Player Keotri

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Atman: Zylox
Level: 21
Race: dana
Sex: female
Culture: Vanyar
Occupation: Attuned Aliavelyr and Losthaven Guard
Age: 5 days, 4 hours, 11 minutes, 29 seconds
Quest Points: 14
Natural Attributes :
    Strength      86
    Intelligence  100
    Constitution  60
    Dexterity     120
    Willpower     100
    Charisma      80
    Perception    100
    Size          You are about sixteen and a half dimins tall, three and nine tenths dimins wide, and one dimin front to back.

Leaderboard Rankings

#21 in Best Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Theorem Average, Active
#31 in Best Conceptual Navigation Linguistic Theorem Score, Active
#37 in Best Conceptual Navigation Mathematical Theorem Score, Active
#39 in Best Total Linguistic Conceptual Navigation Score, Active
#42 in Best Total Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Score, Active