Armours (Ranger Skinning)

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The types of armour available to Rangers' skinning ability are:

There's a lot now, as per Change 3792. Here's a few:

amulet, anklet apron, armguard(s), armor, armour, belt, bikini, bodysuit, boot(s), bootie(s), boxers, bra, bracelet, bracers, breastplate, cap, cape, choker, cloak, coat, cowl, crown, cuirass, dress, earring, fingerless glove(s), halfsuit, hat, headband, helmet, gauntlet(s), glove(s), gown, greave(s), jacket, jerkin, kilt, legging(s), necklace, nipple ring, nose ring, panties, pants, phylactery, ring, robe, sash, shirt, sandal(s), shoe(s), skirt, slipper, snowshoe(s), spectacles, sporran, suit, tailsheath, tailwarmer, trenchcoat, tuxedo, vest,


Tested Types

Types marked with * can be made in separate pieces. Some types not marked might also be doable separately, but not yet tested.

List currently shows body sections as tested on a faerie (with firelizard pet), but do use imagination on how they fit on other races. For example, "halfsuit" created for the pet was fully usable on that pet, even though it doesn't have "arms" per se.

Normal Armor

helm		head
helmet		head
cap		head
skullcap	head
hood		head
turban		head

vest		chest
cuirass		chest
shirt		chest, arms ("upper body")
jacket		chest, arms ("upper body")
sweater		chest, arms ("upper body")
jerkin		chest, arms ("upper body")
tunic		chest, arms ("upper body")
hauberk		chest, arms, legs		(a.k.a. "armor", "armour")
halfsuit	chest, arms, legs
outfit		chest, arms, legs
bodysuit	chest, arms, hands, legs, feet ("body")
suit		head, chest, arms, hands, legs, feet  ("body")
apron		chest, legs

bracers		*arms
armguards	*arms
sleeves		*arms
gloves		*hands
gauntlets	*hands
greaves		legs
leggins		legs
sporran		legs ("waist")
pants		legs
trousers	legs
pantaloons	legs
kilt		legs
skirt		legs
boots		*feet
tressettes	(*?)wings
tressards	(*?)wings
tailsheath	tail (tested on pet firelizard)
barding		head, chest/arms?, legs, tail


Worn as a "layer" above the normal armors; these may not overlap with each other, but can overlap slots already covered with normal armors.

cape		chest ("back")
cloak		chest ("body")
cheongsam	chest ("body")
robe		chest ("body")		(robe always brings to mind "bath robe", so why no sleeves etc.)
tabard		chest ("body")
sash		legs ("waist")
belt		legs ("waist")
boxers		legs ("loins")
bikini		chest, legs ("chest and loins")
shoulder pads	*arms (single "shoulder")
epaulets	*arms (single "shoulder")
trenchcoat	chest, arms ("body")
amulet		head ("neck")
phylactery	head or arm or leg
quiver		arm ("shoulder")
backpack	chest ("back")

Not known

You know of no sort of armour or clothing called a ...