Apollonian Disciples

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This is Apollo, god of the sun and lord of light. He exudes a radiant beauty that outshines the light of the sun itself. He wears a toga of purest white, and a wreath of laurel leaves. A sense of inner peace radiates from him. He looks about nineteen dimins tall, five and nine tenths dimins wide and one and nine twentieths dimins long.


  • If you wish to become a follower of the Lord of Light, say 'Accept me as your disciple, great Apollo.'
  • Trust Apollo before you ask to join and he'll touch you.
  • If afterward you wish to denounce your faith, say 'I denounce you, Apollo'.
  • Apollo and his priests will speak to you in Anglic, mostly.
You say, Accept me as your disciple, great Apollo
Apollo smiles down upon you.
You are now a first-degree specialist in invocation.
Apollo states, - Another comes to join the ranks of my followers. -
Apollo states, - Worthy, white-skinned male Amberite!  I am pleased by your praise. -
Apollo states, - I grant you a beam of my light. -
Apollo touches you with his right hand.
You have become a Disciple of Apollo.  'help apollo' for more information.

Restrictions and Requirements

Apollo states, |- The worship of Apollo does not allow the veneration of Cthulhu, so you cannot 
join the Apollonian Disciples. -| to you.
Apollo states, |- As a Jinxian Plutocrat, you could not become a proponent of goodness by joining the Apollonian Disciples. -|

Apollonian Disciples

You are a devout worshipper of the great sun-god, Apollo. His is a powerful association of fanatical subjects. Apollo cares little about what his subjects do with respect to other gods. However, he places restrictions and requirements upon their behaviour in exchange for granting his blessings.


Apollo grants his favor to his subjects in several different ways. First, they may 'dazzle' an opponent, by spreading a bit of his light within dark places. They can 'commune' with Apollo to find out where he is located, and thus know night from day at all times. Finally, in order to ensure continued favor with Apollo, his followers may 'offer' items to him for his amusement. In addition, he grants his followers protection from damage by other sources of light. His temple also serves as a fast way to move across the continent, as only members may use an exit from which they did not enter. Disciples also have a communication channel, accessed with the commands 'apollonian' and 'assoc'.


Apollo demands only your continued devotion in return for the light that he grants you. This light will vary according to the current constantly offer items up to him for his approval. Beware that should you fall out of favor, a request for aid will at best, fall on deaf ears, and at worst, result in your death. Know that by your exposure to his light, you become more susceptible to the effects of damage by elements which would tend to counteract his light.


dazzle <target> (You must specify a target)


offer <item> to Apollo (remember to capitalize Apollo)

denounce apollo (while in the temple, to leave the association)

Specialty Access

Skill               Min   Max
Archery                   +3
Carousing                 +1
Centering                 +3 (accumulative)
Channeling                +3 (accumulative)
Discipline                +1
First aid                 +3
Graecan                   +3 (hidden skill)
Invocation           1    +5
Literacy             1    +5
Livestock breeding        +3
Memory                    +1
Musical composition       +3
Photonic affinity         +3 (hidden skill)
Poetry                    +3
Scholarship          1    +5
Stringed instruments      +3
Theology                  +3