Damage combo changes 2017-10-10

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See also Damage combo changes October 8th 2017 and Damage combo changes October 13th 2017.

Damage combos changed

After various revisions to damage combo composition logic and additions of new damage elements (the primitives that damage combos are composed from), these were the 989 damage combos (of 8037) that were changed after regenerating the full set on October 10th, 2017.

| new_name                         | types                                            | old_name                                 |
| acidic angst                     | earth-entropy-extropy-oneiric-temporal-water     | vitriolic angst                          |
| acidic cacodaimonia              | earth-entropy-extropy-qlippotic-spirit-water     | cacodaimonic vitriol                     |
| acidic decay                     | earth-entropy-extropy-temporal-water             | vitriolic tachyons                       |
| acidic despair                   | earth-entropy-extropy-magick-temporal-water      | vitriolic despair                        |
| acidic ennui                     | earth-entropy-extropy-order-psionic-water        | vitriolic ennui                          |
| acidic hadrons                   | earth-entropy-extropy-force-water                | vitriolic hadrons                        |
| acidic hellfire                  | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic-water       | vitriolic hellfire                       |
| acidic nirvana                   | air-earth-entropy-extropy-sephirotic-water       | vitriolic nirvana                        |
| acidic psychosis                 | air-earth-entropy-extropy-psionic-water          | vitriolic psychosis                      |
| acidic soulfire                  | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic-water      | vitriolic soulfire                       |
| aerated logoplasm                | air-primal-spirit                                | primal ghostwind                         |
| aerated thaumaplasm              | air-magick-spirit                                | thaumaturgic ghostwind                   |
| aerated theoplasm                | air-divine-spirit                                | divine ghostwind                         |
| alkaline glory                   | earth-entropy-extropy-sephirotic-spirit-water    | vitriolic glory                          |
| angelic ash                      | entropy-fire-goetia-sephirotic                   | angelic soulfire                         |
| angelic god-thunder              | air-divine-extropy-goetia-sephirotic-water       | angelic epiphanic thunder                |
| angelic mind-thunder             | air-extropy-goetia-psionic-sephirotic-water      | angelic thunderous piety                 |
| angelic rot                      | chaos-disease-goetia-sephirotic                  | grace-plague                             |
| angelic thunderwrath             | air-extropy-goetia-qlippotic-sephirotic-water    | angelic wrathful thunder                 |
| angelic void                     | air-entropy-goetia-sephirotic                    | angelic nirvana                          |
| aqueous logoplasm                | primal-spirit-water                              | spiritual ur-water                       |
| aqueous rot                      | chaos-disease-water                              | diseased riptide                         |
| aqueous thaumaplasm              | magick-spirit-water                              | spiritual magewater                      |
| aqueous theoplasm                | divine-spirit-water                              | spiritual godwater                       |
| black blight                     | disease-entropy-qlippotic                        | cruel blight                             |
| black god-blight                 | disease-divine-entropy-qlippotic                 | cruel god-blight                         |
| black golden plague              | disease-entropy-goetia-order                     | ordained black plague                    |
| black thunder-plague             | air-disease-entropy-extropy-goetia-water         | cold thunderous plague                   |
| burning alkali                   | earth-entropy-fire-water                         | alkaline iceflame                        |
| burning azoth                    | chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-fire-water           | star-azoth                               |
| burning cancer                   | disease-extropy-fire                             | searing cancer                           |
| burning chiaroscuro              | entropy-extropy-fire                             | searing chiaroscuro                      |
| burning crystallizing decay      | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-order-temporal        | metallic golden tachyons                 |
| burning exaltation               | extropy-fire-order                               | searing exaltation                       |
| burning frozen mud               | crushing-earth-entropy-fire-water                | burning frozen alkali                    |
| burning glory                    | extropy-fire-sephirotic-spirit                   | searing glory                            |
| burning golden moondew           | entropy-extropy-fire-order-spirit-water          | searing golden moondew                   |
| burning golden spores            | disease-entropy-extropy-fire-order-poison        | searing golden spores                    |
| burning happiness                | extropy-fire-psionic                             | searing charisma                         |
| burning imagination              | extropy-fire-oneiric                             | searing imagination                      |
| burning logoplasm                | fire-primal-spirit                               | primal ghostfire                         |
| burning mercy                    | extropy-fire-sephirotic                          | searing mercy                            |
| burning moondew                  | entropy-extropy-fire-spirit-water                | searing moondew                          |
| burning protoplasm               | chaos-extropy-fire-order-water                   | star-protoplasm                          |
| burning rot                      | chaos-disease-fire                               | diseased chaosfire                       |
| burning rotting happiness        | chaos-disease-extropy-fire-psionic               | psychic star-cancer                      |
| burning solid decay              | crushing-entropy-fire-temporal                   | ashen hammer time                        |
| burning solid tachyons           | crushing-earth-entropy-fire-temporal             | stony hammer time                        |
| burning song                     | air-extropy-fire-order-water                     | resonant light                           |
| burning spores                   | disease-entropy-extropy-fire-poison              | searing spores                           |
| burning thaumaplasm              | fire-magick-spirit                               | spiritual magefire                       |
| burning theoplasm                | divine-fire-spirit                               | divine ghostfire                         |
| cacodaimonic chaosfire           | chaos-entropy-fire-qlippotic-spirit              | cacodaimonic sinfire                     |
| cacodaimonic earth               | earth-entropy-qlippotic-spirit                   | eskaric cacodaimonia                     |
| cacodaimonic eidos               | entropy-order-psionic-qlippotic-spirit           | cacodaimonic ennui                       |
| cacodaimonic flame               | entropy-fire-qlippotic-spirit                    | cacodaimonic hellfire                    |
| cacodaimonic gravity             | earth-entropy-force-qlippotic-spirit             | cacodaimonic hadrons                     |
| cacodaimonic light               | air-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic-spirit        | cacodaimonic hellshock                   |
| cancerous anathema               | disease-divine-extropy-qlippotic                 | anathematic cancer                       |
| cancerous ash                    | disease-entropy-extropy-fire                     | ashen cancer                             |
| cancerous blades                 | cutting-disease-extropy                          | cutting cancer                           |
| cancerous charisma               | disease-extropy-fire-psionic                     | searing memetic contagion                |
| cancerous darkfire               | air-disease-entropy-extropy-fire-magick          | lambent miasmic darkfire                 |
| cancerous darts                  | disease-extropy-piercing                         | piercing cancer                          |
| cancerous disintegration         | chaos-disease-entropy-extropy                    | creative black pestilence                |
| cancerous epiphany               | disease-divine-extropy-goetia                    | epiphanic cancer                         |
| cancerous kathexis               | disease-divine-extropy-primal                    | existential cancer                       |
| cancerous mind-necroplasm        | disease-entropy-extropy-psionic-spirit           | diseased moon-vril                       |
| cancerous perception             | disease-extropy-psionic-water                    | oozing memetic contagion                 |
| cancerous piety                  | disease-extropy-psionic-sephirotic               | merciful memetic contagion               |
| cancerous tyranny                | disease-extropy-order-qlippotic                  | tyrannical cancer                        |
| chronal concussion               | air-force-temporal                               | concussive fractured spacetime           |
| chronal discord                  | air-chaos-extropy-temporal-water                 | discordant time disruption               |
| chronal fantasy                  | oneiric-order-temporal                           | fantastic discrete time                  |
| chronal godwrack                 | force-goetia-temporal                            | godly fractured spacetime                |
| chronal grace                    | chaos-sephirotic-temporal                        | graceful time disruption                 |
| chronal gravity                  | earth-force-temporal                             | gravitic fractured spacetime             |
| chronal hieroplasm               | goetia-spirit-temporal                           | inspired time                            |
| chronal holy spirit              | sephirotic-spirit-temporal                       | holy time-spirit                         |
| chronal logoplasm                | primal-spirit-temporal                           | spiritual ur-time                        |
| chronal moon-earth               | earth-entropy-extropy-spirit-temporal            | eskaric lunar time-energy                |
| chronal ordainment               | goetia-order-temporal                            | ordained discrete time                   |
| chronal ossification             | disease-order-temporal                           | diseased discrete time                   |
| chronal rot                      | chaos-disease-temporal                           | diseased time disruption                 |
| chronal sin                      | chaos-qlippotic-temporal                         | sinful time disruption                   |
| chronal sky                      | air-force-goetia-temporal-water                  | fractured sky-spacetime                  |
| chronal sky-lightning            | air-extropy-force-goetia-temporal-water          | thunderous fractured sky-spacetime       |
| chronal song                     | air-extropy-order-temporal-water                 | resonant discrete time                   |
| chronal structure                | force-order-temporal                             | structured discrete time                 |
| chronal thaumaplasm              | magick-spirit-temporal                           | spiritual time-magick                    |
| chronal theoplasm                | divine-spirit-temporal                           | spiritual god-time                       |
| chronal tyranny                  | order-qlippotic-temporal                         | tyrannical discrete time                 |
| cold eidos                       | air-entropy-order-psionic-water                  | cold ennui                               |
| cold gravity                     | air-earth-entropy-force-water                    | cold hadrons                             |
| cold happiness                   | air-entropy-extropy-psionic-water                | thunderous psychosis                     |
| cold metal                       | air-earth-entropy-extropy-fire-water             | vitriolic light                          |
| cold mind-cancer                 | air-disease-entropy-extropy-psionic-water        | thunderous miasmic psychosis             |
| cold solid decay                 | air-crushing-entropy-temporal-water              | cold hammer time                         |
| cold theurgic happiness          | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-psionic-water         | theurgic thunderous psychosis            |
| cold white magick                | air-entropy-extropy-magick-water                 | cold mage-thunder                        |
| cold willpower                   | air-earth-entropy-psionic-water                  | alkaline psychosis                       |
| concussive cacodaimonia          | air-entropy-force-qlippotic-spirit               | cacodaimonic overpressure                |
| concussive ooze                  | air-extropy-force-water                          | concussive thunder                       |
| concussive revelation            | air-divine-force-oneiric                         | revelatory concussion                    |
| concussive rot                   | air-chaos-disease-force                          | miasmic spatial disruption               |
| concussive time disruption       | air-chaos-force-temporal                         | concussive reality disruption            |
| concussive vitriol               | air-earth-entropy-extropy-force-water            | vitriolic overpressure                   |
| creative ordainment              | chaos-extropy-goetia-order                       | ordained creativity                      |
| crushing time-darts              | crushing-piercing-temporal                       | piercing hammer time                     |
| crystallizing flame              | earth-extropy-fire-order                         | metallic exaltation                      |
| cutting logoplasm                | cutting-primal-spirit                            | primal ghostblades                       |
| cutting solid time               | crushing-cutting-temporal                        | cutting hammer time                      |
| cutting thaumaplasm              | cutting-magick-spirit                            | thaumaturgic ghostblades                 |
| cutting theoplasm                | cutting-divine-spirit                            | divine ghostblades                       |
| cynical ash                      | entropy-fire-oneiric-qlippotic                   | cynical hellfire                         |
| cynical chaosfire                | chaos-fire-oneiric-qlippotic                     | cynical sinfire                          |
| cynical ectoplasm                | oneiric-qlippotic-spirit                         | cynical oneiroplasm                      |
| cynical extropy                  | extropy-oneiric-qlippotic                        | cynical imagination                      |
| cynical rot                      | chaos-disease-oneiric-qlippotic                  | surreal blight                           |
| cynical theoplasm                | divine-oneiric-qlippotic-spirit                  | anathematic oneiroplasm                  |
| dark spiritual telesma           | air-entropy-fire-goetia-magick-spirit            | inspired darkfire                        |
| dark telesma                     | air-entropy-fire-goetia-magick                   | telesmic darkfire                        |
| dark thaumaplasm                 | air-entropy-fire-magick-spirit                   | spiritual darkfire                       |
| dark thaumaturgic loam           | air-chaos-earth-entropy-fire-magick              | eskaric shifting darkfire                |
| deathsong                        | air-entropy-extropy-order-water                  | cold song                                |
| discordant dementia              | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-psionic-water          | discordant psychosis                     |
| discordant hieroplasm            | air-chaos-extropy-goetia-spirit-water            | inspired discord                         |
| discrete frostime                | air-entropy-order-temporal-water                 | cold discrete time                       |
| diseased aqueous blades          | cutting-disease-water                            | cutting diseased water                   |
| diseased glory                   | disease-extropy-sephirotic-spirit                | glorious cancer                          |
| diseased logoplasm               | disease-primal-spirit                            | diseased ur-ectoplasm                    |
| diseased phantasmagoria          | disease-oneiric-psionic                          | phantasmagoric memetic contagion         |
| diseased resentment              | disease-poison-psionic                           | resentful memetic contagion              |
| diseased thaumaplasm             | disease-magick-spirit                            | diseased mage-ectoplasm                  |
| diseased thaumaturgic resentment | disease-magick-poison-psionic                    | resentful thaumaturgic memetic contagion |
| diseased theoplasm               | disease-divine-spirit                            | diseased god-ectoplasm                   |
| dream-aftermath                  | air-chaos-entropy-oneiric-temporal               | surreal aftermath                        |
| dream-annihilation               | air-chaos-entropy-oneiric                        | surreal annihilation                     |
| dream-apeiron                    | chaos-oneiric-primal                             | surreal solipsism                        |
| dream-azoth                      | chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-oneiric-water        | surreal azoth                            |
| dream-blight                     | disease-oneiric-qlippotic                        | cynical blight                           |
| dream-bureaucracy                | chaos-cutting-entropy-oneiric-order-temporal     | surreal bureaucracy                      |
| dream-chiaroscuro                | entropy-extropy-oneiric                          | nightmarish chiaroscuro                  |
| dream-darkfire                   | air-entropy-fire-magick-oneiric                  | nightmarish darkfire                     |
| dream-despair                    | entropy-magick-oneiric-temporal                  | nightmarish despair                      |
| dream-discord                    | air-chaos-extropy-oneiric-water                  | surreal discord                          |
| dream-disintegration             | chaos-entropy-oneiric                            | surreal nightmare                        |
| dream-epiphany                   | divine-goetia-oneiric                            | revelatory epiphany                      |
| dream-exaltation                 | extropy-oneiric-order                            | fantastic exaltation                     |
| dream-glory                      | extropy-oneiric-sephirotic-spirit                | idealistic glory                         |
| dream-grace                      | chaos-oneiric-sephirotic                         | surreal grace                            |
| dream-hadrons                    | earth-entropy-force-oneiric                      | nightmarish hadrons                      |
