Quote Style

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Trait Category: Vocal
Trait Type: Definition
One's quote style is a cosmetic trait that determines the quote marks that appear around one's speech, including the colors of
those marks and of the speech itself.
Development Information: The quote style trait was created by Chaos and is maintained by Lost Souls; the source code was last
updated Tue Feb 26 00:27:16 2013.
See Also: speech pattern, mimicry, vocalization

Set Quote Style

General-Use Communication Setting
Usage: set quote style to <name>

Sets the style of quotes you will use in your speech.  This being justified as reflecting qualities of vocal tone, inflection,
cadence, and so on that cannot otherwise be conveniently represented in text, this is considered an in-character setting. You are
able to select from among the following quote styles:
  • (These were updated using a holiday gift orb of speech alteration)
  • and greatly bolstered by Reden. Reden 12:25, 24 January 2019 (EST)
       Aedarene                   -%) sample text (%-
       Adeptus Umbrae             [= sample text =]
       aethoss                    |~sample text~|
       Agnihotri                  <{ sample text }>
       Aisenshi                   <> sample text <>
       Aliavelyr                  <= sample text =>
       Aligned                    ->) sample text (<- (colour of the arrows varies according to your True Colors).
       Angbandnar                 [- sample text -] // is this yevathnar?
       Apollonian Disciple        [+ sample text +]
       Archeop                    <sample text>
       Argnash                    'sample text'
       Aristeion                  .+\ +> Aristeion <+ /+.
       Attuned                    ->) sample text (<-
       Battlerager                /\sample text/\
       Beorn                      |(*sample text*)|
       bezhuldaar                 -- sample text --
       Blue                       -+>- sample text -<+-
       Brisbari                   - sample text -
       Brute                      [sample text]
       Chaos Knight                                // these guys don't have one yet, it looks like
       Chosen of Vashanka         <| sample text |>
       Cleric                     [ sample text ]
       Coven                      ~*&. sample text .&*~
       Crafty Linguist            {sample text}
       Cthulhu cultist            .: sample text :.
       Cuar Faernae               >>-> sample text <-<<
       Cultist of Decay           % sample text %
       Deep One                   ~ sample text ~
       Deluminated                :( sample text ):
       Discordian                 symetric random sample text symetric random
       Eques Serpentina           -+ + sample text + +-
       Explorer                   -sample text-
       fenric                     _\\|sample text|//_
       Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris _.- ~ sample text ~*@- (form and colour varies according to climate)
       Garbage Thond              ~=[ sample text ]=~
       Gatherer                   $ sample text $
       Ghaunadauru                [| sample text |]
       Glomerator                 _.o) sample text (o._
       Hanoman                    'sample text'
       Hantaka                    // sample text //
       Kedeth'thog                 [ sample text ]
       Hanoman                    'sample text'
       Hawkman                    <- sample text ->
       Hellwalker                 ->) sample text (<- (arrows in dark green, text in dark grey)
       Heth Karad                 (< sample text <)
       Imptropolitan              *sample text*
       Inducted                   ->) Inducted (<- (arrows in dark grey, text in yellow)
       Istaxith                   <[ sample text ]>
       Justicar of Axa            =sample text=
       Kazarak                    .sample text.
       Kazarzeth                  ...sample text...
       Kedethuul                  [ sample text ]
       Knight of the Round Table  'sample text'
       Kolondan                   [: sample text :]
       Lightbringer               .) ))  sample text  (( (.
       Losthaven Guard            --> sample text <--
       Lykouros                   'sample text'
       naga                       @@ sample text @@
       Nglethk                    %&^- sample text -v@#
       Noldor                     [ sample text ]
       normal                     "sample text"
       Novus Ordo Umbrae          [= sample text =]
       nyloc                      'sample text'
       Ollin Tonatiuh             [| sample text |]
       Ordo Ignis Aeternis        ((= sample text =))
       Ordo Verbus Glacialis      *) sample text (*
       phaethon                   "sample text"
       Questor of Axa             -sample text-
       Reaper                     -=sample text=-
       Rebel of Syllyac           ~^~ ( sample text ) ~^~
       Ringwielder                [= sample text =]
       Seelie                     ~/ sample text \~
       Shadow Brother             <- sample text ->
       Shadow Knight              [| sample text |]
       Shakarian                  -- sample text --
       Shapeshifter               - sample text -
       She-Who-Rises              <<< sample text >>>
       Shemsu Sutekh              <- sample text ->
       shoggoth                   * sample text *
       Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel +xo sample text ox+
       Spearmaiden                ++[ sample text ]++
       Squire of the Round Table  'sample text'
       Sserakan                   |< sample text >|
       Stalker of the Gate        [- sample text -]
       Steel Serpent              >]> sample text <[<
       Storm Walker               [>sample text<]
       Syllyaczl                  -{ sample text }-
       Synousate Algesis          .//< sample text >\\.
       Talaxian                   % sample text %
       Teleri                     ~- sample text -~
       Tenochca                   < sample text >
       Traveler                   o sample text o
       Trueborn                   [- sample text -]
       Tyrice                     (o sample text o)
       Tzakazh                    [- sample text -]
       Undying                    [-] sample text [-]
       Vanyar                     {sample text}
       Verynvelyrae               \| sample text |/
       Wandslinger                -+<< sample text >>+-
       Wayfarer                   @>>- sample text -<%%
       Wikspisk                   .* sample text *.
       Xintatlaan                 =< sample text >=
       Yathrelar                  | sample text |
       Yevathnar                  [- sample text -]
       Ygellethite                <| sample text |>
       Zetesai                    ( :: sample text :: )
       Zokandur                   [- sample text -]
       Zrael                      ~%( sample text ]\+

Show Quote Style

General-Use Communication Display
Usage: show quote style

Shows the quote style you are currently using, and also the one you have chosen, if these are not the same.

Report Quote Style

General-Use Communication Report
Usage: report quote style

Shows the quote style you are currently using, and also the one you have chosen, if these are not the same.