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    /     [ = Czon = ]
   /        [ Type                    : ] attack
\ /\ /\     [ Description             : ] chaos disjunction
 Y  Y  \    [ Significance            : ] minor
    |       [ Activity Cost           : ] fifteen
   -|-      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] thirty
            [ Control Skills          : ] four parts eideturgy, four parts power focusing,
                                          four parts power tuning, four parts telesmatic weapon,
                                          three parts power direction, and three parts power generation
            [ Specialty Access        : ] eideturgy degree II access,
                                      and telesmatic weapon degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 40 points among
                                          30% of rune lore skill,
                                          100% of order affinity skill,
                                          100% of eideturgy skill,
                                          and 50% of chaos resistance,
                                          or worships Axa

The rune czon generates a pattern of order energies around its target that, while it usually causes some damage, has the primary purpose of disrupting the target's spiritual connection with chaos, temporarily suppressing any chaos favour the target may enjoy. The name of a target may be given as a specification; without a specification, your current opponent will be targeted.