| dream-hellshock                  | air-entropy-extropy-fire-oneiric-qlippotic       | cynical hellshock                        |
| dream-henosis                    | chaos-goetia-oneiric-order-qlippotic-sephirotic  | cynical henosis                          |
| dream-hieroplasm                 | goetia-oneiric-spirit                            | inspired oneiroplasm                     |
| dream-iceflame                   | entropy-fire-oneiric-water                       | nightmarish iceflame                     |
| dream-inspiration                | divine-goetia-oneiric-spirit                     | inspired revelation                      |
| dream-isomorphism                | air-earth-fire-oneiric-order-water               | fantastic isomorphism                    |
| dream-lightfire                  | air-extropy-fire-magick-oneiric                  | lambent imagination                      |
| dream-malediction                | goetia-oneiric-qlippotic                         | cynical malediction                      |
| dream-mercy                      | extropy-oneiric-sephirotic                       | idealistic mercy                         |
| dream-metal                      | earth-extropy-fire-oneiric                       | metallic imagination                     |
| dream-moondew                    | entropy-extropy-oneiric-spirit-water             | nightmarish moondew                      |
| dream-muck                       | earth-oneiric-qlippotic-water                    | cynical muck                             |
| dream-murk                       | air-entropy-fire-oneiric-shadow                  | murky nightmare                          |
| dream-necroplasm                 | entropy-oneiric-spirit                           | nightmarish necroplasm                   |
| dream-nirvana                    | air-entropy-oneiric-sephirotic                   | idealistic nirvana                       |
| dream-ordainment                 | goetia-oneiric-order                             | ordained fantasy                         |
| dream-overpressure               | air-entropy-force-oneiric                        | nightmarish overpressure                 |
| dream-protoplasm                 | chaos-extropy-oneiric-order-water                | surreal protoplasm                       |
| dream-rainbow                    | air-chaos-extropy-fire-oneiric-water             | surreal rainbow                          |
| dream-rot                        | chaos-disease-oneiric                            | surreal pestilence                       |
| dream-soulfire                   | entropy-fire-oneiric-sephirotic                  | idealistic soulfire                      |
| dream-sterility                  | entropy-oneiric-order                            | fantastic nightmare                      |
| dream-structure                  | force-oneiric-order                              | structured fantasy                       |
| dream-thaumaplasm                | magick-oneiric-spirit                            | mage-oneiroplasm                         |
| dream-theoplasm                  | divine-oneiric-spirit                            | revelatory oneiroplasm                   |
| dream-thermodynamism             | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-oneiric           | surreal thermodynamism                   |
| dream-thunder                    | air-extropy-oneiric-water                        | thunderous imagination                   |
| dream-tyranny                    | oneiric-order-qlippotic                          | cynical tyranny                          |
| dream-vitriol                    | earth-entropy-extropy-oneiric-water              | vitriolic nightmare                      |
| dreamacid                        | earth-extropy-oneiric-water                      | acidic imagination                       |
| dreamalkali                      | earth-entropy-oneiric-water                      | alkaline nightmare                       |
| dreamfrost                       | air-entropy-oneiric-water                        | cold nightmare                           |
| dreamice                         | entropy-oneiric-water                            | icy nightmare                            |
| dreamloam                        | chaos-earth-oneiric                              | surreal loam                             |
| dreamooze                        | extropy-oneiric-water                            | oozing imagination                       |
| dreamsin                         | chaos-oneiric-qlippotic                          | cynical sin                              |
| dreamsong                        | air-extropy-oneiric-order-water                  | fantastic song                           |
| dreamspores                      | disease-entropy-extropy-oneiric-poison           | nightmarish spores                       |
| dreamvoid                        | air-entropy-oneiric                              | void-nightmare                           |
| dreamwrath                       | oneiric-qlippotic-sephirotic                     | cynical wrath                            |
| dusty decay                      | air-earth-entropy-temporal                       | void-tachyons                            |
| dusty disintegration             | air-chaos-earth-entropy                          | eskaric annihilation                     |
| dusty oozing plague              | air-disease-earth-extropy-goetia-water           | acidic thunderous plague                 |
| dusty rot                        | air-chaos-disease-earth                          | miasmic loam                             |
| dusty structure                  | air-earth-force-order                            | stabilizing concussion                   |
| enthalpic hieroplasm             | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-goetia-spirit         | inspired enthalpy                        |
| entropic hieroplasm              | entropy-goetia-spirit                            | inspired necroplasm                      |
| entropic structure               | entropy-force-order                              | structured sterility                     |
| entropic thaumaplasm             | entropy-magick-spirit                            | mage-necroplasm                          |
| eskaric ectoplasm                | earth-entropy-spirit                             | eskaric necroplasm                       |
| eskaric eidos                    | earth-entropy-order-psionic                      | eskaric ennui                            |
| eskaric extropy                  | earth-entropy-extropy                            | eskaric chiaroscuro                      |
| eskaric hellshock                | air-earth-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic         | metallic hellshock                       |
| eskaric hieroplasm               | earth-entropy-goetia-spirit                      | inspired eskaris                         |
| eskaric ink                      | earth-entropy-poison-water                       | necrotoxic alkali                        |
| eskaric lightfire                | air-earth-entropy-extropy-fire-magick            | metallic darkfire                        |
| eskaric song                     | air-earth-entropy-extropy-order-water            | vitriolic song                           |
| explosive aftermath              | air-chaos-entropy-force-temporal                 | concussive aftermath                     |
| explosive annihilation           | air-chaos-entropy-force                          | concussive annihilation                  |
| explosive aqueous blades         | cutting-force-water                              | cutting aqueous force                    |
| explosive aqueous darts          | force-piercing-water                             | piercing aqueous force                   |
| explosive bureaucracy            | chaos-cutting-entropy-force-order-temporal       | structured bureaucracy                   |
| explosive darkfire               | air-entropy-fire-force-magick                    | concussive darkfire                      |
| explosive discord                | air-chaos-extropy-force-water                    | concussive discord                       |
| explosive ennui                  | entropy-force-order-psionic                      | structured ennui                         |
| explosive grace                  | chaos-force-sephirotic                           | graceful spatial disruption              |
| explosive hellshock              | air-entropy-extropy-fire-force-qlippotic         | concussive hellshock                     |
| explosive history                | force-order-psionic-temporal                     | structured history                       |
| explosive light                  | air-extropy-fire-force                           | concussive light                         |
| explosive lightning              | air-extropy-force                                | concussive lightning                     |
| explosive logoplasm              | force-primal-spirit                              | spiritual ur-force                       |
| explosive miasma                 | air-disease-force                                | concussive miasma                        |
| explosive murk                   | air-entropy-fire-force-shadow                    | murky overpressure                       |
| explosive protoplasm             | chaos-extropy-force-order-water                  | structured protoplasm                    |
| explosive rainbow                | air-chaos-extropy-fire-force-water               | concussive rainbow                       |
| explosive rot                    | chaos-disease-force                              | diseased spatial disruption              |
| explosive sin                    | chaos-force-qlippotic                            | sinful spatial disruption                |
| explosive song                   | air-extropy-force-order-water                    | concussive song                          |
| explosive thaumaplasm            | force-magick-spirit                              | spiritual mageforce                      |
| explosive theoplasm              | divine-force-spirit                              | spiritual godforce                       |
| exthalpic hieroplasm             | entropy-extropy-fire-goetia-order-spirit         | inspired exthalpy                        |
| extropic aether                  | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-order                  | electrified aether                       |
| extropic aftermath               | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-temporal               | electrified aftermath                    |
| extropic annihilation            | air-chaos-entropy-extropy                        | electrified annihilation                 |
| extropic henosis                 | chaos-extropy-goetia-order-qlippotic-sephirotic  | merciful henosis                         |
| extropic overpressure            | air-entropy-extropy-force                        | electrified overpressure                 |
| extropic rot                     | chaos-disease-extropy                            | ravening cancer                          |
| extropic spiritual aether        | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-order-spirit           | empty moon-metasynthesis                 |
| extropic spiritual aftermath     | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-spirit-temporal        | electrified spiritual aftermath          |
| extropic spiritual angst         | entropy-extropy-oneiric-spirit-temporal          | nightmarish lunar time-energy            |
| extropic spiritual annihilation  | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-spirit                 | creative void-necroplasm                 |
| extropic structure               | extropy-force-order                              | structured exaltation                    |
| extropic tyranny                 | extropy-order-qlippotic                          | tyrannical exaltation                    |
| fantastic annihilation           | air-chaos-entropy-oneiric-order                  | surreal aether                           |
| filthy decay                     | disease-earth-entropy-temporal                   | filthy tachyons                          |
| filthy heat                      | disease-earth-extropy-fire                       | filthy metal                             |
| filthy rot                       | chaos-disease-earth                              | filthy loam                              |
| filthy structure                 | disease-earth-force-order                        | stabilizing filth                        |
| filthy wind                      | air-disease-earth                                | filthy miasma                            |
| fractured sin-spacetime          | chaos-force-qlippotic-temporal                   | sinful reality disruption                |
| fractured thunder-spacetime      | air-extropy-force-temporal-water                 | thunderous fractured spacetime           |
| freezing mud                     | air-earth-entropy-fire-water                     | freezing alkali                          |
| freezing ooze                    | air-entropy-extropy-fire-water                   | cold light                               |
| frostachyons                     | air-earth-entropy-temporal-water                 | cold tachyons                            |
| frostblades                      | air-cutting-entropy-water                        | cold blades                              |
| frostdarts                       | air-entropy-piercing-water                       | cold darts                               |
| frostelesma                      | air-entropy-goetia-magick-water                  | cold telesma                             |
| frostfire                        | air-entropy-fire-water                           | coldfire                                 |
| frostspores                      | air-disease-entropy-extropy-poison-water         | cold spores                              |
| frozen chronal acid              | crushing-earth-entropy-extropy-temporal-water    | vitriolic hammer time                    |
| frozen chronal mud               | crushing-earth-entropy-temporal-water            | alkaline hammer time                     |
| frozen dreamooze                 | crushing-entropy-extropy-oneiric-water           | frozen nightmarish ooze                  |
| frozen filthy mud                | crushing-disease-earth-entropy-water             | frozen filthy alkali                     |
| frozen gravitic mud              | crushing-earth-entropy-force-water               | frozen gravitic alkali                   |
| frozen hellmud                   | crushing-earth-entropy-qlippotic-water           | frozen hellalkali                        |
| frozen mindmud                   | crushing-earth-entropy-psionic-water             | frozen mindalkali                        |
| frozen mud                       | crushing-earth-entropy-water                     | frozen alkali                            |
| frozen shifting mud              | chaos-crushing-earth-entropy-water               | frozen shifting alkali                   |
| frozen superheated mud           | crushing-earth-entropy-extropy-fire-water        | boiling frozen acid                      |
| frozen theurgic voidooze         | air-crushing-entropy-extropy-goetia-water        | frozen theurgic thunderous ooze          |
| frozen voidmud                   | air-crushing-earth-entropy-water                 | frozen voidalkali                        |
| frozen voidooze                  | air-crushing-entropy-extropy-water               | frozen thunderous ooze                   |
| geo-logoplasm                    | earth-primal-spirit                              | spiritual ur-earth                       |
| geo-thaumaplasm                  | earth-magick-spirit                              | spiritual mage-earth                     |
| geo-theoplasm                    | divine-earth-spirit                              | spiritual god-earth                      |
| glorious ash                     | entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic-spirit           | glorious soulfire                        |
| glorious magma                   | earth-extropy-fire-sephirotic-spirit             | metallic glory                           |
| glowing cancer                   | air-disease-extropy-fire-goetia-magick           | glowing plague                           |
| glowing earth                    | air-earth-extropy-fire-goetia-magick             | glowing metal                            |
| glowing ooze                     | air-extropy-fire-goetia-magick-water             | glowing thunder                          |
| glowing void                     | air-entropy-extropy-fire-goetia-magick           | glowing darkfire                         |
| god-angst                        | divine-entropy-oneiric-temporal                  | revelatory angst                         |
| god-archai                       | divine-order-primal                              | existential archai                       |
| god-cynicism                     | divine-oneiric-qlippotic                         | cynical revelation                       |
| god-entelechy                    | chaos-divine-order-primal                        | existential entelechy                    |
| god-godwrack                     | divine-force-goetia                              | godly epiphany                           |
| god-idealism                     | divine-oneiric-sephirotic                        | revelatory idealism                      |
| god-malediction                  | divine-goetia-qlippotic                          | maledictory epiphany                     |
| god-ordainment                   | divine-goetia-order                              | ordained epiphany                        |
| god-ossification                 | disease-divine-order                             | systemic god-pestilence                  |
| god-phantasmagoria               | divine-oneiric-psionic                           | revelatory paradeigma                    |
| god-resentment                   | divine-poison-psionic                            | resentful paradeigma                     |
| god-rot                          | chaos-disease-divine                             | diseased godchaos                        |
| god-solipsism                    | divine-oneiric-primal                            | revelatory kathexis                      |
| god-telesma                      | divine-goetia-magick                             | telesmic epiphany                        |
| god-thaumaplasm                  | divine-magick-spirit                             | spiritual god-magick                     |
| god-thunder-malediction          | air-divine-extropy-goetia-qlippotic-water        | thunderous epiphanic anathema            |
| godly earth                      | earth-force-goetia                               | godly gravity                            |
| godly ectoplasm                  | force-goetia-spirit                              | godly inspiration                        |
| godly lightfire                  | air-extropy-fire-force-goetia-magick             | glowing godwrack                         |
| godly star-lightning             | air-chaos-extropy-fire-force-goetia              | godly starlight                          |
| godly time disruption            | chaos-force-goetia-temporal                      | godly reality disruption                 |
| godly void                       | air-entropy-force-goetia                         | godly overpressure                       |
| godly voidheat                   | air-entropy-extropy-fire-force-goetia            | godly voidlight                          |
| godly wind                       | air-force-goetia                                 | godly concussion                         |
| godsky                           | air-divine-force-goetia-water                    | sky-epiphany                             |
