarily caused by one's self) to decrease. Several detrimental effects also exist, such as elimininating one's ability to elude persuit or move steathily. This process also has the added benefit (or detriment) of causing one's touch to become a weapon in itself. Simple contact with another living being can potentially cause great harm to them.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Fri Mar 20 03:29:57 2015.

Incinerate Magick

  • Knowledge Formula : have at least 100 points among 60% of abjuration skill and 30% of metaphysics skill
  • Rating Formula : 100% of abjuration skill plus 20% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of symbology skill
  • Base Energy Costs : forty points of elemental fire energy and sixty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 345
  • Rating Maximum : 1200
  • Spell Type : elemental
  • Difficulty : very difficult
  • Form of Evocation : incinerate magick

This dread spell has been the bane of many magi. It produces a flame that consume magickal energies the same way a normal flame consumes oxygen. Once this flame has consumed every last bit of spiritual energy in the surrounding area, it will die off and fade away. The surrounding area, as well as all creatures in the area, will be devoid of natural flow of magick for quite some time afterwards. As with all things, there is a process of renewal that will take place, but this process takes much time, during which no magick will flow through the area.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Instill Embers

  • Knowledge Requirement  : have at least 200 points among 50% of pyraturgy skill, 50% of enchantment skill, and 75 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest
  • Rating Formula  : 60% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified willpower plus 30% of evocation skill plus 70% of enchantment skill plus 40% of channeling skill plus 30% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs  : one hundred twenty-five points of spiritual energy
  • Rating Minimum  : 200
  • Rating Maximum  : 1000
  • Spell Type  : elemental
  • Difficulty  : extraordinarily difficult
  • Evocation Key  : instill embers (of [energy type]) into [target]
  • Minimum Energy Cost  : twenty points of [energy type]
  • Maximum Energy Cost  : 25% of current [energy type]
  • Available Energy types  : elemental fire, amalgamal heat, and amalgamal smoke

The ability to infuse mundane items with the Energies of the Planes has long been sought after. With this spell, a mage may choose from which plane of energy an object is instilled. This process has many effects, the most common is that of strengthening a weapon or armour for combat.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Wed Apr 22 20:37:23 2015.

Magick Embers

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 60 points among 100% of completed quest points, 100% of scholarship skill, and 125% of divination skill
  • Rating Formula : 80% of divination skill plus 50% of enchantment skill plus 40% of symbology skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of spiritual energy
  • Rating Minimum : 75
  • Rating Maximum : 200
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : magick embers

This spell is a very simple cantrip, designed to cause the magickal energies within the environment to glow like the embers of a campfire.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Magma Blast

  • Knowledge Requirement  : have at least 150 points among 75% of cosmology skill, 50% of pyraturgy skill, 25% of conjuration skill, and 50% of evocation skill
  • Rating Formula  : 100% of pyraturgy skill plus 70% of evocation skill plus 60% of conjuration skill plus 100% of cosmology skill plus 80% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs  : fifty points of elemental fire energy and one hundred twenty points of spiritual energy
  • Rating Minimum  : 200
  • Rating Maximum  : 900
  • Spell Type  : directed attack
  • Difficulty  : extraordinarily difficult
  • Evocation Key  : magma blast on [target]

This spell will rip open the fabric of the cosmic reality and create a portal directly into the Plane of Magma and conjure forth a seething blast of magma from within and direct it toward your target. Knowledge of cosmology can greatly assist in the mastering of this spell. Greater proficiency will increase the size, accuracy and power of the blast.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the sourcecode was last updated Mon Apr 20 20:22:21 2015.

Primal Spark

  • Knowledge Requirement : complete the Power Potion Quest, fire affinity skill of 150 or higher, and heat affinity skill of 150 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 50% of evocation skill plus 40% of fire affinity skill plus 40% of heat affinity skill plus 70% of pyraturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : fifty points of elemental fire energy and fifty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 450
  • Rating Maximum : 950
  • Spell Type : directed attack
  • Difficulty : extraordinarily difficult
  • Forms of Evocation : primal spark

primal spark <target>

With sufficient concentration, a member of Ordo Ignis Aeternis is able to distill a single flame down to its primal essence, and that raw essence is of such intensity that it performs far beyond the capacity of a normal flame. Control and design of this spark is so finely tuned with your own being that it is imbued with the very essence of your views and ideals, thereby becoming more ordered or chaotic, but only if those ideals are quite strong and firm. Its intensity also means your accuracy at striking a target is extremely accurate, albeit low in actual power and size, though with patience and skill the damage can be quite effective.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Oct 10 23:05:12 2011.

