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The Races of Lost Souls

The world of Lost Souls is habited by a plethora of intelligent(and some not-so-intelligent) beings. Each race brings an intriguing experience, a new challenge, and an interesting roleplaying opportunity.

Player Selectable Races

A large selection of races are available to players for character creation. However, some choices have atman requirements that need to be fulfilled first.

Tabulated Race Data

Basic data for playable races.
race assim min str max str min int max int min vit max vit min agi max agi min wil max wil min ego max ego min per max per min siz max siz
Amberite -20 90 140 80 150 100 160 90 130 90 150 90 150 90 140 65 80
mantid -18 40 120 60 130 70 130 70 150 50 120 30 80 70 130 93 108
dragon -17 150 250 50 150 250 350 50 110 70 150 50 150 75 150 300 350
chaosborn -15 40 110 40 120 40 115 60 120 60 125 40 120 50 120 43 87
fomor -14 90 160 30 120 90 170 60 115 30 100 50 110 40 110 160 200
zenun -14 50 120 40 110 60 150 60 130 50 120 90 160 30 100 45 65
kedeth -14 30 90 40 120 20 90 40 100 40 90 60 140 30 110 47 67
tuatha -13 30 90 50 125 30 85 90 150 60 125 100 130 50 110 40 60
raktorak -13 70 150 50 110 80 160 50 120 60 140 10 90 60 130 63 85
Gezuuni -13 30 110 40 120 50 120 30 110 30 110 30 110 40 120 53 75
cyflymyll -12 20 60 50 90 20 60 150 250 60 90 30 90 40 100 10 14
bezhuldaar -12 80 150 90 150 70 150 30 80 120 150 30 120 120 150 80 160
shoggoth -11 30 60 20 40 30 60 20 40 20 40 5 10 20 40 300 500
eolon -11 90 130 50 100 150 200 30 90 80 120 10 80 40 90 60 80
oni -10 80 130 40 110 80 120 30 100 40 110 30 90 20 80 130 150
puck -10 60 130 50 110 50 120 60 120 50 120 20 120 20 100 47 61
kalashk -10 60 130 40 100 80 140 50 110 50 130 50 100 50 100 70 90
Skogarhogg -10 110 150 70 100 90 120 85 110 100 120 20 50 80 110 180 200
iaman -7 60 150 50 110 60 130 50 130 30 100 20 100 50 110 50 75
zuth -6 120 150 30 90 110 150 30 80 30 90 40 110 30 90 230 260
svirfneblin -5 30 75 80 150 30 80 50 100 70 120 50 100 50 100 13 23
rachnei -5 30 90 50 120 50 120 50 120 40 100 30 100 40 100 97 121
imp -5 20 60 50 120 40 70 70 120 30 90 90 150 20 100 20 30
phaethon -5 30 90 40 100 30 90 60 100 60 100 50 110 40 100 37 57
lothar -4 90 130 25 90 90 140 20 60 90 130 10 70 25 80 65 85
atterkop -4 20 60 90 150 20 60 90 150 50 130 50 130 50 130 12 32
minotaur -3 70 130 25 90 80 130 20 80 40 110 25 95 25 90 110 130
serentyll -3 3 20 90 130 3 30 105 155 110 140 90 130 90 130 2 3
powrie -3 30 80 60 90 15 60 100 140 80 110 50 90 50 90 7 20
srazh -2 40 100 30 100 40 100 20 80 50 100 20 70 30 90 60 80
troll -2 70 130 20 70 100 150 30 80 20 70 40 90 40 80 150 200
ardhalokh -2 50 120 30 100 50 120 50 90 30 90 40 100 40 100 60 80
advenus -2 20 80 40 100 20 90 30 90 50 100 40 100 40 100 48 68
drow -2 20 75 75 100 20 65 80 100 75 100 40 100 70 100 39 59
drachannach -2 10 30 90 130 40 90 55 125 50 100 100 130 45 90 2 10
slaan -1 20 80 40 100 20 80 35 95 50 120 20 80 20 90 45 60
aviar -1 20 85 50 95 20 85 50 100 30 100 45 105 55 105 45 65
aethoss -1 100 150 60 120 100 150 10 50 60 130 40 110 10 60 150 210
invae -1 90 130 50 90 50 90 40 90 30 70 20 50 50 100 118 157
dana -1 20 80 80 105 20 70 80 100 80 105 80 100 70 100 38 58
duergar -1 70 100 30 90 75 105 25 85 75 110 5 65 40 95 57 77
yeti 0 80 130 30 70 80 120 30 80 30 80 20 70 30 90 120 150
ogre 0 90 140 10 50 90 130 20 50 10 40 20 70 20 80 130 150
orc 0 60 110 20 90 70 120 30 85 10 70 20 90 20 90 58 78
sleklith 0 60 130 30 80 70 140 30 80 30 100 10 50 10 75 72 93
skaven 0 15 50 15 80 20 65 75 125 20 80 10 80 100 130 23 31
sekh 0 30 80 30 90 25 75 90 120 40 100 10 100 60 115 50 70
hobgoblin 0 60 100 30 100 70 100 30 100 30 100 20 75 20 90 53 75
iyiyik 0 60 110 10 60 70 120 30 90 20 70 10 50 20 80 68 92
urlnlek 0 30 90 30 90 50 100 30 90 30 100 30 90 30 90 53 72
quess 0 20 75 65 105 30 90 70 100 60 100 50 100 60 100 36 57
domandan 0 40 110 20 80 50 120 30 90 40 110 20 85 30 95 55 75
garou 0 40 100 20 80 50 100 50 90 50 100 20 80 60 110 57 75
nyloc 0 10 70 30 100 20 80 60 100 30 90 60 100 80 140 45 67
naga 0 30 90 60 140 30 90 60 130 40 100 60 110 25 80 80 130
narja 0 40 100 20 90 50 110 20 85 40 110 20 80 25 90 54 73
kentaur 0 50 100 30 100 90 120 30 85 40 90 20 80 30 90 170 190
kielleth 0 25 85 50 100 25 80 50 100 50 100 60 100 50 100 48 68
dryad 1 30 100 60 100 30 90 40 100 40 110 50 120 30 100 50 70
urln 2 30 95 30 90 70 110 30 90 40 100 30 90 30 90 55 75
pixie 2 10 40 80 120 10 50 100 150 80 120 80 120 80 120 5 17
sprite 3 5 30 90 120 5 40 50 105 80 105 90 150 75 100 3 8
naiad 3 20 70 50 100 20 60 70 110 50 100 50 120 60 120 26 46
vaasa 4 50 90 40 80 60 120 30 90 30 100 20 70 30 80 60 80
llelimin 5 20 70 20 90 40 90 70 120 30 100 50 120 40 100 20 40
thond 6 80 110 25 90 80 110 20 80 80 110 10 75 30 90 60 80
boglin 6 20 70 30 100 25 70 40 110 40 110 20 70 30 100 27 42
gnome 8 20 60 70 140 60 110 50 100 60 100 50 100 50 100 15 25
human 10 30 90 30 95 30 90 30 90 30 100 30 90 30 95 50 70
goblin 15 20 70 30 100 30 75 40 110 30 100 25 80 30 100 31 48
runtling 22 30 60 20 50 40 70 50 90 40 70 20 50 30 70 18 31
kobold 30 10 50 20 60 20 60 30 80 10 50 20 50 10 60 18 27