| golden acid                      | earth-extropy-order-water                        | acidic exaltation                        |
| golden alkali                    | earth-entropy-order-water                        | alkaline sterility                       |
| golden angst                     | entropy-oneiric-order-temporal                   | fantastic angst                          |
| golden azoth                     | chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-order-water          | vitriolic protoplasm                     |
| golden beatitude                 | divine-order-sephirotic                          | beatific order                           |
| golden blight                    | disease-order-qlippotic                          | tyrannical blight                        |
| golden cacodaimonia              | entropy-order-qlippotic-spirit                   | cacodaimonic tyranny                     |
| golden glory                     | extropy-order-sephirotic-spirit                  | righteous glory                          |
| golden grace                     | chaos-order-sephirotic                           | righteous grace                          |
| golden gravity                   | earth-force-order                                | gravitic structure                       |
| golden hellshock                 | air-entropy-extropy-fire-order-qlippotic         | tyrannical hellshock                     |
| golden hieroplasm                | goetia-order-spirit                              | inspired ordainment                      |
| golden lightfire                 | air-extropy-fire-magick-order                    | lambent exaltation                       |
| golden logoplasm                 | order-primal-spirit                              | spiritual archai                         |
| golden mercy                     | extropy-order-sephirotic                         | righteous mercy                          |
| golden moon-riptide              | chaos-entropy-extropy-order-spirit-water         | icy moon-metasynthesis                   |
| golden moonmud                   | earth-entropy-extropy-order-spirit-water         | vitriolic golden moondew                 |
| golden muck                      | earth-order-qlippotic-water                      | tyrannical muck                          |
| golden murk                      | air-entropy-fire-order-shadow                    | murky sterility                          |
| golden nirvana                   | air-entropy-order-sephirotic                     | righteous nirvana                        |
| golden ooze                      | extropy-order-water                              | oozing exaltation                        |
| golden phantasmagoria            | oneiric-order-psionic                            | phantasmagoric fantasy                   |
| golden plague                    | disease-goetia-order                             | ordained plague                          |
| golden reality disruption        | chaos-force-order-temporal                       | structured reality disruption            |
| golden rot                       | chaos-disease-order                              | diseased metasynthesis                   |
| golden sin                       | chaos-order-qlippotic                            | sinful tyranny                           |
| golden sky                       | air-force-goetia-order-water                     | ordained sky                             |
| golden soul-light                | air-entropy-extropy-fire-order-sephirotic        | righteous voidlight                      |
| golden thaumaplasm               | magick-order-spirit                              | spiritual order magick                   |
| golden theoplasm                 | divine-order-spirit                              | spiritual godorder                       |
| golden vitriol                   | earth-entropy-extropy-order-water                | vitriolic sterility                      |
| golden void                      | air-entropy-order                                | void-sterility                           |
| grace-archai                     | chaos-order-primal-sephirotic                    | grace-entelechy                          |
| graceful moonfire                | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic-spirit     | glorious star-soulfire                   |
| graceheat                        | chaos-extropy-fire-sephirotic                    | star-grace                               |
| gravitic archai                  | earth-force-order-primal                         | stabilizing archai                       |
| gravitic decay                   | earth-entropy-force-temporal                     | gravitic tachyons                        |
| gravitic discrete time           | earth-force-order-temporal                       | stabilizing discrete time                |
| gravitic eidos                   | earth-force-order-psionic                        | stabilizing willpower                    |
| gravitic ennui                   | earth-entropy-force-order-psionic                | stabilizing ennui                        |
| gravitic entelechy               | chaos-earth-force-order-primal                   | stabilizing entelechy                    |
| gravitic fantasy                 | earth-force-oneiric-order                        | stabilizing fantasy                      |
| gravitic heat                    | earth-extropy-fire-force                         | gravitic metal                           |
| gravitic history                 | earth-force-order-psionic-temporal               | stabilizing history                      |
| gravitic protoplasm              | chaos-earth-extropy-force-order-water            | stabilizing protoplasm                   |
| gravitic rot                     | chaos-disease-earth-force                        | filthy spatial disruption                |
| gravitic song                    | air-earth-extropy-force-order-water              | stabilizing song                         |
| gravitic telesma                 | earth-force-goetia-magick                        | telesmic gravity                         |
| gravitic time disruption         | chaos-earth-force-temporal                       | gravitic reality disruption              |
| gravitic tyranny                 | earth-force-order-qlippotic                      | stabilizing tyranny                      |
| gravitic wind                    | air-earth-force                                  | concussive gravity                       |
| hell-concussion                  | air-entropy-force-qlippotic                      | hell-overpressure                        |
| hell-eidos                       | entropy-order-psionic-qlippotic                  | hell-ennui                               |
| hell-extropy                     | entropy-extropy-qlippotic                        | hell-chiaroscuro                         |
| hell-gravity                     | earth-entropy-force-qlippotic                    | hell-hadrons                             |
| hell-hieroplasm                  | entropy-goetia-qlippotic-spirit                  | inspired cacodaimonia                    |
| hell-idealism                    | entropy-oneiric-qlippotic-sephirotic             | soul-cynicism                            |
| hell-lightfire                   | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-qlippotic        | lambent hellshock                        |
| hell-logoplasm                   | entropy-primal-qlippotic-spirit                  | ur-cacodaimonia                          |
| hell-orgone                      | entropy-extropy-qlippotic-spirit                 | cacodaimonic lunar energy                |
| hell-ossification                | disease-entropy-order-qlippotic                  | tyrannical cruel blight                  |
| hell-rot                         | chaos-disease-entropy-qlippotic                  | cruel sin-blight                         |
| hell-soulfire                    | entropy-fire-qlippotic-sephirotic                | soul-hellfire                            |
| hell-starfire                    | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic             | star-hellfire                            |
| hell-thaumaplasm                 | entropy-magick-qlippotic-spirit                  | mage-cacodaimonia                        |
| hell-theoplasm                   | divine-entropy-qlippotic-spirit                  | god-cacodaimonia                         |
| hell-thermodynamism              | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic         | thermodynamic hellshock                  |
| hellacid                         | earth-entropy-extropy-qlippotic-water            | vitriolic muck                           |
| hellmist                         | air-entropy-qlippotic-water                      | hellfrost                                |
| hellmud                          | earth-entropy-qlippotic-water                    | alkaline muck                            |
| holy acid                        | earth-extropy-sephirotic-water                   | acidic mercy                             |
| holy aqueous blades              | cutting-sephirotic-water                         | cutting holy water                       |
| holy archai                      | order-primal-sephirotic                          | righteous archai                         |
| holy blight                      | disease-qlippotic-sephirotic                     | wrathful blight                          |
| holy cancer                      | disease-extropy-sephirotic                       | merciful cancer                          |
| holy discord                     | air-chaos-extropy-sephirotic-water               | grace-discord                            |
| holy discrete time               | order-sephirotic-temporal                        | righteous discrete time                  |
| holy epiphany                    | divine-goetia-sephirotic                         | angelic epiphany                         |
| holy fantasy                     | oneiric-order-sephirotic                         | righteous fantasy                        |
| holy godwrack                    | force-goetia-sephirotic                          | angelic force                            |
| holy hieroplasm                  | goetia-sephirotic-spirit                         | angelic inspiration                      |
| holy history                     | order-psionic-sephirotic-temporal                | righteous history                        |
| holy inspiration                 | divine-goetia-sephirotic-spirit                  | inspired beatitude                       |
| holy isomorphism                 | air-earth-fire-order-sephirotic-water            | righteous isomorphism                    |
| holy lightning                   | air-extropy-sephirotic                           | electrified mercy                        |
| holy logoplasm                   | primal-sephirotic-spirit                         | holy ur-spirit                           |
| holy metal                       | earth-extropy-fire-sephirotic                    | merciful metal                           |
| holy muck                        | earth-qlippotic-sephirotic-water                 | wrathful muck                            |
| holy oneiroplasm                 | oneiric-sephirotic-spirit                        | idealistic oneiroplasm                   |
| holy ooze                        | extropy-sephirotic-water                         | oozing mercy                             |
| holy ordainment                  | goetia-order-sephirotic                          | angelic ordainment                       |
| holy ossification                | disease-order-sephirotic                         | righteous pestilence                     |
| holy phantasmagoria              | oneiric-psionic-sephirotic                       | phantasmagoric idealism                  |
| holy plague                      | disease-goetia-sephirotic                        | angelic plague                           |
| holy protoplasm                  | chaos-extropy-order-sephirotic-water             | grace-protoplasm                         |
| holy rainbow                     | air-chaos-extropy-fire-sephirotic-water          | grace-rainbow                            |
| holy reality disruption          | chaos-force-sephirotic-temporal                  | graceful reality disruption              |
| holy rot                         | chaos-disease-sephirotic                         | diseased grace                           |
| holy sky                         | air-force-goetia-sephirotic-water                | angelic sky                              |
| holy solid discrete time         | crushing-order-sephirotic-temporal               | righteous hammer time                    |
| holy song                        | air-extropy-order-sephirotic-water               | merciful song                            |
| holy structure                   | force-order-sephirotic                           | righteous structure                      |
| holy telesma                     | goetia-magick-sephirotic                         | angelic telesma                          |
| holy thaumaplasm                 | magick-sephirotic-spirit                         | holy mage-spirit                         |
| holy theoplasm                   | divine-sephirotic-spirit                         | beatific ectoplasm                       |
| holy tyranny                     | order-qlippotic-sephirotic                       | righteous wrath                          |
| icy aether                       | air-chaos-entropy-order-water                    | cold aether                              |
| icy aftermath                    | air-chaos-entropy-temporal-water                 | cold aftermath                           |
| icy annihilation                 | air-chaos-entropy-water                          | cold annihilation                        |
| icy concussion                   | air-entropy-force-water                          | cold overpressure                        |
| icy darkfire                     | air-entropy-fire-magick-water                    | cold darkfire                            |
| icy ectoplasm                    | entropy-spirit-water                             | icy necroplasm                           |
| icy eidos                        | entropy-order-psionic-water                      | icy ennui                                |
| icy filth                        | disease-earth-entropy-water                      | filthy alkali                            |
| icy god-lightning                | air-divine-entropy-extropy-water                 | cold god-thunder                         |
| icy gravity                      | earth-entropy-force-water                        | alkaline hadrons                         |
| icy heat                         | entropy-extropy-fire-water                       | oozing iceflame                          |
| icy isomorphism                  | air-earth-entropy-fire-order-water               | cold isomorphism                         |
| icy lightning                    | air-entropy-extropy-water                        | cold thunder                             |
| icy miasma                       | air-disease-entropy-water                        | cold miasma                              |
| icy murk                         | air-entropy-fire-shadow-water                    | cold murk                                |
| icy solid aether                 | air-chaos-crushing-entropy-order-water           | cold solid aether                        |
| icy solid aftermath              | air-chaos-crushing-entropy-temporal-water        | cold solid aftermath                     |
| icy solid annihilation           | air-chaos-crushing-entropy-water                 | cold solid annihilation                  |
| icy solid concussion             | air-crushing-entropy-force-water                 | cold solid overpressure                  |
| icy solid darkfire               | air-crushing-entropy-fire-magick-water           | cold solid darkfire                      |
| icy solid decay                  | crushing-entropy-temporal-water                  | icy hammer time                          |
| icy solid discrete time          | crushing-entropy-order-temporal-water            | icy golden hammer time                   |
| icy solid ectoplasm              | crushing-entropy-spirit-water                    | icy solid necroplasm                     |
| icy solid eidos                  | crushing-entropy-order-psionic-water             | icy solid ennui                          |
| icy solid fractured spacetime    | crushing-entropy-force-temporal-water            | explosive icy hammer time                |
| icy solid miasma                 | air-crushing-disease-entropy-water               | cold solid miasma                        |
| icy solid murk                   | air-crushing-entropy-fire-shadow-water           | cold solid murk                          |
| icy solid time disruption        | chaos-crushing-entropy-temporal-water            | icy shifting hammer time                 |
| icy solid venom                  | crushing-entropy-poison-water                    | necrotoxic solid ice                     |
| icy theurgic lightning           | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-water                 | cold theurgic thunder                    |
| icy thunder-epiphany             | air-divine-entropy-extropy-goetia-water          | cold epiphanic thunder                   |
| icy venom                        | entropy-poison-water                             | necrotoxic ice                           |
| idealistic chaosfire             | chaos-fire-oneiric-sephirotic                    | surreal gracefire                        |
| inspired chiaroscuro             | divine-entropy-extropy-goetia-spirit             | moon-epiphany                            |
| inspired entropy                 | divine-entropy-goetia-spirit                     | epiphanic necroplasm                     |
| inspired glory                   | divine-extropy-goetia-sephirotic-spirit          | epiphanic glory                          |
| inspired shadow                  | divine-goetia-shadow-spirit                      | epiphanic umbraplasm                     |
| lambent annihilation             | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-magick            | lambent thermodynamism                   |
| lambent decay                    | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-temporal         | lambent despair                          |
| lambent dementia                 | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-psionic          | lambent psychosis                        |
| lambent discord                  | air-chaos-extropy-fire-magick-water              | lambent rainbow                          |
| lambent earth                    | air-earth-extropy-fire-magick                    | lambent metal                            |
| lambent golden earth             | air-earth-extropy-fire-magick-order              | lambent metallic exaltation              |
| lambent ice                      | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-water            | lambent frost                            |
| lambent mud                      | air-earth-extropy-fire-magick-water              | lambent acid                             |
| lambent necroplasm               | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-spirit           | lambent lunar energy                     |
| lambent ooze                     | air-extropy-fire-magick-water                    | lambent thunder                          |
| lambent void                     | air-entropy-extropy-fire-magick                  | lambent darkfire                         |
| logoplasm                        | primal-spirit                                    | ur-ectoplasm                             |
| lunar dream-energy               | entropy-extropy-oneiric-spirit                   | nightmarish lunar energy                 |