Protection from Elements

  • Rating Formula : 40% of enchantment skill plus 50% of pyraturgy skill plus 30% of evocation skill plus 50% of thermaturgy skill plus 50% of typhaturgy skill plus 30% of conjuration skill
  • Base Energy Costs : sixty points of spiritual energy, thirty-five points of elemental fire energy, and twenty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 100
  • Rating Maximum : 700
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : protection from elements (from [element/amalgamal type]) for [target]

This spell has a multi-tiered effect upon the recipient. Primarily it grants a modest resistance to the primary chosen damage type (defaults to fire). Beyond this scope, it can also provide modifications to the target's resistance abilities to amalgams closest to the Plane represented by the type chosen. As well as a few minor modifiers to some of their opposite plane's energies. Each effect improves with proficiency, and as mastery increases it may also occasionally enhance the target's attack with elemental damage. This enchantment will remain until removed or the owner is depleted of esoteric energies required to maintain it. It may be removed with the command 'disperse'.

Possible amalgamal types available are: Magma, Smoke, Heat, and Ash.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Mon May 04 13:05:40 2015.

Purging Flame

  • Knowledge Requirement : poison lore skill of 20 or higher or first aid skill of 55 or
  • Rating Formula : 40% of first aid skill plus 10% of pyraturgy skill plus 30% of poison lore skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 150
  • Rating Maximum : 400
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : purging flame <target>

This spell calls forth the ability of fire to burn away impurities, in this case, the impurity is poison. Timely use of this spell can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Due to the use of elemental fire in this spell, it is not the most gentle method of removing poison, so care must be taken when administering this magickal form of antidote to those who are sensitive to the effects of flames.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Pyrax Armour

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 100 points among 25% of armour lore skill, 50% of pyraturgy skill, and 25% of conjuration skill
  • Rating Formula : 60% of pyraturgy skill plus 80% of conjuration skill plus 100% of armour lore skill plus 40% of evocation skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy and twenty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 180
  • Rating Maximum : 600
  • Spell Type : construct
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Form of Evocation : pyrax armour for <target>

This spell conjures an enchanted suit of steel armour infused with energies of solid fire. While Ordo Ignis Aeternis generally can rely on spells to protect them, when combat garb is required, this armour is far superior to that forged by smiths. As part of this armour's enchantment is fire, one will need total fire and heat protection in order to wear it properly. The duration of the armour depends upon the skill of the spellcaster, but until it expires, it can be kept, dropped, etc.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Jul 03 02:08:19 2013.

Pyrax Crystal

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 75 points among 50% of pyraturgy skill, 50% of conjuration skill, 30% of gem lore skill, and 20 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest
  • Rating Formula : 50% of pyraturgy skill plus 60% of conjuration skill plus 30% of spatiophrasty skill plus 30% of cosmology skill
  • Base Energy Costs : twenty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 120
  • Rating Maximum : 200
  • Spell Type : elemental
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : pyrax crystal

One of the first items brought back from a portal to the Plane of Fire was a small gemstone-like item. These are apparently found in abundance on that plane. After much investigation, the substance was determined to be a raw form of pyrax, a substance previously thought to only be able to be manufactured by magick and sorcery. This spell opens a very small portal to the Plane of Fire, just big enough for a single crystal to fall through. These pyrax crystals can be used in a number of other spells as reagents, serving to focus fiery energies and materialize the pyrax substance.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Nov 06 13:43:11 2013.

Note: This spell don't exist no more.

Pyromantic Insight

  • Knowledge Requirement  : have at least 50 points among 25% of pyraturgy skill and 100% of divination skill
  • Rating Formula  : 20% of unmodified intelligence plus 30% of unmodified perception plus 40% of pyraturgy skill plus 60% of divination skill plus 30% of evocation skill plus 20% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs  : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and ten points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum  : 50
  • Rating Maximum  : 650
  • Spell Type  : utility
  • Difficulty  : ordinary
  • Evocation Key  : pyromantic insight of [divination type] on [target]

While fire is commonly thought of to only be destructive, it has been known to be an invaluable tool for many esoteric tasks. One such task is divination. Inside the flames, for the properly trained, can be seen visions of vast information. Typically this attribute is utilized as a scrying tool, to locate lost objects or loved ones. However, to those of the Ordo Ignis Aeternis, it can provide much more. This spell allows the mage to divine information about a target normally known only to those with a close relationship to the target. The default for this spell is the most basic of divination, that of identity, though experience and proficiency can allow for additional forms to manifest.

