Qlippotic Affinity

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Class: Affinity Skills
Attribute: Willpower
Pedagogy: Spirit Alteration
Specialty Required: Degree I
Hidden Skill
This skill represents the infusion of an inimical spiritual power into your essence.  
As the degree of this infusion grows, the trauma of exposure to the energies of 
unholiness becomes less and less, until the degradation of one's essence reaches the 
point where one can take these energies into oneself and be restored by them.  However, 
the greater the degree to which one is tainted, the more vulnerable one becomes to the 
energies of holiness.



    Hellwalkers: Nagima
    Ollin Tonatiuh: Nezcaluca
    Ygellethites: Ashyire
    Ygellethites: Saruezzta
    Reapers: Holton Jax