| maledictory chaosfire            | chaos-fire-goetia-qlippotic                      | maledictory sinfire                      |
| malign aqueous blades            | cutting-qlippotic-water                          | cutting malign water                     |
| malign filth                     | disease-earth-qlippotic                          | filthy blight                            |
| malign glory                     | extropy-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit              | wrathful glory                           |
| malign godwrack                  | force-goetia-qlippotic                           | godly malediction                        |
| malign hieroplasm                | goetia-qlippotic-spirit                          | inspired malediction                     |
| malign history                   | order-psionic-qlippotic-temporal                 | tyrannical history                       |
| malign inspiration               | divine-goetia-qlippotic-spirit                   | inspired anathema                        |
| malign isomorphism               | air-earth-fire-order-qlippotic-water             | tyrannical isomorphism                   |
| malign logoplasm                 | primal-qlippotic-spirit                          | malign ur-ectoplasm                      |
| malign mercy                     | extropy-qlippotic-sephirotic                     | merciful wrath                           |
| malign miasma                    | air-disease-qlippotic                            | miasmic blight                           |
| malign phantasmagoria            | oneiric-psionic-qlippotic                        | cynical phantasmagoria                   |
| malign plague                    | disease-goetia-qlippotic                         | maledictory plague                       |
| malign sky                       | air-force-goetia-qlippotic-water                 | sky-malediction                          |
| malign song                      | air-extropy-order-qlippotic-water                | tyrannical song                          |
| malign structure                 | force-order-qlippotic                            | structured tyranny                       |
| malign telesma                   | goetia-magick-qlippotic                          | maledictory telesma                      |
| malign thaumaplasm               | magick-qlippotic-spirit                          | malign mage-ectoplasm                    |
| malign theoplasm                 | divine-qlippotic-spirit                          | spiritual anathema                       |
| malign thunder-plague            | air-disease-extropy-goetia-qlippotic-water       | maledictory miasmic thunder              |
| malign ur-eidos                  | order-primal-psionic-qlippotic                   | tyrannical mind-archai                   |
| metallic annihilation            | air-chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-fire             | thermodynamic metal                      |
| metallic decay                   | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-temporal              | metallic tachyons                        |
| metallic ordained lightning      | air-earth-extropy-fire-goetia-order              | metallic ordained light                  |
| metallic song                    | air-earth-extropy-fire-order-water               | resonant isomorphism                     |
| metallic wrath                   | earth-extropy-fire-qlippotic-sephirotic          | wrathful metal                           |
| miasmic dementia                 | air-disease-entropy-psionic                      | miasmic psychosis                        |
| miasmic enthalpy                 | air-chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-fire           | thermodynamic cancer                     |
| miasmic mindsky                  | air-disease-force-goetia-psionic-water           | miasmic sky-perception                   |
| miasmic rot                      | air-chaos-disease                                | miasmic chaos                            |
| mind-apeiron                     | chaos-primal-psionic                             | ur-confusion                             |
| mind-concussion                  | air-force-psionic                                | concussive intelligence                  |
| mind-discord                     | air-chaos-extropy-psionic-water                  | discordant confusion                     |
| mind-filth                       | disease-earth-psionic                            | filthy willpower                         |
| mind-glory                       | extropy-psionic-sephirotic-spirit                | glorious happiness                       |
| mind-grace                       | chaos-psionic-sephirotic                         | graceful confusion                       |
| mind-gravity                     | earth-force-psionic                              | gravitic willpower                       |
| mind-hieroplasm                  | goetia-psionic-spirit                            | inspired psychoplasm                     |
| mind-ink                         | poison-psionic-water                             | resentful perception                     |
| mind-inspiration                 | divine-goetia-psionic-spirit                     | inspired paradeigma                      |
| mind-kathexis                    | divine-primal-psionic                            | existential paradeigma                   |
| mind-lightfire                   | air-extropy-fire-magick-psionic                  | lambent charisma                         |
| mind-logoplasm                   | primal-psionic-spirit                            | ur-psychoplasm                           |
| mind-mercy                       | extropy-psionic-sephirotic                       | merciful happiness                       |
| mind-metal                       | earth-extropy-fire-psionic                       | metallic charisma                        |
| mind-miasma                      | air-disease-psionic                              | miasmic intelligence                     |
| mind-overpressure                | air-entropy-force-psionic                        | concussive psychosis                     |
| mind-rot                         | chaos-disease-psionic                            | diseased confusion                       |
| mind-starfire                    | chaos-extropy-fire-psionic                       | star-charisma                            |
| mind-thaumaplasm                 | magick-psionic-spirit                            | mage-psychoplasm                         |
| mind-theoplasm                   | divine-psionic-spirit                            | god-psychoplasm                          |
| mind-thunder                     | air-extropy-psionic-water                        | thunderous happiness                     |
| mind-thunder-epiphany            | air-divine-extropy-goetia-psionic-water          | thunderous epiphanic happiness           |
| mind-thunder-hieroplasm          | air-extropy-goetia-psionic-spirit-water          | thunderous inspired happiness            |
| mind-thunder-malediction         | air-extropy-goetia-psionic-qlippotic-water       | maledictory thunderous impiety           |
| mind-thunder-plague              | air-disease-extropy-goetia-psionic-water         | thunderous mind-plague                   |
| mind-vitriol                     | earth-entropy-extropy-psionic-water              | vitriolic dementia                       |
| mindacid                         | earth-extropy-psionic-water                      | acidic happiness                         |
| mindalkali                       | earth-entropy-psionic-water                      | alkaline dementia                        |
| mindfrost                        | air-entropy-psionic-water                        | cold psychosis                           |
| mindice                          | entropy-psionic-water                            | icy dementia                             |
| mindmud                          | earth-psionic-water                              | muddy willpower                          |
| mindmurk                         | air-entropy-fire-psionic-shadow                  | murky psychosis                          |
| mindooze                         | extropy-psionic-water                            | oozing happiness                         |
| mindsin                          | chaos-psionic-qlippotic                          | sinful confusion                         |
| mindsky                          | air-force-goetia-psionic-water                   | sky-perception                           |
| mindsong                         | air-extropy-order-psionic-water                  | resonant happiness                       |
| mindspores                       | disease-entropy-extropy-poison-psionic           | resentful spores                         |
| misty cancer                     | air-disease-extropy-water                        | miasmic thunder                          |
| misty glory                      | air-extropy-sephirotic-spirit-water              | glorious thunder                         |
| misty mercy                      | air-extropy-sephirotic-water                     | merciful thunder                         |
| misty rot                        | air-chaos-disease-water                          | miasmic riptide                          |
| misty theurgic ur-happiness      | air-extropy-goetia-primal-psionic-water          | theurgic thunderous ur-happiness         |
| misty ur-happiness               | air-extropy-primal-psionic-water                 | thunderous ur-happiness                  |
| moon-earth                       | earth-entropy-extropy-spirit                     | eskaric lunar energy                     |
| moon-ink                         | entropy-extropy-poison-spirit-water              | necrotoxic moondew                       |
| moon-magma                       | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-spirit                | metallic lunar energy                    |
| moonmist                         | air-entropy-extropy-spirit-water                 | cold moondew                             |
| moonvenom                        | entropy-extropy-poison-spirit                    | necrotoxic lunar energy                  |
| moonwind                         | air-entropy-extropy-spirit                       | lunar void-energy                        |
| muddy aether                     | air-chaos-earth-entropy-order-water              | alkaline aether                          |
| muddy aftermath                  | air-chaos-earth-entropy-temporal-water           | alkaline aftermath                       |
| muddy angst                      | earth-entropy-oneiric-temporal-water             | alkaline angst                           |
| muddy annihilation               | air-chaos-earth-entropy-water                    | alkaline annihilation                    |
| muddy darkfire                   | air-earth-entropy-fire-magick-water              | alkaline darkfire                        |
| muddy decay                      | earth-entropy-temporal-water                     | alkaline tachyons                        |
| muddy despair                    | earth-entropy-magick-temporal-water              | alkaline despair                         |
| muddy disintegration             | chaos-earth-entropy-water                        | alkaline loam                            |
| muddy ennui                      | earth-entropy-order-psionic-water                | alkaline ennui                           |
| muddy glory                      | earth-extropy-sephirotic-spirit-water            | acidic glory                             |
| muddy hellfire                   | earth-entropy-fire-qlippotic-water               | alkaline hellfire                        |
| muddy lightning                  | air-earth-extropy-water                          | acidic thunder                           |
| muddy moondew                    | earth-entropy-extropy-spirit-water               | vitriolic moondew                        |
| muddy necroplasm                 | earth-entropy-spirit-water                       | alkaline necroplasm                      |
| muddy nirvana                    | air-earth-entropy-sephirotic-water               | alkaline nirvana                         |
| muddy ordained lightning         | air-earth-extropy-goetia-order-water             | acidic ordained song                     |
| muddy orgone                     | earth-extropy-spirit-water                       | acidic orgone                            |
| muddy protoplasm                 | chaos-earth-extropy-order-water                  | acidic protoplasm                        |
| muddy rainbow                    | air-chaos-earth-extropy-fire-water               | acidic rainbow                           |
| muddy rot                        | chaos-disease-earth-water                        | filthy riptide                           |
| muddy song                       | air-earth-extropy-order-water                    | acidic song                              |
| muddy soulfire                   | earth-entropy-fire-sephirotic-water              | alkaline soulfire                        |
| muddy spores                     | disease-earth-entropy-extropy-poison-water       | vitriolic spores                         |
| muddy theurgic lightning         | air-earth-extropy-goetia-water                   | acidic theurgic thunder                  |
| murky earth                      | air-earth-entropy-fire-shadow                    | eskaric murk                             |
| murky eidos                      | air-entropy-fire-order-psionic-shadow            | murky ennui                              |
| murky gravity                    | air-earth-entropy-fire-force-shadow              | murky hadrons                            |
| murky hieroplasm                 | air-entropy-fire-goetia-shadow-spirit            | inspired murk                            |
| murky lightning                  | air-entropy-extropy-fire-shadow                  | murky light                              |
| murky mud                        | air-earth-entropy-fire-shadow-water              | murky alkali                             |
| murky ooze                       | air-entropy-extropy-fire-shadow-water            | murky thunder                            |
| murky orgone                     | air-entropy-extropy-fire-shadow-spirit           | murky lunar energy                       |
| murky solid decay                | air-crushing-entropy-fire-shadow-temporal        | murky hammer time                        |
| murky theurgic lightning         | air-entropy-extropy-fire-goetia-shadow           | murky theurgic light                     |
| nightmarish logoplasm            | entropy-oneiric-primal-spirit                    | solipsistic necroplasm                   |
| oneiric reality disruption       | chaos-force-oneiric-temporal                     | surreal reality disruption               |
| oneiric spatial disruption       | chaos-force-oneiric                              | surreal spatial disruption               |
| oneiric time disruption          | chaos-oneiric-temporal                           | surreal time disruption                  |
| oozing aftermath                 | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-temporal-water         | discordant aftermath                     |
| oozing angelfrost                | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-sephirotic-water      | thunderous angelfrost                    |
| oozing annihilation              | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-water                  | cold discord                             |
| oozing overpressure              | air-entropy-extropy-force-water                  | thunderous overpressure                  |
| oozing theurgic annihilation     | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-goetia-water           | cold theurgic discord                    |
| ordained annihilation            | air-chaos-entropy-goetia-order                   | ordained aether                          |
| ordained apeiron                 | chaos-goetia-order-primal                        | ordained entelechy                       |
| ordained chronal song            | air-extropy-goetia-order-temporal-water          | ordained resonant discrete time          |
| ordained deathsong               | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-order-water           | cold ordained song                       |
| ordained entropy                 | entropy-goetia-order                             | ordained sterility                       |
| ordained extropy                 | extropy-goetia-order                             | ordained exaltation                      |
| ordained gravity                 | earth-force-goetia-order                         | stabilizing godwrack                     |
| ordained memory                  | goetia-order-psionic-temporal                    | ordained history                         |
| ordained mindsong                | air-extropy-goetia-order-psionic-water           | ordained resonant happiness              |
| ordained spiritual annihilation  | air-chaos-entropy-goetia-order-spirit            | inspired aether                          |
| ordained spiritual protoplasm    | chaos-extropy-goetia-order-spirit-water          | inspired protoplasm                      |
| ordained superheated steam       | air-extropy-fire-goetia-order-water              | ordained resonant light                  |
| ordained ur-song                 | air-extropy-goetia-order-primal-water            | ordained resonant archai                 |
| ossification                     | disease-order                                    | systemic pestilence                      |
| ossifying annihilation           | air-chaos-disease-entropy-order                  | miasmic aether                           |
| ossifying blades                 | cutting-disease-order                            | diseased geometric blades                |
| ossifying darts                  | disease-order-piercing                           | diseased geometric darts                 |
| ossifying ectoplasm              | disease-order-spirit                             | spiritual systemic pestilence            |
| ossifying entropy                | disease-entropy-order                            | diseased sterility                       |
| ossifying flame                  | disease-fire-order                               | burning systemic pestilence              |
| ossifying impiety                | disease-order-psionic-qlippotic                  | tyrannical memetic contagion             |
| ossifying lightning              | air-disease-extropy-order                        | miasmic exaltation                       |
| ossifying loam                   | chaos-disease-earth-order                        | filthy metasynthesis                     |
| ossifying mercy                  | disease-extropy-order-sephirotic                 | righteous cancer                         |
| ossifying phantasmagoria         | disease-oneiric-order-psionic                    | fantastic memetic contagion              |
| ossifying piety                  | disease-order-psionic-sephirotic                 | righteous memetic contagion              |
| ossifying shadow                 | disease-order-shadow                             | systemic umbral pestilence               |
| ossifying venom                  | disease-order-poison                             | systemic toxic pestilence                |
| ossifying void                   | air-disease-entropy-order                        | miasmic sterility                        |
| ossifying water                  | disease-order-water                              | systemic aqueous pestilence              |
| ossifying wrath                  | disease-order-qlippotic-sephirotic               | righteous blight                         |
| phantasmagoric earth             | earth-oneiric-psionic                            | phantasmagoric willpower                 |
