Aganarian Assassin's Garb

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Revision as of 17:58, 14 December 2016; Fungor (Talk | contribs)
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  • All these items are load on Rindol Meadowdark
  • When Rindol is killed, there is a very large chance that his gear will be destroyed. This chance is less than 100% however.
  • When all four set items are worn, the user receives a substantial a boost to their Looking Totally Sicknasty


Agnarian Cloak

Description goes here
  • Cloak. provides a large skill boost to Combat Reflexes and a buncha other stuff (TODO: fill this out)

Shadowstep Boots

Description goes here

Assassin's Gloves

Description goes here
  • Gloves, Provides a boost to Agility, and some other stuff that I don't know.

Flux Hood

Description goes here
  • Hood, provides a high degree of psychic resistance.