The Great Races

These races are only available to atmai with a legendary hero.

  • Amberite (level 125 required) - Descendents of the creator of Order himself, the Amberites are born with the very Pattern in their blood.
  • Chaosborn - Hailing from the outskirts of the very universe -- the Exoma -- the Chaosborn are denizens of the Courts of Chaos.
  • Eolon
  • Fomor - The subject of childrens' nightmares for centuries, the Fomor resemble towering demons with massive horns and a thirst for cruelty.
  • Tuatha - Otherwise known as a High Elf, the Tuatha are ancient, fair beings. It is often said of the Tuatha that they bear the true light of goodness in their hearts.

The Greater Races

These races are only available to atmai with heroes.

  • Aethoss - Giant, sentient trees formed with a semblance of man.
  • Ardhalokh - Half-fomor, half-human offspring.
  • Imp - Cunning, crafty, and most of all; cute little devils.
  • Kedeth - Enslaved for centuries, the kedethim are a solemn and disciplined people. Gifted with psionic abilities. (note that you must have a legendary hero for this race, despite its "greater" status)
  • Lothar
  • Phaethon
  • Rachnei - Commonly referred to as spider-folk, the Rachnei are creatures of fearful legend.
  • Svirfneblin - Sad little n00bs. (not really. psychic race with autodidaction and unhorrible assim is not bad.)
  • Trullja - Hulking, powerful beasts with incredible regeneration and unfettered constitution.
  • Zuth - Beastly, quadrupedal dragon-men.

The Major Races

The Lesser Races

The Minor Races

Other Playable Races

In addition to the above, there are also a number of races that are playable, but not selectable from character creation. These races may be accessed either through the use of a warpstone or else by employing the services of Kurd the Vivisectionist in Sanctuary.

Note that it is entirely possible that this list is incomplete and that additional playable races remain as yet undiscovered.

Lux cost for races

You can also use Lux at character creation to access races from start, even without the normal access (for example, not having a hero character). Luxs costs below with commentary from Marcosy.

[OOC Marcosy] amberites: 50, atterkop: 100 (wtf), bezhuldaar: 200, boglin: 25, chaosborn: 25, quickling: 200
(omg), drachannach: 75 (wtffff), dragon: 200 (probably not worth it now), dryad: 50, eolon: 25, fomor: 25, gezuuni:
100 (not live yet), hobgoblin: 25, iaman: 150 (agh), gnoll: 5 (lol?), kalashk: 50 (why), kedeth: 25, mantid: 150
(WHY), naiad: 50, narja: 25 (WHY GOD), oni: 50, powrie: 100 (WTF), puck: 50, raktorak: 150 (LOLOLOL), runtling: 25
(WHO WOULD DO THIS), serentyll: 100, shoggoth: 200, sprite: 50, tuatha: 25, vaasa: 100, zenun: 100
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