| phantasmagoric entropy           | entropy-oneiric-psionic                          | nightmarish dementia                     |
| phantasmagoric extropy           | extropy-oneiric-psionic                          | phantasmagoric happiness                 |
| phantasmagoric logoplasm         | oneiric-primal-psionic-spirit                    | solipsistic psychoplasm                  |
| phantasmagoric rot               | chaos-disease-oneiric-psionic                    | surreal memetic contagion                |
| phantasmagoric theoplasm         | divine-oneiric-psionic-spirit                    | revelatory psychoplasm                   |
| phantasmagoric water             | oneiric-psionic-water                            | phantasmagoric perception                |
| phantasmagoric wind              | air-oneiric-psionic                              | phantasmagoric intelligence              |
| piercing logoplasm               | piercing-primal-spirit                           | primal ghostdarts                        |
| piercing thaumaplasm             | magick-piercing-spirit                           | thaumaturgic ghostdarts                  |
| piercing theoplasm               | divine-piercing-spirit                           | divine ghostdarts                        |
| polarized frost                  | air-entropy-order-water                          | cold sterility                           |
| polarized ice                    | entropy-order-water                              | icy sterility                            |
| polarized solid ice              | crushing-entropy-order-water                     | icy solid sterility                      |
| psychic ur-lightning             | air-extropy-primal-psionic                       | electrified ur-happiness                 |
| quantum toxic cancer             | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-extropy-poison       | ravening filthy spores                   |
| ravening chronal sky             | air-chaos-force-goetia-temporal-water            | misty godly reality disruption           |
| ravening concussion              | air-chaos-force                                  | concussive spatial disruption            |
| ravening godwrack                | chaos-force-goetia                               | godly spatial disruption                 |
| ravening hieroplasm              | chaos-goetia-spirit                              | inspired chaos                           |
| ravening ordainment              | chaos-goetia-order                               | ordained metasynthesis                   |
| ravening solid tachyons          | chaos-crushing-earth-entropy-temporal            | quantum hammer time                      |
| ravening song                    | air-chaos-extropy-order-water                    | discordant song                          |
| ravening thaumaplasm             | chaos-magick-spirit                              | spiritual chaos magick                   |
| ravening theoplasm               | chaos-divine-spirit                              | spiritual godchaos                       |
| resentful void                   | air-entropy-poison-psionic                       | resentful psychosis                      |
| resentful wind                   | air-poison-psionic                               | resentful intelligence                   |
| resonant annihilation            | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-order-water            | resonant aether                          |
| resonant apeiron                 | air-chaos-extropy-order-primal-water             | resonant entelechy                       |
| resonant hieroplasm              | air-extropy-goetia-order-spirit-water            | inspired song                            |
| revelatory logoplasm             | divine-oneiric-primal-spirit                     | existential oneiroplasm                  |
| righteous ash                    | entropy-fire-order-sephirotic                    | righteous soulfire                       |
| righteous chaosfire              | chaos-fire-order-sephirotic                      | righteous gracefire                      |
| righteous gravity                | earth-force-order-sephirotic                     | stabilizing righteousness                |
| rot                              | chaos-disease                                    | diseased chaos                           |
| rotting archai                   | chaos-disease-order-primal                       | diseased entelechy                       |
| rotting blades                   | chaos-cutting-disease                            | diseased chaosblades                     |
| rotting bureaucracy              | chaos-cutting-disease-entropy-order-temporal     | diseased bureaucracy                     |
| rotting darts                    | chaos-disease-piercing                           | diseased chaosdarts                      |
| rotting disintegration           | chaos-disease-entropy                            | diseased disintegration                  |
| rotting happiness                | chaos-disease-extropy-psionic                    | creative memetic contagion               |
| rotting henosis                  | chaos-disease-goetia-order-qlippotic-sephirotic  | diseased henosis                         |
| rotting impiety                  | chaos-disease-psionic-qlippotic                  | sinful memetic contagion                 |
| rotting lightning                | air-chaos-disease-extropy                        | creative miasma                          |
| rotting magma                    | chaos-disease-earth-fire                         | filthy chaosfire                         |
| rotting piety                    | chaos-disease-psionic-sephirotic                 | graceful memetic contagion               |
| rotting protoplasm               | chaos-disease-extropy-order-water                | diseased protoplasm                      |
| rotting reality disruption       | chaos-disease-force-temporal                     | diseased reality disruption              |
| rotting song                     | air-chaos-disease-extropy-order-water            | miasmic protoplasm                       |
| rotting spores                   | chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-poison             | ravening spores                          |
| searing golden angst             | entropy-extropy-fire-oneiric-order-temporal      | searing fantastic angst                  |
| searing hadrons                  | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-force                 | metallic hadrons                         |
| searing muck                     | earth-extropy-fire-qlippotic-water               | metallic muck                            |
| shadow-glory                     | extropy-sephirotic-shadow-spirit                 | glorious umbraplasm                      |
| shadow-hieroplasm                | goetia-shadow-spirit                             | inspired umbraplasm                      |
| shadow-rot                       | chaos-disease-shadow                             | pestilential shifting shadow             |
| shadow-thaumaplasm               | magick-shadow-spirit                             | mage-umbraplasm                          |
| shadow-thunder-hieroplasm        | air-extropy-goetia-shadow-spirit-water           | thunderous inspired umbraplasm           |
| shifting souldust                | air-chaos-earth-entropy-sephirotic               | eskaric grace-nirvana                    |
| sin-archai                       | chaos-order-primal-qlippotic                     | sin-entelechy                            |
| sin-rot                          | chaos-disease-qlippotic                          | sin-blight                               |
| sinheat                          | chaos-extropy-fire-qlippotic                     | starsin                                  |
| sinmud                           | chaos-earth-qlippotic-water                      | sinmuck                                  |
| sky-dementia                     | air-entropy-force-goetia-psionic-water           | sky-psychosis                            |
| sky-lightning                    | air-extropy-force-goetia-water                   | sky-thunder                              |
| sky-miasma                       | air-disease-force-goetia-water                   | sky-plague                               |
| skyice                           | air-entropy-force-goetia-water                   | skyfrost                                 |
| smoky acid                       | air-earth-extropy-fire-water                     | acidic light                             |
| smoky cancer                     | air-disease-extropy-fire                         | miasmic light                            |
| smoky glory                      | air-extropy-fire-sephirotic-spirit               | glorious light                           |
| smoky rot                        | air-chaos-disease-fire                           | miasmic chaosfire                        |
| smoky solid decay                | air-crushing-entropy-fire-temporal               | dark hammer time                         |
| smoky venom                      | air-fire-poison                                  | toxic smoke                              |
| solid cacodaimonic decay         | crushing-entropy-qlippotic-spirit-temporal       | cacodaimonic hammer time                 |
| solid chronal acid               | crushing-earth-extropy-temporal-water            | acidic hammer time                       |
| solid chronal anathema           | crushing-divine-qlippotic-temporal               | anathematic hammer time                  |
| solid chronal beatitude          | crushing-divine-sephirotic-temporal              | beatific hammer time                     |
| solid chronal benediction        | crushing-goetia-sephirotic-temporal              | angelic hammer time                      |
| solid chronal concussion         | air-crushing-force-temporal                      | concussive hammer time                   |
| solid chronal creativity         | chaos-crushing-extropy-temporal                  | creative hammer time                     |
| solid chronal crystal            | crushing-earth-extropy-temporal                  | crystallized hammer time                 |
| solid chronal crystallization    | crushing-earth-extropy-order-temporal            | crystallizing hammer time                |
| solid chronal cynicism           | crushing-oneiric-qlippotic-temporal              | cynical hammer time                      |
| solid chronal discord            | air-chaos-crushing-extropy-temporal-water        | discordant hammer time                   |
| solid chronal dust               | air-crushing-earth-temporal                      | dusty hammer time                        |
| solid chronal earth              | crushing-earth-temporal                          | hammer geo-time                          |
| solid chronal ectoplasm          | crushing-spirit-temporal                         | spiritual hammer time                    |
| solid chronal epiphany           | crushing-divine-goetia-temporal                  | epiphanic hammer time                    |
| solid chronal exthalpy           | crushing-entropy-extropy-fire-order-temporal     | exthalpic hammer time                    |
| solid chronal extropy            | crushing-extropy-temporal                        | extropic hammer time                     |
| solid chronal fantasy            | crushing-oneiric-order-temporal                  | fantastic hammer time                    |
| solid chronal filth              | crushing-disease-earth-temporal                  | filthy hammer time                       |
| solid chronal flame              | crushing-fire-temporal                           | burning hammer time                      |
| solid chronal glory              | crushing-extropy-sephirotic-spirit-temporal      | glorious hammer time                     |
| solid chronal godwrack           | crushing-force-goetia-temporal                   | godly hammer time                        |
| solid chronal grace              | chaos-crushing-sephirotic-temporal               | hammer grace-time                        |
| solid chronal gravity            | crushing-earth-force-temporal                    | gravitic hammer time                     |
| solid chronal heat               | crushing-extropy-fire-temporal                   | searing hammer time                      |
| solid chronal hieroplasm         | crushing-goetia-spirit-temporal                  | inspired hammer time                     |
| solid chronal idealism           | crushing-oneiric-sephirotic-temporal             | idealistic hammer time                   |
| solid chronal kathexis           | crushing-divine-primal-temporal                  | existential hammer time                  |
| solid chronal light              | air-crushing-extropy-fire-temporal               | radiant hammer time                      |
| solid chronal lightfire          | air-crushing-extropy-fire-magick-temporal        | lambent hammer time                      |
| solid chronal lightning          | air-crushing-extropy-temporal                    | electrified hammer time                  |
| solid chronal lunar energy       | crushing-entropy-extropy-spirit-temporal         | hammer moon-time                         |
| solid chronal magma              | crushing-earth-fire-temporal                     | magmic hammer time                       |
| solid chronal malediction        | crushing-goetia-qlippotic-temporal               | maledictory hammer time                  |
| solid chronal mercy              | crushing-extropy-sephirotic-temporal             | merciful hammer time                     |
| solid chronal metal              | crushing-earth-extropy-fire-temporal             | metallic hammer time                     |
| solid chronal miasma             | air-crushing-disease-temporal                    | miasmic hammer time                      |
| solid chronal mist               | air-crushing-temporal-water                      | misty hammer time                        |
| solid chronal mud                | crushing-earth-temporal-water                    | muddy hammer time                        |
| solid chronal ooze               | crushing-extropy-temporal-water                  | oozing hammer time                       |
| solid chronal ordainment         | crushing-goetia-order-temporal                   | ordained hammer time                     |
| solid chronal pestilence         | crushing-disease-temporal                        | diseased hammer time                     |
| solid chronal qlippotic power    | crushing-qlippotic-temporal                      | malign hammer time                       |
| solid chronal revelation         | crushing-divine-oneiric-temporal                 | revelatory hammer time                   |
| solid chronal sephirotic power   | crushing-sephirotic-temporal                     | holy hammer time                         |
| solid chronal shadow             | crushing-shadow-temporal                         | hammer shadow-time                       |
| solid chronal sin                | chaos-crushing-qlippotic-temporal                | hammer sin-time                          |
| solid chronal sky                | air-crushing-force-goetia-temporal-water         | hammer sky-time                          |
| solid chronal smoke              | air-crushing-fire-temporal                       | smoky hammer time                        |
| solid chronal solipsism          | crushing-oneiric-primal-temporal                 | solipsistic hammer time                  |
| solid chronal song               | air-crushing-extropy-order-temporal-water        | resonant hammer time                     |
| solid chronal starfire           | chaos-crushing-extropy-fire-temporal             | hammer star-time                         |
| solid chronal structure          | crushing-force-order-temporal                    | structured hammer time                   |
| solid chronal sunfire            | air-crushing-extropy-fire-goetia-temporal        | hammer sun-time                          |
| solid chronal thunder            | air-crushing-extropy-temporal-water              | thunderous hammer time                   |
| solid chronal tyranny            | crushing-order-qlippotic-temporal                | tyrannical hammer time                   |
| solid chronal venom              | crushing-poison-temporal                         | toxic hammer time                        |
| solid chronal water              | crushing-temporal-water                          | aqueous hammer time                      |
| solid chronal wind               | air-crushing-temporal                            | aerated hammer time                      |
| solid chronal wrath              | crushing-qlippotic-sephirotic-temporal           | wrathful hammer time                     |
| solid deathsong                  | air-crushing-entropy-extropy-order-water         | frozen resonant ooze                     |
| solid discrete time              | crushing-order-temporal                          | golden hammer time                       |
| solid dream-time                 | crushing-oneiric-temporal                        | hammer dream-time                        |
| solid dreamice                   | crushing-entropy-oneiric-water                   | icy solid nightmare                      |
| solid fractured spacetime        | crushing-force-temporal                          | explosive hammer time                    |
| solid frostfire                  | air-crushing-entropy-fire-water                  | solid coldfire                           |
| solid god-time                   | crushing-divine-temporal                         | hammer god-time                          |
| solid gravitic discrete time     | crushing-earth-force-order-temporal              | stabilizing hammer time                  |
| solid hell-decay                 | crushing-entropy-qlippotic-temporal              | hammer hell-time                         |
| solid hieroplasm                 | crushing-goetia-spirit                           | inspired impact                          |
| solid logoplasm                  | crushing-primal-spirit                           | solid ur-ectoplasm                       |
| solid mindfrost                  | air-crushing-entropy-psionic-water               | cold solid psychosis                     |
| solid mindice                    | crushing-entropy-psionic-water                   | icy solid dementia                       |
| solid oneiric time disruption    | chaos-crushing-oneiric-temporal                  | surreal hammer time                      |
| solid ossification               | crushing-disease-order                           | solid systemic pestilence                |
| solid phantasmagoric memory      | crushing-oneiric-psionic-temporal                | phantasmagoric hammer time               |
| solid rot                        | chaos-crushing-disease                           | diseased solid chaos                     |
| solid skyice                     | air-crushing-entropy-force-goetia-water          | solid skyfrost                           |
| solid soul-decay                 | crushing-entropy-sephirotic-temporal             | hammer soul-time                         |
| solid soul-moondew               | crushing-entropy-extropy-sephirotic-spirit-water | glorious frozen ooze                     |
| solid soulmist                   | air-crushing-entropy-sephirotic-water            | cold solid nirvana                       |
| solid star-decay                 | chaos-crushing-entropy-extropy-fire-temporal     | enthalpic hammer time                    |
| solid thaumaplasm                | crushing-magick-spirit                           | solid mage-ectoplasm                     |
| solid theoplasm                  | crushing-divine-spirit                           | solid god-ectoplasm                      |
| solid theurgic time              | crushing-goetia-temporal                         | theurgic hammer time                     |
