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O            [ = Varlgung = ]
     \__       [ Type                    : ] utility
        \_     [ Description             : ] health transfer
      __//     [ Significance            : ] moderate
    _/ \/      [ Activity Cost           : ] thirty
    \\__       [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] fifty
     \/ \      [ Control Skills          : ] four parts thanaturgy, four parts viturgy, 
         O                                   three parts power direction, three parts power focusing,
                                         and two parts power tuning
               [ Specialty Access        : ] thanaturgy degree II access and viturgy degree II access
               [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 125 points among
                                             75% of rune lore skill,
                                             50% of viturgy skill,
                                             50% of thanaturgy skill,
                                         and 25% of first aid skill

While many runes within the repertoire of a Ringwielder center about harming one's opponents or bolstering one's personal power, there are a few obscure powers attainable by Ahrikol's servants which focus on assisting others in peaceful ways. In the case of the rune varlgung, activation results in the extraction of a portion of the user's lifeforce and injection of it into the target. This process harms the Ringwielder in exchange for bestowing healing upon another.