Magick dart (Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris spell)

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> Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris Spell: Magicae Iaculum

   Common Name: Magick Dart
   Knowledge Requirement: have at least 80 points among bellerophrasty skill, arcane lore skill, and metaphysics skill
   Summary: mana attack

This spell is a combat spell that is somewhat less efficient than others, but has the advantage of dealing pure mana damage. This makes it something of a utility combat spell, useful for situations in which one's opponents are resistent to the elemental energies that we ordinarily traffick in.

   1) speaking the winds
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and hullabaloo (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, tomfoolery, and woo-woo
   3) direction of magick
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: tomfoolery (moderate), jiggery-pokery (moderate), and hocus-pocus (small)

Development Information: This spell was created by Twilight and is maintained by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Oct 06 00:47:34 2017.