| solid theurgic time-thunder      | air-crushing-extropy-goetia-temporal-water       | theurgic thunderous hammer time          |
| solid time                       | crushing-temporal                                | hammer time                              |
| solid time disruption            | chaos-crushing-temporal                          | ravening hammer time                     |
| solid time-magick                | crushing-magick-temporal                         | hammer mage-time                         |
| solid time-telesma               | crushing-goetia-magick-temporal                  | telesmic hammer time                     |
| solid toxic decay                | crushing-entropy-poison-temporal                 | necrotoxic hammer time                   |
| solid toxic memory               | crushing-poison-psionic-temporal                 | resentful hammer time                    |
| solid ur-time                    | crushing-primal-temporal                         | hammer ur-time                           |
| solid void-decay                 | air-crushing-entropy-temporal                    | hammer void-time                         |
| solid witch-time                 | crushing-magick-poison-temporal                  | hammer witch-time                        |
| soul-concussion                  | air-entropy-force-sephirotic                     | soul-overpressure                        |
| soul-ectoplasm                   | entropy-sephirotic-spirit                        | soul-necroplasm                          |
| soul-eidos                       | entropy-order-psionic-sephirotic                 | soul-ennui                               |
| soul-gravity                     | earth-entropy-force-sephirotic                   | soul-hadrons                             |
| soul-starfire                    | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic            | star-soulfire                            |
| soul-theoplasm                   | divine-entropy-sephirotic-spirit                 | beatific necroplasm                      |
| soulacid                         | earth-entropy-extropy-sephirotic-water           | soul-vitriol                             |
| soulmist                         | air-entropy-sephirotic-water                     | cold nirvana                             |
| soulmud                          | earth-entropy-sephirotic-water                   | soulalkali                               |
| spiritual discord                | air-chaos-extropy-spirit-water                   | discordant orgone                        |
| spiritual fantasy                | oneiric-order-spirit                             | fantastic oneiroplasm                    |
| spiritual henosis                | chaos-goetia-order-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit   | inspired henosis                         |
| spiritual lightning              | air-extropy-spirit                               | electrified orgone                       |
| spiritual phantasmagoria         | oneiric-psionic-spirit                           | phantasmagoric oneiroplasm               |
| spiritual rot                    | chaos-disease-spirit                             | diseased spiritual chaos                 |
| spiritual theurgic aftermath     | air-chaos-entropy-goetia-spirit-temporal         | inspired aftermath                       |
| stabilizing annihilation         | air-chaos-earth-entropy-force-order              | stabilizing aether                       |
| stabilizing decay                | earth-entropy-force-order-temporal               | stabilizing tachyons                     |
| stabilizing steam                | air-earth-fire-force-order-water                 | stabilizing isomorphism                  |
| stabilizing time disruption      | chaos-earth-force-order-temporal                 | stabilizing reality disruption           |
| stabilizing void                 | air-earth-entropy-force-order                    | stabilizing overpressure                 |
| star-aether                      | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-order             | thermodynamic aether                     |
| star-aftermath                   | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-temporal          | thermodynamic aftermath                  |
| star-archai                      | chaos-extropy-fire-order-primal                  | star-entelechy                           |
| star-lightning                   | air-chaos-extropy-fire                           | starlight                                |
| star-necroplasm                  | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-spirit                | lunar star-energy                        |
| star-overpressure                | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-force             | thermodynamic overpressure               |
| star-psychosis                   | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-psionic           | thermodynamic psychosis                  |
| star-rot                         | chaos-disease-extropy-fire                       | star-cancer                              |
| starfrost                        | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-water             | thermodynamic rainbow                    |
| starice                          | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-water                 | star-iceflame                            |
| starloam                         | chaos-earth-extropy-fire                         | star-metal                               |
| starmurk                         | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-shadow            | thermodynamic murk                       |
| structured acid                  | earth-extropy-force-order-water                  | stabilizing acid                         |
| structured alkali                | earth-entropy-force-order-water                  | stabilizing alkali                       |
| structured annihilation          | air-chaos-entropy-force-order                    | concussive aether                        |
| structured apeiron               | chaos-force-order-primal                         | structured entelechy                     |
| structured crystal               | earth-extropy-force-order                        | stabilizing exaltation                   |
| structured loam                  | chaos-earth-force-order                          | stabilizing loam                         |
| structured metal                 | earth-extropy-fire-force-order                   | stabilizing metal                        |
| structured muck                  | earth-force-order-qlippotic-water                | stabilizing muck                         |
| structured mud                   | earth-force-order-water                          | stabilizing mud                          |
| structured vitriol               | earth-entropy-extropy-force-order-water          | stabilizing vitriol                      |
| structured wind                  | air-force-order                                  | concussive structure                     |
| superheated alkali               | earth-entropy-extropy-fire-water                 | boiling vitriol                          |
| superheated emptiness            | air-entropy-extropy-fire                         | voidlight                                |
| superheated eskaris              | earth-entropy-extropy-fire                       | eskaric metal                            |
| superheated mud                  | earth-extropy-fire-water                         | acidic metal                             |
| superheated water                | extropy-fire-water                               | boiling ooze                             |
| surreal archai                   | chaos-oneiric-order-primal                       | surreal entelechy                        |
| surreal ectoplasm                | chaos-oneiric-spirit                             | surreal oneiroplasm                      |
| surreal extropy                  | chaos-extropy-oneiric                            | surreal imagination                      |
| surreal heat                     | chaos-extropy-fire-oneiric                       | star-imagination                         |
| systemic malediction             | goetia-order-qlippotic                           | ordained tyranny                         |
| systemic revelation              | divine-oneiric-order                             | revelatory fantasy                       |
| systemic spatial disruption      | chaos-force-order                                | structured metasynthesis                 |
| telesmic decay                   | entropy-goetia-magick-temporal                   | telesmic despair                         |
| telesmic icy lightning           | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-magick-water          | cold telesmic thunder                    |
| telesmic light                   | air-extropy-fire-goetia-magick                   | lambent telesma                          |
| telesmic thunder-ink             | air-extropy-goetia-magick-poison-water           | telesmic witch-thunder                   |
| thaumaplasm                      | magick-spirit                                    | mage-ectoplasm                           |
| thaumaturgic aqueous blades      | cutting-magick-water                             | cutting magewater                        |
| thaumaturgic aqueous darts       | magick-piercing-water                            | aqueous magedarts                        |
| thaumaturgic ossification        | disease-magick-order                             | diseased order magick                    |
| thaumaturgic rot                 | chaos-disease-magick                             | diseased chaos magick                    |
| theoplasm                        | divine-spirit                                    | god-ectoplasm                            |
| thermodynamic orgone             | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-spirit            | thermodynamic lunar energy               |
| thermodynamic venom              | air-chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-poison            | necrotoxic thermodynamism                |
| theurgic aqueous blades          | cutting-goetia-water                             | cutting theurgic water                   |
| theurgic chronal discord         | air-chaos-extropy-goetia-temporal-water          | theurgic discordant time disruption      |
| theurgic hell-thunder            | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-qlippotic-water       | cold maledictory thunder                 |
| theurgic lunar energy            | entropy-extropy-goetia-spirit                    | inspired lunar energy                    |
| theurgic mind-discord            | air-chaos-extropy-goetia-psionic-water           | theurgic discordant confusion            |
| theurgic mind-kathexis           | divine-goetia-primal-psionic                     | existential epiphanic paradeigma         |
| theurgic mind-thunder            | air-extropy-goetia-psionic-water                 | theurgic thunderous happiness            |
| theurgic moonmist                | air-entropy-extropy-goetia-spirit-water          | cold inspired moondew                    |
| theurgic muck                    | earth-goetia-qlippotic-water                     | maledictory muck                         |
| theurgic rot                     | chaos-disease-goetia                             | ravening plague                          |
| theurgic sin                     | chaos-goetia-qlippotic                           | sin-malediction                          |
| theurgic thunder-memory          | air-extropy-goetia-psionic-temporal-water        | theurgic thunderous memory               |
| theurgic thunder-willpower       | air-earth-extropy-goetia-psionic-water           | acidic theurgic intelligence             |
| theurgic thunderblades           | air-cutting-extropy-goetia-water                 | cutting theurgic thunder                 |
| theurgic thunderdarts            | air-extropy-goetia-piercing-water                | piercing theurgic thunder                |
| theurgic thunderloam             | air-chaos-earth-extropy-goetia-water             | acidic theurgic discord                  |
| theurgic thundershadow           | air-extropy-goetia-shadow-water                  | theurgic shadow-thunder                  |
| theurgic thundervenom            | air-extropy-goetia-poison-water                  | theurgic toxic thunder                   |
| thunder-anathema                 | air-divine-extropy-qlippotic-water               | thunderous anathema                      |
| thunder-angst                    | air-entropy-extropy-oneiric-temporal-water       | thunderous angst                         |
| thunder-blight                   | air-disease-extropy-qlippotic-water              | thunderous blight                        |
| thunder-cacodaimonia             | air-entropy-extropy-qlippotic-spirit-water       | thunderous cacodaimonia                  |
| thunder-charisma                 | air-extropy-fire-psionic-water                   | radiant perception                       |
| thunder-decay                    | air-entropy-extropy-temporal-water               | thunderous decay                         |
| thunder-despair                  | air-entropy-extropy-magick-temporal-water        | thunderous despair                       |
| thunder-ennui                    | air-entropy-extropy-order-psionic-water          | resonant ennui                           |
| thunder-epiphany                 | air-divine-extropy-goetia-water                  | epiphanic thunder                        |
| thunder-gravity                  | air-earth-extropy-force-water                    | concussive acid                          |
| thunder-hellfire                 | air-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic-water         | cold hellshock                           |
| thunder-history                  | air-extropy-order-psionic-temporal-water         | resonant history                         |
| thunder-idealism                 | air-extropy-oneiric-sephirotic-water             | idealistic thunder                       |
| thunder-impiety                  | air-extropy-psionic-qlippotic-water              | thunderous impiety                       |
| thunder-kathexis                 | air-divine-extropy-primal-water                  | thunderous kathexis                      |
| thunder-malediction              | air-extropy-goetia-qlippotic-water               | maledictory thunder                      |
| thunder-memetic contagion        | air-disease-extropy-psionic-water                | thunderous memetic contagion             |
| thunder-memory                   | air-extropy-psionic-temporal-water               | thunderous memory                        |
| thunder-oneiroplasm              | air-extropy-oneiric-spirit-water                 | thunderous oneiroplasm                   |
| thunder-paradeigma               | air-divine-extropy-psionic-water                 | thunderous paradeigma                    |
| thunder-phantasmagoria           | air-extropy-oneiric-psionic-water                | phantasmagoric thunder                   |
| thunder-piety                    | air-extropy-psionic-sephirotic-water             | thunderous piety                         |
| thunder-plague                   | air-disease-extropy-goetia-water                 | thunderous plague                        |
| thunder-psychoplasm              | air-extropy-psionic-spirit-water                 | thunderous psychoplasm                   |
| thunder-reality disruption       | air-chaos-extropy-force-temporal-water           | discordant reality disruption            |
| thunder-revelation               | air-divine-extropy-oneiric-water                 | revelatory thunder                       |
| thunder-rot                      | air-chaos-disease-extropy-water                  | miasmic discord                          |
| thunder-solipsism                | air-extropy-oneiric-primal-water                 | solipsistic thunder                      |
| thunder-soulfire                 | air-entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic-water        | thunderous soulfire                      |
| thunder-tachyons                 | air-earth-entropy-extropy-temporal-water         | thunderous tachyons                      |
| thunder-telesma                  | air-extropy-goetia-magick-water                  | telesmic thunder                         |
| thunder-umbraplasm               | air-extropy-shadow-spirit-water                  | thunderous umbraplasm                    |
| thunder-willpower                | air-earth-extropy-psionic-water                  | acidic intelligence                      |
| thunderblades                    | air-cutting-extropy-water                        | cutting thunder                          |
| thunderdarts                     | air-extropy-piercing-water                       | piercing thunder                         |
| thunderloam                      | air-chaos-earth-extropy-water                    | acidic discord                           |
| thundermuck                      | air-earth-extropy-qlippotic-water                | thunderous muck                          |
| thundershadow                    | air-extropy-shadow-water                         | shadow-thunder                           |
| thundersin                       | air-chaos-extropy-qlippotic-water                | sin-discord                              |
| thundervenom                     | air-extropy-poison-water                         | toxic thunder                            |
| thunderwrath                     | air-extropy-qlippotic-sephirotic-water           | wrathful thunder                         |
| toxic aether                     | air-chaos-entropy-order-poison                   | necrotoxic aether                        |
| toxic aftermath                  | air-chaos-entropy-poison-temporal                | necrotoxic aftermath                     |
| toxic angst                      | entropy-oneiric-poison-temporal                  | necrotoxic angst                         |
| toxic annihilation               | air-chaos-entropy-poison                         | necrotoxic annihilation                  |
| toxic azoth                      | chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-poison-water         | necrotoxic azoth                         |
| toxic bureaucracy                | chaos-cutting-entropy-order-poison-temporal      | necrotoxic bureaucracy                   |
| toxic cacodaimonia               | entropy-poison-qlippotic-spirit                  | necrotoxic cacodaimonia                  |
| toxic chiaroscuro                | entropy-extropy-poison                           | necrotoxic chiaroscuro                   |
| toxic confusion                  | chaos-poison-psionic                             | resentful confusion                      |
| toxic decay                      | entropy-poison-temporal                          | necrotoxic decay                         |
| toxic dementia                   | entropy-poison-psionic                           | resentful dementia                       |
| toxic disintegration             | chaos-entropy-poison                             | necrotoxic disintegration                |
| toxic ennui                      | entropy-order-poison-psionic                     | resentful ennui                          |
| toxic hadrons                    | earth-entropy-force-poison                       | necrotoxic hadrons                       |
| toxic happiness                  | extropy-poison-psionic                           | resentful happiness                      |
| toxic hellfire                   | entropy-fire-poison-qlippotic                    | necrotoxic hellfire                      |
| toxic hellshock                  | air-entropy-extropy-fire-poison-qlippotic        | necrotoxic hellshock                     |
| toxic history                    | order-poison-psionic-temporal                    | resentful history                        |