Known divination types available to you are:

  • Identity ~ (1)

Identity divination grants insight into who or what the target truly is. What characteristics define it, what or whom it truly is.

  • Structure ~ (25)

Divining the structure of an object will provide a vision that informs the caster of the material composition its comprised of.

  • Inner prowess ~ (50)

The inner prowess of a being consists of what unique abilities they have access to, or have the potential to access in the future.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source
code was last updated Sat Apr 04 22:50:48 2015.

Pyrotechnic Surge

  • Knowledge Requirement : complete a Lotus for Sai or Kyotsugo skill of 55 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 40% of evocation skill plus 10% of pyraturgy skill plus 40% of alchemy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : thirty points of elemental fire energy
  • Rating Minimum : 150
  • Rating Maximum : 300
  • Spell Type : directed attack
  • Difficulty : easy
  • Form of Evocation : pyrotechnic surge

pyrotechnic surge <target>

The first usage of this technique originated in Shenjia during one of their winter celebrations. Someone, in a moment of absentmindedness, added too much flash powder to their cantrips, with rather explosive, yet very visually stimulating, results. This visually flashy spells plays upon both the egotistical side of fire to want to impress an audience and with the desire to reduce opponents to ash.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Nov 06 13:43:11 2013.


  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 180 points among desert fieldcraft skill, thermaturgy skill, heat affinity skill, and completed quest points
  • Rating Formula : 30% of aeroturgy skill plus 40% of evocation skill plus 50% of thermaturgy skill plus 40% of enchantment skill
  • Base Energy Costs : sixty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 160
  • Rating Maximum : 700
  • Spell Type : directed attack
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Forms of Evocation : sirocco / sirocco <target>

This spell mimics the dry desert winds that desiccate entire regions. Like the wind it is named after, this spell has varying degrees of strength. At the lowest level, it is simply the dry heat of the desert. At higher levels, the spell effects take on the desiccating effects of the arid winds, draining moisture from everything it blows across. When employed against a living foe, it has the ability to dehydrate them, making them as weak as if they had just crossed the desert. This is a highly useful tactic, especially when employed against a more physically gifted opponent. Since this heat is channeled through the caster's body, any affinities affecting the caster's body may have an affect on the quality of the heat used in this spell.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Oct 10 23:04:44 2011.

Smoke Barrier

  • Knowledge Requirement : enchantment skill of 90 or higher, typhaturgy skill of 15 or higher, abjuration skill of 45 or higher, metaphysics skill of 70 or higher, and have at least 60 quest points
  • Rating Formula : 90% of enchantment skill plus 100% of abjuration skill plus 70% of typhaturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : forty-five points of elemental fire energy and seventy-five points of amalgamal smoke energy
  • Rating Minimum : 200
  • Rating Maximum : 450
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : very difficult
  • Forms of Evocation : smoke barrier

This spell is an advanced, yet subtle, form of protection derived from the ability of clouds of soot and smoke to completely block out rays of light. This spell focuses strictly on the caster, altering hir slightly so that sie takes on the same properties as the smoke cloud. Cosmetically, changes may not even be noticeable, but effectively, the caster's body will be more resilient to the affects of sunlight. This does not affect the caster's perceptive abilities, so senses may still be dazzled by brightness.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Mon Oct 10 23:04:44 2011.

Smoke Rings

  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 10 or higher or typhaturgy skill of 10 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 50% of conjuration skill plus 50% of typhaturgy skill plus 20% of prestidigitation skill
  • Base Energy Costs : one point of amalgamal smoke energy
  • Rating Minimum : 100
  • Rating Maximum : 700
  • Spell Type : construct
  • Difficulty : somewhat difficult
  • Form of Evocation : smoke rings around <target>

This spell conjures constraining bonds of smoke to immobilize a target. The rings must be maintained by the caster and continually exert their casting cost on him so long as they remain in existence. The rings will be destroyed either if the caster runs out of spiritual energy, or if the victim breaks free or figures out some way to escape. As might be imagined, this spell is less than effective against amorphous or intangible opponents.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.


  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 50 or higher and typhaturgy skill of 10 or higher
  • Rating Formula : typhaturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : ten points of amalgamal smoke energy
  • Rating Minimum : 50
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : snuff

Each and every living entity has some aspect of a living flame within them. Some call it a soul, some call it a spirit, others may call it the spark of life. Regardless of what it is called, this spell can affect it. Once this living flame of an opponent has been reduced to a mere smoulder, a state termed 'mortally wounded', this spell can snuff out that flame, turning said opponent into inert matter once again.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 2011.

