Praisings and props

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There is an internal command of 'praise' that players can use to praise the work of the development team, but sometimes the players themselves go out of their way to make the environment of LS a better place. This page is dedicated to doling out praise and giving props to those who have added to your enjoyment of the mud.

I grant praise where it is due, and the developers of Lost Souls over the years have certainly made it a game unlike any other. Because of consistent changes in content, there is almost always something new to explore and discover. This is what makes Lost Souls unlike the rest of the MMORPGs on the market - there is never truly a "hard cap." Until someone actually reaches max level, that is.

- Zaruzahad

Hopefully the Devs know that we all appreciate their work, but special props to Lysator for vast swathes of content and the OIA, to Twilight for so many great guilds and associations, Elronuan for the symbiotes and his consistent helpfulness, and Chaos for... well... everything.

Player praise goes to Beasty for never giving up, Stairs for being the wikigod, Dyne for being the inscrutible sphynx that he is, and Zerth for not killing me when I deserve it.

- Arc

I am grateful for the hard work all of our developers have put into the mud. The code work on lostsouls is amazing in every respect. There are so many things I love about lostsouls but to name one specific item I love that you can play as so many different races and creatures. Chaos has always donated his time to code amazing things for us and in the last few years we have seen other talented developers step up to help him. I appreciate the amazing code they are donating to the mud as well. We are seeing new guilds, areas, and items with astounding amounts of details. Awesome guys! Thank you so much for the time you've put in.

Thank you.

- Brak

I have only played Lost Souls for a short while yet, and it was the first MUD I've played. It stuck to me immediately! I absolutely love Lost Souls, and my favourite part about it is the fact that is it so much different from other MUDs, in a good way! After starting LS and getting into it, I decided to try a couple other popular MUDs, and I just couldn't get into them because all I had on my mind was the fact that LS is so much better, and it's just waiting for me right there. Why could I be spending my time doing anything else?

A lot of praise to the developers (Of which I hope to join ranks with one day, hehe) for making this MUD unique, and just wonderful in general. I like the fact that LS hasn't got a huge five hundred people online at the same time like the bigger MUDs have, it has a small enough community that you get to know everyone, and a large enough one that you have players passing by all the time! So another praising to the good personalities, in the lack of a better word, of some of the players. And how they helped me when I hadn't a clue to work the MUD.

So anyway I'd better not fill up the whole page with my burning love for LS, I'll keep it short. Well done devs, well done Chaos, well done whoever created the MUD before Chaos took over. And thank you!

- Jishack