| toxic iceflame                   | entropy-fire-poison-water                        | necrotoxic iceflame                      |
| toxic logoplasm                  | poison-primal-spirit                             | primal ghostvenom                        |
| toxic memory                     | poison-psionic-temporal                          | resentful memory                         |
| toxic moon-plague                | disease-entropy-extropy-goetia-poison-spirit     | inspired spores                          |
| toxic murk                       | air-entropy-fire-poison-shadow                   | necrotoxic murk                          |
| toxic necroplasm                 | entropy-poison-spirit                            | necrotoxic necroplasm                    |
| toxic nightmare                  | entropy-oneiric-poison                           | necrotoxic nightmare                     |
| toxic nirvana                    | air-entropy-poison-sephirotic                    | necrotoxic nirvana                       |
| toxic overpressure               | air-entropy-force-poison                         | necrotoxic overpressure                  |
| toxic phantasmagoria             | oneiric-poison-psionic                           | resentful phantasmagoria                 |
| toxic psychoplasm                | poison-psionic-spirit                            | resentful psychoplasm                    |
| toxic rot                        | chaos-disease-poison                             | diseased chaosvenom                      |
| toxic soulfire                   | entropy-fire-poison-sephirotic                   | necrotoxic soulfire                      |
| toxic sterility                  | entropy-order-poison                             | necrotoxic sterility                     |
| toxic tachyons                   | earth-entropy-poison-temporal                    | necrotoxic tachyons                      |
| toxic theoplasm                  | divine-poison-spirit                             | divine ghostvenom                        |
| toxic vitriol                    | earth-entropy-extropy-poison-water               | necrotoxic vitriol                       |
| toxic willpower                  | earth-poison-psionic                             | resentful willpower                      |
| tyrannical ash                   | entropy-fire-order-qlippotic                     | tyrannical hellfire                      |
| tyrannical chaosfire             | chaos-fire-order-qlippotic                       | tyrannical sinfire                       |
| ur-angst                         | entropy-oneiric-primal-temporal                  | solipsistic angst                        |
| ur-cynicism                      | oneiric-primal-qlippotic                         | cynical solipsism                        |
| ur-epiphany                      | divine-goetia-primal                             | epiphanic kathexis                       |
| ur-fantasy                       | oneiric-order-primal                             | fantastic archai                         |
| ur-idealism                      | oneiric-primal-sephirotic                        | idealistic solipsism                     |
| ur-imagination                   | extropy-oneiric-primal                           | solipsistic imagination                  |
| ur-nightmare                     | entropy-oneiric-primal                           | solipsistic nightmare                    |
| ur-oneiroplasm                   | oneiric-primal-spirit                            | solipsistic oneiroplasm                  |
| ur-ordainment                    | goetia-order-primal                              | ordained archai                          |
| ur-ossification                  | disease-order-primal                             | diseased archai                          |
| ur-phantasmagoria                | oneiric-primal-psionic                           | phantasmagoric solipsism                 |
| ur-rot                           | chaos-disease-primal                             | diseased apeiron                         |
| ur-song                          | air-extropy-order-primal-water                   | resonant archai                          |
| ur-structure                     | force-order-primal                               | structured archai                        |
| ur-thaumaplasm                   | magick-primal-spirit                             | spiritual ur-magick                      |
| ur-theoplasm                     | divine-primal-spirit                             | spiritual kathexis                       |
| ur-thunder-eidos                 | air-extropy-order-primal-psionic-water           | resonant mind-archai                     |
| ur-thunder-epiphany              | air-divine-extropy-goetia-primal-water           | thunderous epiphanic kathexis            |
| ur-tyranny                       | order-primal-qlippotic                           | tyrannical archai                        |
| vitriolic annihilation           | air-chaos-earth-entropy-extropy-water            | discordant azoth                         |
| vitriolic hieroplasm             | earth-entropy-extropy-goetia-spirit-water        | inspired vitriol                         |
| void-earth                       | air-earth-entropy                                | void-eskaris                             |
| void-ectoplasm                   | air-entropy-spirit                               | void-necroplasm                          |
| void-eidos                       | air-entropy-order-psionic                        | void-ennui                               |
| void-glory                       | air-entropy-extropy-sephirotic-spirit            | glorious nirvana                         |
| void-gravity                     | air-earth-entropy-force                          | void-hadrons                             |
| void-happiness                   | air-entropy-extropy-psionic                      | electrified psychosis                    |
| void-ink                         | air-entropy-poison-water                         | necrotoxic frost                         |
| void-phantasmagoria              | air-entropy-oneiric-psionic                      | nightmarish psychosis                    |
| void-structure                   | air-entropy-force-order                          | structured overpressure                  |
| void-willpower                   | air-earth-entropy-psionic                        | eskaric psychosis                        |
| voidmuck                         | air-earth-entropy-qlippotic-water                | cold muck                                |
| voidmud                          | air-earth-entropy-water                          | cold alkali                              |
| voidvenom                        | air-entropy-poison                               | necrotoxic void                          |
| witch-darkness                   | air-entropy-fire-magick-poison                   | necrotoxic darkfire                      |
| witch-decay                      | entropy-magick-poison-temporal                   | necrotoxic despair                       |
| wrathful chaosfire               | chaos-fire-qlippotic-sephirotic                  | sinful gracefire                         |

Damage combos added

| name                          | types                                      |
| acidic hieroplasm             | earth-extropy-goetia-spirit-water          |
| acidic logoplasm              | earth-extropy-primal-spirit-water          |
| acidic rot                    | chaos-disease-earth-extropy-water          |
| acidic thaumaplasm            | earth-extropy-magick-spirit-water          |
| acidic theoplasm              | divine-earth-extropy-spirit-water          |
| aerated hieroplasm            | air-goetia-spirit                          |
| alkaline hieroplasm           | earth-entropy-goetia-spirit-water          |
| alkaline logoplasm            | earth-entropy-primal-spirit-water          |
| alkaline rot                  | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-water          |
| alkaline thaumaplasm          | earth-entropy-magick-spirit-water          |
| alkaline theoplasm            | divine-earth-entropy-spirit-water          |
| anathematic logoplasm         | divine-primal-qlippotic-spirit             |
| anathematic rot               | chaos-disease-divine-qlippotic             |
| anathematic thaumaplasm       | divine-magick-qlippotic-spirit             |
| angelic logoplasm             | goetia-primal-sephirotic-spirit            |
| angelic oneiroplasm           | goetia-oneiric-sephirotic-spirit           |
| angelic psychoplasm           | goetia-psionic-sephirotic-spirit           |
| angelic thaumaplasm           | goetia-magick-sephirotic-spirit            |
| aqueous hieroplasm            | goetia-spirit-water                        |
| ashen hieroplasm              | entropy-fire-goetia-spirit                 |
| ashen logoplasm               | entropy-fire-primal-spirit                 |
| ashen thaumaplasm             | entropy-fire-magick-spirit                 |
| ashen theoplasm               | divine-entropy-fire-spirit                 |
| beatific logoplasm            | divine-primal-sephirotic-spirit            |
| beatific rot                  | chaos-disease-divine-sephirotic            |
| beatific thaumaplasm          | divine-magick-sephirotic-spirit            |
| burning hieroplasm            | fire-goetia-spirit                         |
| cacodaimonic rot              | chaos-disease-entropy-qlippotic-spirit     |
| cancerous aether              | air-chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-order    |
| cancerous aftermath           | air-chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-temporal |
| cancerous angst               | disease-entropy-extropy-oneiric-temporal   |
| cancerous annihilation        | air-chaos-disease-entropy-extropy          |
| cancerous apeiron             | chaos-disease-extropy-primal               |
| cancerous archai              | disease-extropy-order-primal               |
| cancerous decay               | disease-entropy-extropy-temporal           |
| cancerous dementia            | disease-entropy-extropy-psionic            |
| cancerous despair             | disease-entropy-extropy-magick-temporal    |
| cancerous discrete time       | disease-extropy-order-temporal             |
| cancerous eidos               | disease-extropy-order-psionic              |
| cancerous ennui               | disease-entropy-extropy-order-psionic      |
| cancerous entelechy           | chaos-disease-extropy-order-primal         |
| cancerous fractured spacetime | disease-extropy-force-temporal             |
| cancerous hadrons             | disease-earth-entropy-extropy-force        |
| cancerous hellfire            | disease-entropy-extropy-fire-qlippotic     |
| cancerous hieroplasm          | disease-extropy-goetia-spirit              |
| cancerous history             | disease-extropy-order-psionic-temporal     |
| cancerous iceflame            | disease-entropy-extropy-fire-water         |
| cancerous impiety             | disease-extropy-psionic-qlippotic          |
| cancerous ink                 | disease-extropy-poison-water               |
| cancerous logoplasm           | disease-extropy-primal-spirit              |
| cancerous memory              | disease-extropy-psionic-temporal           |
| cancerous nirvana             | air-disease-entropy-extropy-sephirotic     |
| cancerous oneiroplasm         | disease-extropy-oneiric-spirit             |
| cancerous overpressure        | air-disease-entropy-extropy-force          |
| cancerous paradeigma          | disease-divine-extropy-psionic             |
| cancerous psychoplasm         | disease-extropy-psionic-spirit             |
| cancerous psychosis           | air-disease-entropy-extropy-psionic        |
| cancerous reality disruption  | chaos-disease-extropy-force-temporal       |
| cancerous soulfire            | disease-entropy-extropy-fire-sephirotic    |
| cancerous spatial disruption  | chaos-disease-extropy-force                |
| cancerous steam               | air-disease-extropy-fire-water             |
| cancerous sterility           | disease-entropy-extropy-order              |
| cancerous tachyons            | disease-earth-entropy-extropy-temporal     |
| cancerous thaumaplasm         | disease-extropy-magick-spirit              |
| cancerous theoplasm           | disease-divine-extropy-spirit              |
| cancerous time disruption     | chaos-disease-extropy-temporal             |
| cancerous umbraplasm          | disease-extropy-shadow-spirit              |
| cold hieroplasm               | air-entropy-goetia-spirit-water            |
| cold logoplasm                | air-entropy-primal-spirit-water            |
| cold rot                      | air-chaos-disease-entropy-water            |
| concussive hieroplasm         | air-force-goetia-spirit                    |
| concussive logoplasm          | air-force-primal-spirit                    |
| concussive thaumaplasm        | air-force-magick-spirit                    |
| concussive theoplasm          | air-divine-force-spirit                    |
| creative hieroplasm           | chaos-extropy-goetia-spirit                |
| creative logoplasm            | chaos-extropy-primal-spirit                |
| creative thaumaplasm          | chaos-extropy-magick-spirit                |
| creative theoplasm            | chaos-divine-extropy-spirit                |
| crystallized hieroplasm       | earth-extropy-goetia-spirit                |
| crystallized logoplasm        | earth-extropy-primal-spirit                |
| crystallized thaumaplasm      | earth-extropy-magick-spirit                |
| crystallized theoplasm        | divine-earth-extropy-spirit                |
| crystallizing hieroplasm      | earth-extropy-goetia-order-spirit          |
| crystallizing logoplasm       | earth-extropy-order-primal-spirit          |
| crystallizing rot             | chaos-disease-earth-extropy-order          |
| crystallizing thaumaplasm     | earth-extropy-magick-order-spirit          |
| crystallizing theoplasm       | divine-earth-extropy-order-spirit          |
| cutting hieroplasm            | cutting-goetia-spirit                      |
| cynical hieroplasm            | goetia-oneiric-qlippotic-spirit            |
| cynical logoplasm             | oneiric-primal-qlippotic-spirit            |
| cynical thaumaplasm           | magick-oneiric-qlippotic-spirit            |
| dark hieroplasm               | air-entropy-fire-goetia-spirit             |
| dark logoplasm                | air-entropy-fire-primal-spirit             |
| dark ossification             | air-disease-entropy-fire-order             |
| dark rot                      | air-chaos-disease-entropy-fire             |
| dark theoplasm                | air-divine-entropy-fire-spirit             |
| discordant logoplasm          | air-chaos-extropy-primal-spirit-water      |
| discordant thaumaplasm        | air-chaos-extropy-magick-spirit-water      |
| discordant theoplasm          | air-chaos-divine-extropy-spirit-water      |
| dusty hieroplasm              | air-earth-goetia-spirit                    |
| dusty logoplasm               | air-earth-primal-spirit                    |
| dusty thaumaplasm             | air-earth-magick-spirit                    |
| dusty theoplasm               | air-divine-earth-spirit                    |
| electrified hieroplasm        | air-extropy-goetia-spirit                  |
| electrified logoplasm         | air-extropy-primal-spirit                  |
| electrified thaumaplasm       | air-extropy-magick-spirit                  |
| electrified theoplasm         | air-divine-extropy-spirit                  |
| enthalpic logoplasm           | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-primal-spirit   |
| enthalpic thaumaplasm         | chaos-entropy-extropy-fire-magick-spirit   |
| enthalpic theoplasm           | chaos-divine-entropy-extropy-fire-spirit   |
| eskaric logoplasm             | earth-entropy-primal-spirit                |
| eskaric thaumaplasm           | earth-entropy-magick-spirit                |
| eskaric theoplasm             | divine-earth-entropy-spirit                |
| existential rot               | chaos-disease-divine-primal                |
| existential thaumaplasm       | divine-magick-primal-spirit                |
| exthalpic logoplasm           | entropy-extropy-fire-order-primal-spirit   |
| exthalpic rot                 | chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-fire-order   |
| exthalpic thaumaplasm         | entropy-extropy-fire-magick-order-spirit   |
| exthalpic theoplasm           | divine-entropy-extropy-fire-order-spirit   |
| fantastic logoplasm           | oneiric-order-primal-spirit                |
| fantastic rot                 | chaos-disease-oneiric-order                |
| fantastic thaumaplasm         | magick-oneiric-order-spirit                |
| fantastic theoplasm           | divine-oneiric-order-spirit                |
| filthy hieroplasm             | disease-earth-goetia-spirit                |
| filthy logoplasm              | disease-earth-primal-spirit                |
| filthy thaumaplasm            | disease-earth-magick-spirit                |
| filthy theoplasm              | disease-divine-earth-spirit                |
| frosthaumaplasm               | air-entropy-magick-spirit-water            |
| frostheoplasm                 | air-divine-entropy-spirit-water            |
| geo-hieroplasm                | earth-goetia-spirit                        |
| glorious rot                  | chaos-disease-extropy-sephirotic-spirit    |
| godly logoplasm               | force-goetia-primal-spirit                 |
| godly rot                     | chaos-disease-force-goetia                 |
| godly thaumaplasm             | force-goetia-magick-spirit                 |
| godly theoplasm               | divine-force-goetia-spirit                 |
| golden inspiration            | divine-goetia-order-spirit                 |
| grace-hieroplasm              | chaos-goetia-sephirotic-spirit             |
| grace-logoplasm               | chaos-primal-sephirotic-spirit             |
| grace-thaumaplasm             | chaos-magick-sephirotic-spirit             |
| grace-theoplasm               | chaos-divine-sephirotic-spirit             |
| gravitic hieroplasm           | earth-force-goetia-spirit                  |
| gravitic logoplasm            | earth-force-primal-spirit                  |
| gravitic thaumaplasm          | earth-force-magick-spirit                  |
| gravitic theoplasm            | divine-earth-force-spirit                  |
| hieroplasm                    | goetia-spirit                              |
| icy hieroplasm                | entropy-goetia-spirit-water                |
| icy logoplasm                 | entropy-primal-spirit-water                |
| icy rot                       | chaos-disease-entropy-water                |
| icy solid hieroplasm          | crushing-entropy-goetia-spirit-water       |
| icy solid logoplasm           | crushing-entropy-primal-spirit-water       |
| icy solid rot                 | chaos-crushing-disease-entropy-water       |
| icy solid thaumaplasm         | crushing-entropy-magick-spirit-water       |
| icy solid theoplasm           | crushing-divine-entropy-spirit-water       |
| icy thaumaplasm               | entropy-magick-spirit-water                |
| icy theoplasm                 | divine-entropy-spirit-water                |
| idealistic logoplasm          | oneiric-primal-sephirotic-spirit           |
| idealistic rot                | chaos-disease-oneiric-sephirotic           |
| idealistic thaumaplasm        | magick-oneiric-sephirotic-spirit           |
| inspired exaltation           | divine-extropy-goetia-order-spirit         |
| inspired ossification         | disease-divine-goetia-order-spirit         |
| inspired rot                  | chaos-disease-divine-goetia-spirit         |
| lambent logoplasm             | air-extropy-fire-magick-primal-spirit      |
| lambent rot                   | air-chaos-disease-extropy-fire-magick      |
| lambent theoplasm             | air-divine-extropy-fire-magick-spirit      |
