Convert (Empathic Bonds)

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Convert is the ability to convert spiritual energy into more refined forms.


You need to be bonded to a familiar that makes use of esoteric energies and have a high enough bond to unlock this charm.


concentrate on channeling my spiritual energy into <Type of Energy>


  • Type of Energy: This is a specific type of esoteric energy afforded to you via your empathic bond with a familiar.

Types of Energy

Some bonds will afford you access to certain esoteric energies, each bond will tell you which types these are through a message similar to the following.

You sense that this bond is enabling you to acquire unholy energy with this ability.

Note that not all forms of energy resources are scaled the same way; for example the Extropic type is considered much more "valuable" than the Holy type, and as such the Convert charm will tend to provide less Extropic energy, with all other factors being equal.