Tenebrous Sight

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 100 points among 50% of typhaturgy skill, 35% of conjuration skill, and 25% of enchantment skill
  • Rating Formula : 50% of enchantment skill plus 70% of typhaturgy skill plus 50% of conjuration skill
  • Base Energy Costs  : sixty-five points of spiritual energy and twenty-five and a half points of amalgamal smoke energy
  • Rating Minimum  : 150
  • Rating Maximum  : 350
  • Spell Type  : enchantment
  • Difficulty  : somewhat difficult
  • Evocation Key  : tenebrous sight [target]

This spell is a derivation of another in that it utilizes the energies of smoke to partially and beneficially obscure one's sight. Not enough to hinder but to only reduce one's sensitivity to light. It creates a sort of vision filter the target can see through without causing penalties from intense light around them. This obscuring has a slight detrimental effect of lowering one's ability to see in the dark. Although for an Ignis Aeternis, this is generally not a problem. However, this has an unusual side-effect of increasing one's skill while fighting blind.

Development Information     : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Mon May 04 13:05:40 2015.

Therapeutic Heat

  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 10 or higher or thermaturgy skill of 10 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 100% of recuperation skill plus 50% of evocation skill plus 100% of thermaturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : forty points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 100
  • Rating Maximum : 775
  • Spell Type : utility
  • Difficulty : ordinary
  • Form of Evocation : therapeutic heat <target>

This spell draws upon the power of heat the penetrate deep within the muscles of the target, bringing with it soothing relaxation. This allows the muscles to replenish themselves much faster, much like paying a visit to a masseuse, hot spa, or other relaxation clinic. The more adept the caster is with this particular spell, the deeper the heat penetrates, drawing out more soreness and fatigue and allowing for a fuller recovery.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Sat Aug 18 16:15:39 2012.

=Triad of Fire

  • Knowledge Requirement : metaphysics skill of 170 or higher or scholarship skill of 150 or higher
  • Rating Formula : 40% of conjuration skill plus 50% of prestidigitation skill plus 50% of evocation skill plus 20% of pyraturgy skill plus 50% of throwing skill
  • Base Energy Costs : fourteen points of elemental fire energy and six points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 270
  • Rating Maximum : 600
  • Spell Type : Directed Attack
  • Difficulty : difficult
  • Evocation Key : triad of fire <on target>

Considered by more conservative members of Ordo Ignis Aeternis as a spell designed simply to show off, this spell was originally devised while trying to understand certain aspects of spell failures. It was noted that every now and then a spell would 'hiccup', and what was supposed to be a single bolt became two in rapid succession. This spell expounds upon that and launches three bolts in rapid succession, similar to the effects of a 'double hiccup'. Casters with fast enough reflexes are able to aim each bolt at a separate target by pointing to a different target between hiccups, provided that they are fighting more than one opponent at a time. If the caster is fighting a single opponent, all three bolts will target that individual. Due to the hectic nature of combat with multiple opponents, the bolts may be separated out, but may not always hit their designated targets. As a caster's proficiency in this spell grows, the secondary bolts will begin to rupture upon hitting the target, sending sparks out that may damage nearby opponents. At the uppermost levels of proficiency in this spell, the stray sparks may ignite the target.

Development Information : This spell was created by Xekrin; the source code was last updated Mon May 04 13:05:40 2015.

Wavering Heat

  • Knowledge Requirement : have at least 110 points among desert fieldcraft skill, illusion skill, and completed quest points
  • Rating Formula : 50% of conjuration skill plus 50% of enchantment skill plus 100% of illusion skill plus 100% of thermaturgy skill
  • Base Energy Costs : seventy-five points of amalgamal heat energy
  • Rating Minimum : 300
  • Rating Maximum : 950
  • Spell Type : enchantment
  • Difficulty : very difficult
  • Form of Evocation : wavering heat <target>

Anyone that has spent enough time in a desert environment can attest that the heat, in such quantities, can have some amazing effects. One of the most common effects, aside from dehydration, that heat has in the desert is the formation of wavering currents that rise up from the desert surface, bending light in such a way as to make a human imagine that it is seeing water. This light-bending effect was intensively studied by members of Ordo Ignis Aeternis, in an effort to create full scale illusions similar to a mirage. While illusions were not quite possible under that bit of research, it was uncovered that heat could be manifested in a shroud around a target, and the wavering heat would distort the light slightly, making the recipient difficult to focus on. This helps to protect the recipient of this spell in combat, not by means of absorbing damage in any way, but by making the target more difficult to hit.

Development Information : This spell was created by Lysator; the source code was last updated Sat Aug 18 16:15:39 2012.