| magmic hieroplasm             | earth-fire-goetia-spirit                   |
| magmic logoplasm              | earth-fire-primal-spirit                   |
| magmic thaumaplasm            | earth-fire-magick-spirit                   |
| magmic theoplasm              | divine-earth-fire-spirit                   |
| maledictory logoplasm         | goetia-primal-qlippotic-spirit             |
| maledictory psychoplasm       | goetia-psionic-qlippotic-spirit            |
| maledictory thaumaplasm       | goetia-magick-qlippotic-spirit             |
| metallic hieroplasm           | earth-extropy-fire-goetia-spirit           |
| metallic logoplasm            | earth-extropy-fire-primal-spirit           |
| metallic thaumaplasm          | earth-extropy-fire-magick-spirit           |
| metallic theoplasm            | divine-earth-extropy-fire-spirit           |
| miasmic hieroplasm            | air-disease-goetia-spirit                  |
| miasmic logoplasm             | air-disease-primal-spirit                  |
| miasmic thaumaplasm           | air-disease-magick-spirit                  |
| miasmic theoplasm             | air-disease-divine-spirit                  |
| misty hieroplasm              | air-goetia-spirit-water                    |
| misty logoplasm               | air-primal-spirit-water                    |
| misty thaumaplasm             | air-magick-spirit-water                    |
| misty theoplasm               | air-divine-spirit-water                    |
| moon-ossification             | disease-entropy-extropy-order-spirit       |
| moon-rot                      | chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-spirit       |
| muddy hieroplasm              | earth-goetia-spirit-water                  |
| muddy logoplasm               | earth-primal-spirit-water                  |
| muddy thaumaplasm             | earth-magick-spirit-water                  |
| muddy theoplasm               | divine-earth-spirit-water                  |
| murky logoplasm               | air-entropy-fire-primal-shadow-spirit      |
| murky rot                     | air-chaos-disease-entropy-fire-shadow      |
| murky thaumaplasm             | air-entropy-fire-magick-shadow-spirit      |
| murky theoplasm               | air-divine-entropy-fire-shadow-spirit      |
| necrotoxic hieroplasm         | entropy-goetia-poison-spirit               |
| necrotoxic logoplasm          | entropy-poison-primal-spirit               |
| necrotoxic ossification       | disease-entropy-order-poison               |
| necrotoxic rot                | chaos-disease-entropy-poison               |
| necrotoxic theoplasm          | divine-entropy-poison-spirit               |
| nightmarish hieroplasm        | entropy-goetia-oneiric-spirit              |
| nightmarish rot               | chaos-disease-entropy-oneiric              |
| nightmarish thaumaplasm       | entropy-magick-oneiric-spirit              |
| oozing hieroplasm             | extropy-goetia-spirit-water                |
| oozing logoplasm              | extropy-primal-spirit-water                |
| oozing rot                    | chaos-disease-extropy-water                |
| oozing thaumaplasm            | extropy-magick-spirit-water                |
| oozing theoplasm              | divine-extropy-spirit-water                |
| ordained logoplasm            | goetia-order-primal-spirit                 |
| ordained necroplasm           | entropy-goetia-order-spirit                |
| ordained oneiroplasm          | goetia-oneiric-order-spirit                |
| ordained psychoplasm          | goetia-order-psionic-spirit                |
| ordained rot                  | chaos-disease-goetia-order                 |
| ordained thaumaplasm          | goetia-magick-order-spirit                 |
| ossifying acid                | disease-earth-extropy-order-water          |
| ossifying aftermath           | air-chaos-disease-entropy-order-temporal   |
| ossifying alkali              | disease-earth-entropy-order-water          |
| ossifying anathema            | disease-divine-order-qlippotic             |
| ossifying angst               | disease-entropy-oneiric-order-temporal     |
| ossifying ash                 | disease-entropy-fire-order                 |
| ossifying beatitude           | disease-divine-order-sephirotic            |
| ossifying cacodaimonia        | disease-entropy-order-qlippotic-spirit     |
| ossifying chaosfire           | chaos-disease-fire-order                   |
| ossifying charisma            | disease-fire-order-psionic                 |
| ossifying darkfire            | air-disease-entropy-fire-magick-order      |
| ossifying decay               | disease-entropy-order-temporal             |
| ossifying despair             | disease-entropy-magick-order-temporal      |
| ossifying disintegration      | chaos-disease-entropy-order                |
| ossifying dust                | air-disease-earth-order                    |
| ossifying epiphany            | disease-divine-goetia-order                |
| ossifying fractured spacetime | disease-force-order-temporal               |
| ossifying frost               | air-disease-entropy-order-water            |
| ossifying glory               | disease-extropy-order-sephirotic-spirit    |
| ossifying hadrons             | disease-earth-entropy-force-order          |
| ossifying heat                | disease-extropy-fire-order                 |
| ossifying hellfire            | disease-entropy-fire-order-qlippotic       |
| ossifying hieroplasm          | disease-goetia-order-spirit                |
| ossifying ice                 | disease-entropy-order-water                |
| ossifying iceflame            | disease-entropy-fire-order-water           |
| ossifying idealism            | disease-oneiric-order-sephirotic           |
| ossifying ink                 | disease-order-poison-water                 |
| ossifying kathexis            | disease-divine-order-primal                |
| ossifying light               | air-disease-extropy-fire-order             |
| ossifying lightfire           | air-disease-extropy-fire-magick-order      |
| ossifying logoplasm           | disease-order-primal-spirit                |
| ossifying magma               | disease-earth-fire-order                   |
| ossifying metal               | disease-earth-extropy-fire-order           |
| ossifying mist                | air-disease-order-water                    |
| ossifying moondew             | disease-entropy-extropy-order-spirit-water |
| ossifying muck                | disease-earth-order-qlippotic-water        |
| ossifying mud                 | disease-earth-order-water                  |
| ossifying murk                | air-disease-entropy-fire-order-shadow      |
| ossifying necroplasm          | disease-entropy-order-spirit               |
| ossifying nightmare           | disease-entropy-oneiric-order              |
| ossifying nirvana             | air-disease-entropy-order-sephirotic       |
| ossifying oneiroplasm         | disease-oneiric-order-spirit               |
| ossifying ooze                | disease-extropy-order-water                |
| ossifying orgone              | disease-extropy-order-spirit               |
| ossifying overpressure        | air-disease-entropy-force-order            |
| ossifying paradeigma          | disease-divine-order-psionic               |
| ossifying perception          | disease-order-psionic-water                |
| ossifying psychoplasm         | disease-order-psionic-spirit               |
| ossifying reality disruption  | chaos-disease-force-order-temporal         |
| ossifying resentment          | disease-order-poison-psionic               |
| ossifying revelation          | disease-divine-oneiric-order               |
| ossifying riptide             | chaos-disease-order-water                  |
| ossifying sin                 | chaos-disease-order-qlippotic              |
| ossifying sky                 | air-disease-force-goetia-order-water       |
| ossifying smoke               | air-disease-fire-order                     |
| ossifying solipsism           | disease-oneiric-order-primal               |
| ossifying soulfire            | disease-entropy-fire-order-sephirotic      |
| ossifying steam               | air-disease-fire-order-water               |
| ossifying stone               | disease-earth-entropy-fire-order           |
| ossifying tachyons            | disease-earth-entropy-order-temporal       |
| ossifying telesma             | disease-goetia-magick-order                |
| ossifying thaumaplasm         | disease-magick-order-spirit                |
| ossifying theoplasm           | disease-divine-order-spirit                |
| ossifying umbraplasm          | disease-order-shadow-spirit                |
| ossifying vitriol             | disease-earth-entropy-extropy-order-water  |
| phantasmagoric hieroplasm     | goetia-oneiric-psionic-spirit              |
| phantasmagoric thaumaplasm    | magick-oneiric-psionic-spirit              |
| piercing hieroplasm           | goetia-piercing-spirit                     |
| quantum hieroplasm            | chaos-earth-entropy-goetia-spirit          |
| quantum logoplasm             | chaos-earth-entropy-primal-spirit          |
| quantum ossification          | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-order          |
| quantum thaumaplasm           | chaos-earth-entropy-magick-spirit          |
| quantum theoplasm             | chaos-divine-earth-entropy-spirit          |
| radiant logoplasm             | air-extropy-fire-primal-spirit             |
| radiant theoplasm             | air-divine-extropy-fire-spirit             |
| resentful hieroplasm          | goetia-poison-psionic-spirit               |
| resentful logoplasm           | poison-primal-psionic-spirit               |
| resentful rot                 | chaos-disease-poison-psionic               |
| resentful theoplasm           | divine-poison-psionic-spirit               |
| resonant logoplasm            | air-extropy-order-primal-spirit-water      |
| resonant thaumaplasm          | air-extropy-magick-order-spirit-water      |
| resonant theoplasm            | air-divine-extropy-order-spirit-water      |
| revelatory rot                | chaos-disease-divine-oneiric               |
| revelatory thaumaplasm        | divine-magick-oneiric-spirit               |
| righteous hieroplasm          | goetia-order-sephirotic-spirit             |
| righteous logoplasm           | order-primal-sephirotic-spirit             |
| righteous rot                 | chaos-disease-order-sephirotic             |
| righteous thaumaplasm         | magick-order-sephirotic-spirit             |
| righteous theoplasm           | divine-order-sephirotic-spirit             |
| rotting angst                 | chaos-disease-entropy-oneiric-temporal     |
| rotting ash                   | chaos-disease-entropy-fire                 |
| rotting charisma              | chaos-disease-fire-psionic                 |
| rotting darkfire              | air-chaos-disease-entropy-fire-magick      |
| rotting decay                 | chaos-disease-entropy-temporal             |
| rotting dementia              | chaos-disease-entropy-psionic              |
| rotting despair               | chaos-disease-entropy-magick-temporal      |
| rotting discrete time         | chaos-disease-order-temporal               |
| rotting eidos                 | chaos-disease-order-psionic                |
| rotting ennui                 | chaos-disease-entropy-order-psionic        |
| rotting epiphany              | chaos-disease-divine-goetia                |
| rotting exaltation            | chaos-disease-extropy-order                |
| rotting hadrons               | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-force          |
| rotting hellfire              | chaos-disease-entropy-fire-qlippotic       |
| rotting hieroplasm            | chaos-disease-goetia-spirit                |
| rotting history               | chaos-disease-order-psionic-temporal       |
| rotting iceflame              | chaos-disease-entropy-fire-water           |
| rotting ink                   | chaos-disease-poison-water                 |
| rotting logoplasm             | chaos-disease-primal-spirit                |
| rotting memory                | chaos-disease-psionic-temporal             |
| rotting moondew               | chaos-disease-entropy-extropy-spirit-water |
| rotting muck                  | chaos-disease-earth-qlippotic-water        |
| rotting necroplasm            | chaos-disease-entropy-spirit               |
| rotting nirvana               | air-chaos-disease-entropy-sephirotic       |
| rotting oneiroplasm           | chaos-disease-oneiric-spirit               |
| rotting orgone                | chaos-disease-extropy-spirit               |
| rotting overpressure          | air-chaos-disease-entropy-force            |
| rotting paradeigma            | chaos-disease-divine-psionic               |
| rotting perception            | chaos-disease-psionic-water                |
| rotting psychoplasm           | chaos-disease-psionic-spirit               |
| rotting psychosis             | air-chaos-disease-entropy-psionic          |
| rotting soulfire              | chaos-disease-entropy-fire-sephirotic      |
| rotting steam                 | air-chaos-disease-fire-water               |
| rotting tachyons              | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-temporal       |
| rotting thaumaplasm           | chaos-disease-magick-spirit                |
| rotting theoplasm             | chaos-disease-divine-spirit                |
| rotting umbraplasm            | chaos-disease-shadow-spirit                |
| searing hieroplasm            | extropy-fire-goetia-spirit                 |
| searing logoplasm             | extropy-fire-primal-spirit                 |
| searing thaumaplasm           | extropy-fire-magick-spirit                 |
| searing theoplasm             | divine-extropy-fire-spirit                 |
| sin-hieroplasm                | chaos-goetia-qlippotic-spirit              |
| sin-logoplasm                 | chaos-primal-qlippotic-spirit              |
| sin-thaumaplasm               | chaos-magick-qlippotic-spirit              |
| sin-theoplasm                 | chaos-divine-qlippotic-spirit              |
| sky-ectoplasm                 | air-force-goetia-spirit-water              |
| sky-logoplasm                 | air-force-goetia-primal-spirit-water       |
| sky-rot                       | air-chaos-disease-force-goetia-water       |
| sky-thaumaplasm               | air-force-goetia-magick-spirit-water       |
| smoky hieroplasm              | air-fire-goetia-spirit                     |
| smoky logoplasm               | air-fire-primal-spirit                     |
| smoky thaumaplasm             | air-fire-magick-spirit                     |
| smoky theoplasm               | air-divine-fire-spirit                     |
| solid ossifying ice           | crushing-disease-entropy-order-water       |
| solipsistic hieroplasm        | goetia-oneiric-primal-spirit               |
| solipsistic rot               | chaos-disease-oneiric-primal               |
| solipsistic thaumaplasm       | magick-oneiric-primal-spirit               |
| soul-hieroplasm               | entropy-goetia-sephirotic-spirit           |
| soul-logoplasm                | entropy-primal-sephirotic-spirit           |
| soul-ossification             | disease-entropy-order-sephirotic           |
| soul-rot                      | chaos-disease-entropy-sephirotic           |
| soul-thaumaplasm              | entropy-magick-sephirotic-spirit           |
| spiritual plague              | disease-goetia-spirit                      |
| spiritual telesma             | goetia-magick-spirit                       |
| stabilizing hieroplasm        | earth-force-goetia-order-spirit            |
| stabilizing logoplasm         | earth-force-order-primal-spirit            |
| stabilizing rot               | chaos-disease-earth-force-order            |
| stabilizing thaumaplasm       | earth-force-magick-order-spirit            |
| stabilizing theoplasm         | divine-earth-force-order-spirit            |
| star-hieroplasm               | chaos-extropy-fire-goetia-spirit           |
| star-logoplasm                | chaos-extropy-fire-primal-spirit           |
| star-ossification             | chaos-disease-extropy-fire-order           |
| star-thaumaplasm              | chaos-extropy-fire-magick-spirit           |
| star-theoplasm                | chaos-divine-extropy-fire-spirit           |
| stony hieroplasm              | earth-entropy-fire-goetia-spirit           |
| stony logoplasm               | earth-entropy-fire-primal-spirit           |
| stony rot                     | chaos-disease-earth-entropy-fire           |
| stony thaumaplasm             | earth-entropy-fire-magick-spirit           |
| stony theoplasm               | divine-earth-entropy-fire-spirit           |
| structured hieroplasm         | force-goetia-order-spirit                  |
| structured logoplasm          | force-order-primal-spirit                  |
| structured rot                | chaos-disease-force-order                  |
| structured thaumaplasm        | force-magick-order-spirit                  |
| structured theoplasm          | divine-force-order-spirit                  |
| sun-logoplasm                 | air-extropy-fire-goetia-primal-spirit      |
| sun-ossification              | air-disease-extropy-fire-goetia-order      |
| sun-rot                       | air-chaos-disease-extropy-fire-goetia      |
| sun-theoplasm                 | air-divine-extropy-fire-goetia-spirit      |
| surreal hieroplasm            | chaos-goetia-oneiric-spirit                |
| surreal logoplasm             | chaos-oneiric-primal-spirit                |
| surreal thaumaplasm           | chaos-magick-oneiric-spirit                |
| surreal theoplasm             | chaos-divine-oneiric-spirit                |
| telesmic logoplasm            | goetia-magick-primal-spirit                |
| telesmic rot                  | chaos-disease-goetia-magick                |
| theurgic moondew              | entropy-extropy-goetia-spirit-water        |
| theurgic orgone               | extropy-goetia-spirit                      |
| thunder-hieroplasm            | air-extropy-goetia-spirit-water            |
| thunder-logoplasm             | air-extropy-primal-spirit-water            |
| thunder-thaumaplasm           | air-extropy-magick-spirit-water            |
| thunder-theoplasm             | air-divine-extropy-spirit-water            |
| toxic hieroplasm              | goetia-poison-spirit                       |
| tyrannical hieroplasm         | goetia-order-qlippotic-spirit              |
| tyrannical logoplasm          | order-primal-qlippotic-spirit              |
| tyrannical thaumaplasm        | magick-order-qlippotic-spirit              |
| tyrannical theoplasm          | divine-order-qlippotic-spirit              |
| ur-hieroplasm                 | goetia-primal-spirit                       |
| vitriolic logoplasm           | earth-entropy-extropy-primal-spirit-water  |
| vitriolic thaumaplasm         | earth-entropy-extropy-magick-spirit-water  |
| vitriolic theoplasm           | divine-earth-entropy-extropy-spirit-water  |
| void-hieroplasm               | air-entropy-goetia-spirit                  |
| void-logoplasm                | air-entropy-primal-spirit                  |
| void-thaumaplasm              | air-entropy-magick-spirit                  |
| void-theoplasm                | air-divine-entropy-spirit                  |
| witch-hieroplasm              | goetia-magick-poison-spirit                |
| witch-logoplasm               | magick-poison-primal-spirit                |
| witch-ossification            | disease-magick-order-poison                |
| witch-rot                     | chaos-disease-magick-poison                |
| witch-theoplasm               | divine-magick-poison-spirit                |
| wrathful hieroplasm           | goetia-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit         |
| wrathful logoplasm            | primal-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit         |
| wrathful thaumaplasm          | magick-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit         |
| wrathful theoplasm            | divine-qlippotic-sephirotic-spirit         |