Catelius puzzles

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Or this one: Or this one:
 +This one is screen reader friendly, for those who use TTS or otherwise have issues with fancy graphical layouts. It can solve all three:
{{endspoilers}} {{endspoilers}}
[[Category: Quests]] [[Category: Quests]]

Revision as of 12:48, 30 September 2023


Quest Info

Solve the Catelius Minor

The mage Kalliar, lord of the Castle Phantasmal, is known a passion for puzzles -- in particular, life-sized ones. His creations can be found throughout the land. One of the three Catelii, the Catelius Minor, lies within Losthaven. Find it and solve it.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Four
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: One
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Three

Solve the Catelius Major

The mage Kalliar, lord of the Castle Phantasmal, is known to have a passion for puzzles -- in particular, life-sized ones. His creations can be found throughout the land. One of the three Catelii, the Catelius Major, is somewhere in the Underdark. Find it and solve it.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Five
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Three
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Five

Solve the Catelius Maximus

The mage Kalliar, lord of the Castle Phantasmal, is known to have a passion for puzzles -- in particular, life-sized ones. His creations can be found throughout the land. One of the three Catelii, the Catelius Maximus, lies somewhere beyond the Prime plane of existence. Find it and solve it.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Seven
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Five
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Eight

How to solve the puzzles

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Puzzle Mechanics

All three puzzles work the same way. You get put in a set of rooms that are arranged in a grid pattern. Each room has an npc in it of a specific race. Every time you kill one of these NPCs, another NPC will spawn in it's place of a different race and the NPCs in the adjacent rooms will also switch race. The race that the NPCs switch to is alternating. The more races in a puzzle the harder the puzzle.

Using this mechanism you have to get all the NPCs in all the rooms to be the same race.

Once you do this you've solved the puzzle and you'll be wisked outside of the puzzle with a few random items for your adventuring pleasure.

Note: On the grids below I marked the entrance to the puzzle with an E.

Catelius Minor

This puzzle is relatively safe with only 2 races.

  • Races: Elf, Human, Orc (note: it will only use 2 of the three available races)
  • Location: From Losthaven Square: 3s, 5w, 1n, e
  • Grid:
  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
   |   |   | 
  [E]-[ ]-[ ]
   |   |   |
  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]

Catelius Major

The NPCs are a bit tougher in this one, but still pretty easy with only 3 races.

  • Races: Drow, Nyloc, Svirfneblin (note: it will only use 2 of the three available races)
  • Location: From the Underdark entrance go: id, d, 5w, 4n, 3d, 4n, 4d, 6n, w, 4sw, 9w, 5nw, 2n, 3ne, n, in. Backtracking: go out, s, 3sw, 2s, 5se, 9e, 4ne, e, 6s, 4u, 4s, 3u, 4s, 5e, u, ou
  • Grid:
  [ ] [ ] [ ]
     \ | / 
  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
     / | \ 
  [ ] [E] [ ]

Catelius Maximus

This one's pretty tough. The NPCs are tougher. There are 4 races. The location is hard to get to. All that make this puzzle a pretty good challenge.

  • Races: Imp, Chaosborn, Fomor, Kedeth (note: it will only use 3 of the four available races)
  • Location: River Tethys
  • Grid:
  [ ]-[E]-[ ]
   |   |   | 
  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
   |   |   |
  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]


There is a scanner that is randomly available that will show you the current state of the puzzle. You can also pay the first man...something to get one.

Fanion quietly says, "I've developed a little doo-dad that works with the Catelius enchantments to show the races of the opponents in play. I call it a Catelius scanner. I charge a mere three hundred gold for one; if you're interested, just say sell me a Catelius scanner. Now, er, I've only actually tested it with the Catelius Minor, here, but I don't see why it shouldn't work with the others. To use one, just go into the Catelius and tap it." to you.

I myself used pennies, nickels and dimes. You can "work ahead" that way since the mobs, so far as I can tell, won't start attacking you.

  • Minor: A general strategy is match up the corners, then match the sides, then hit the center
  • Major: You want to get the board into a cross-pattern, then hit the center
  • Maximus: The room pattern is similar to the Catelius Major.

Here is a website that can be used to solve the puzzles for you (Oct. 2017)

Here is a wayback link to the old solver that can do all of the puzzles:

Here is one which can do the diagonal puzzles as well:

Or this one:

This one is screen reader friendly, for those who use TTS or otherwise have issues with fancy graphical layouts. It can solve all three:

End of spoiler information.