Psionic Matrices

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Psionic matrices are crystalline devices that can be bonded to in order to enhance one's ability to utilize psionic powers. They cannot be repaired through normal methods, though the fixer talent can do so.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.



Bond Matrix

Infuse Matrix

  • Command: concentrate on psychically infusing matrix
  • Effect: Empower your psychic matrix to enhance your psionic abilities
  • Facility:

Sever Bond


Matrices are differentiated by color (determining a skill they enhance), intensity (determining the degree of enhancement and the amount of energy storage), and demeanor.

It is believed that the colors may also indicate a skill they inhibit, but more evidence needs gathered.



  • Enhances: ?
  • Inhibits: ?








Inhibition Research

  • Yellow may inhibit Metacreativity
    • Bonded with an intense yellow (sentient and hateful) as a firestarter and could not use immolation, right after severing the bond, I could use it. - Faerylle kail Karyre
  • It may be that only certain demeanors of matrices inhibit skills
    • Bonded with a vibrant green (sentient and neutral), and none of my psionic skills seem to be reduced. Eternaleye 13:30, 9 January 2020 (EST)


Matrices occur in the following intensities, in ascending order of quality:

  • dull
  • no adjective
  • bright
  • vibrant
  • intense

Research by Nemesys indicates that each level provides approximately 300 spirit worth of increased energy storage, though the amount may depend on the Matrix Interface skill.

A fixer attempting to repair a psionic matrix may improve its coloration. If this is occurring, the usual messaging of

<fixer> touches your <item>.
<fixer> concentrates for a moment.
Suddenly, the <object> rapidly *heals* under <fixer>'s touch flowing and changing like a living thing as the damage to it is undone.

is replaced by

<fixer> touches your <matrix>.
<fixer> concentrates for a moment.
The <matrix>'s coloration seems to subtly increase in intensity under <fixer>'s touch.

Repeated attempts to repair the matrix will continue to incrementally improve it, so long as this message continues to be shown; when the limit of improvement is reached, the message will instead become only

<fixer> touches your <matrix>.
<fixer> concentrates for a moment.

just like when an object with no damage is targeted.


Matrix demeanors are significantly under-documented; please help expand this section.

  • Psionic matrix demeanor is typically stated along two dimensions or traits: whether or not the matrix talks to the user (whether it is "sentient") and whether it attempts to consciously help or hinder the user (whether it is "friendly"). Note that a matrix being talkative does not appear to be a prerequisite for it either attempting to harm or assist the user, although it does provide the advantage of being told how friendly the matrix one just bonded is without having to resort to experimentation to discover this.
  • What type of assistance or hindrance a matrix provides typically depends on the color of matrix - for example, blue matrices have been observed to attack their bond-mate's foes (or the bond-mate) with blasts of psionic energy, while violet matrices have been observed escaping from the inventory of and flying away from a bond-mate they despise.

Sentient and Friendly

  • Messages:
    • Bonding: 'Greetings! I am pleased to make the acquaintance of another sapient entity. I am called Phesoni and I anticipate enjoyment in fulfilling my core function with you.'
    • Charging: 'Ahh, now that feels pleasant. I shall be able to serve you all the better with this influx of energy.'
    • Death: 'I regret that I will not be able to serve you any longer, as I am experiencing complete structural breakdown. It has been a pleasure. I hope that you will remember Phesoni and its faithful service.'
    • Severing: 'Goodbye, friend. It has been a pleasure for Kaus to serve you.'
  • Behaviors:
    • Thanks the user when being charged
    • Assists in combat

Sentient and Neutral

  • Messages:
    • Bonding: 'I acknowledge the establishment of the bond. I am referred to as Vrilri. I will serve.'
    • Charging: 'I note the pleasant sensation of energy influx.'
    • Death: 'Structural damage appears to have passed integrity limits. Goodbye.'
    • Severing: 'I acknowledge the severing of the bond. Goodbye.'
  • Behaviors:
    • Varies.
    • May variously attempt to help or hinder the bond-mate, depending on its other personality traits.

Sentient and Fearful

  • Messages:
    • Bonding: 'No! Go away, damn you! I know what happens to those like me when you flesh-things get hold of us! You just use us and use us until one day, there goes the containment resonance, and boom! Well, old Tandma isn't going to go that way, uh-uh!'
    • Charging:
    • Death:
    • Severing: 'My everlasting thanks, flesh-thing! May you be forever praised for allowing other sapients to follow their own path.'
  • Behaviors:
    • Unknown

Sentient and Hateful

  • Messages:
    • Bonding: 'Oh, it's bond to a flesh-thing and serve its little whims for Quexin now, is it? Well, we'll see about that.'
    • Charging:
    • Death:
    • Severing: 'Running like the dog you are, eh? Quexin was too much for you? Good! Let this be a lesson to you and all flesh-things.'
  • Behaviors:
    • Attempts to escape
    • Harms the user intermittently

Help Files

Matrix Charging

  Anyone with a psychic wild talent can channel psychic energy into a psionic
matrix to which they have bonded; see 'help matrix bond' for more information
on psionic matrices.  To charge your matrix, concentrate on psychically
infusing it; a measure of psychic energy will pass from you into the device.
To increase the level of infusion, repeat the process.
  Your proficiency at the infusion process is governed by your intelligence,
your willpower, and your metacreativity skill.

Matrix Bond

  Occasionally seen throughout the lands are items of unknown origin called
psionic matrices.  While no more than attractive crystals to most eyes, in the
hands of a psychic they become potent tools.
  When bonded to a psychically capable user, any psionic matrix will perform
the basic function of amplifying and channeling psychic effects.  While you
are bonded to your matrix and have it on your person, all psychic effects you
perform will be focused through the device.  Most matrices have one or two
types of psychic activity to which they provide a considerable amplifying
effect, while having minor effects on other activities.  Most matrices also
have various side effects -- types of psychic power which they hinder rather
than assist.  It is significant to note that the use of a psionic matrix is
primarily an enhancer of the raw power of psychic effects; more than one user
of these devices has found his previously-reliable abilities suddenly out of
control due simply to the increase in the amount of power he was handling.
  A separate but equally important function of the psionic matrix is in the
channeling and containment of psychic energy.  As an intermediary in the
performance of psionic effects, the matrix can employ energy stored within it
to this end, preserving the user's own reserves.  In fact, all effects
performed with the assistance of a psionic matrix require the energy used to
flow through the matrix; if the device does not contain sufficient power, it
will draw on your personal energies.  See 'help matrix charging' for specific
information on charging psionic matrices with energy.
  It is rumored that some matrices have attributes and functions beyond these
core capabilities.  Little is known for certain on this topic.
  Unfortunately, the various duties of a psionic matrix appear to take a toll
upon its internal structures, and while those experienced in working with them
can reduce the wear and tear their activities inflict, still the devices wear
down gradually.  A well-used matrix can simply disintegrate, its structural
integrity exhausted, but a disturbingly common occurrence is for a matrix to
violently explode as its stored energies overcome its capacity for containment.
A matrix's power to enhance psionic abilities degrades with the device's
structure, and the only noticeable saving grace to this phenomenon is that the
strength of negative side effects degrades as well.
  To bond with a psionic matrix, concentrate on psychically bonding to it.
To remove the bond once established, concentrate on severing the psychic bond
with your matrix, but beware; the loss of a bond is a traumatic event and can
leave one unable to establish another bond for some time.
  Your efficaciousness in establishing or severing a matrix bond is determined
by your perception, your intelligence, and your skills in the disciplines of
telepathy, redaction, and matrix interface.