Map:Yathryn Map

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 X  X  X
 |  |  |
       X                       A: the Yathryn Language School -  Miss Chalosia
       |                       B: the Yathryn bath house
   ↑X--X--X↓                   C: Nedylene's dark revelry            
          ~                    D: the Venomed Blade Tavern
          X↑                   E: the Yathryn guardhouse
          |                    F: Anguezan's Sorceries
       I--X                    G: the Yathryn Adventurer's Guild 
          |                    H: the Yathryn City Shop
    F  E  X  X  X              I: the Grinning Cat Eatery of Yathryn
    |  |  |  |  |
 H--X--X--X--X--E-|← Illusionary
    |     |  |        Wall
    G  B--X  A

Map Key

↑ = Up Exit
↓ = Down Exit
~ = Connects up and down exits
E = Entrance