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Deomer (Talk | contribs)

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Deomer (Talk | contribs)

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-Deomer -- Carden mostly, sometimes others.+Moved offline to be less annoying to discord updates..
- +
-There are a lot of things going on in the world that I don't really understand so I thought I'd make a log of such things so that it might help others along the way. First and foremost, I just ran across a prick called Ven Gal Lyrl in Shadow Tower and politely enough asked him what he would teach me. He responded by attacking me and mentioning something about ring wraiths. I ran because I was weak in spiritual power, but I think I'll be able to take him out (in another 50 levels or so).+
- +
- [[Portals]]+
- +
- ↑ how to do arrows in wiki maps ↓ ← →+
- +
- set personal OOC information to SOMETHING+
- show carrying capacity+
- +
-piece of moss grim grey eatery+
-beet +
-compass a dusty, cluttered shop+
- +
- +
- +
- Running multiple commands together:+
- ALIAS: pfbcb to pray to istek for bless;cast bless on me +
- +
- Working:::+
- +
- /repeat -0:01 100 pfbcb -- runs alias pfbcb every minute 100 times +
- pfbcb is an alias+
- +
- /ps shows running proccesses+
- /kill PID+
- /list list triggers+
- /undef foo dudefine trigget named foo+
- /gag gags output *foo*+
- /list+
- /listgag+
- /undefn undefine by # in /list+
- +
- /set status_height=2+
- +
- Trigger example:+
- /def -t"{*} has arrived." greet = :waves to %1.+
- /def -t"*Gyro*" greet = say hello+
- /undef greet+
- +
- Working Triggers for Aedarene prayer:+
- +
- /def -t"*O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the voice of the...*" p1 = subvocalize trees+
- /def -t"*As the earth of the world is your flesh, so are we your...*" p2 = subvocalize hands+
- /def -t"*As the air of the world is your breath, so are we your...*" p3 = subvocalize words+
- /def -t"*As the waters of the world are your blood, so are we your...*" p4 = subvocalize pain+
- /def -t"*O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the bones of the...*" p5 = subvocalize world+
- /def -t"*Though your work is dangerous, we shall not...*" p6 = subvocalize fear+
- /def -t"*Though your tasks are difficult, we shall not...*" p7 = subvocalize shirk+
- /def -t"*Though your edicts are firm, we shall be...*" p8 = subvocalize gentle+
- /def -t"*Though your will is eternal, we shall strive to live...*" p9 = subvocalize freely+
- /def -t"*Through your patience, we are made worthy of your...*" p10 = subvocalize grace+
- /def -t"*Through your wisdom, you safeguard us from our...*" p11 = subvocalize ignorance+
- /def -t"*Through your kindness, you forgive us our...*" p12 = subvocalize failings+
- /def -t"*O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the kiss of the...*" p13 = subvocalize wind+
- /def -t"*From the East, I seek the lessons of...*" p14 = subvocalize childhood+
- /def -t"*From the South, I seek the ways of...*" p15 = subvocalize questioning+
- /def -t"*From the West, I affirm my responsibility and...*" p16 = subvocalize duty+
- /def -t"*From the North, I look for the strength of...*" p17 = subvocalize balance+
- /def -t"*O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the embrace of the...*" p18 = subvocalize ocean+
- /def -t"*In life, we are given...*" p19 = subvocalize grace+
- /def -t"*In living, we are given...*" p20 = subvocalize purpose+
- /def -t"*In dying, we nourish those who...*" p21 = subvocalize follow+
- /def -t"*As you are, so shall we ever be, together as a...*" p22 = subvocalize spiral+
- /def -t"*From the first day to the last, while the world...*" p23 = subvocalize remains+
- +
- Gagging output: Testing+
- /gag [OOC Zak] wat+
- +
- +
- ##Working on Status bar stuff [[sbar]]+
- set status bar to off+
- Usage: show status bar [as <format|code>]+
- +
- So I need to turn on limited sbar stuff and somehow collect is into the status line... help me lord.+
- +
- set status bar to hchp(%head/%chest/%mhead/%mchest)+
- gives me: hchp(86/190/86/190)+
- but this is better:+
- set status bar to hchp(%head/%mhead/%chest/%mchest) +
- which is a good start... now how to get that into the TF status line+
- +
- /def setstatus= /let statline=%*%; +
- /set userstat_$[textencode(world_info())]=%{statline}%; +
- +
- /def -p1 -agG -mregexp -q -t"^\[ Spiritual" statline_lostsouls= /eval /setstatus $[strcat({P1},{*})]+
- +
-//old notes//+
- +
- Auri stuff+
- Baldwin Amphegere's general store+
- cast fire portal using Baldwin+
- +
- cast burning staff with sapphire+
- +
- cast fire gem with gem +
- *pyraturgy, 170 IV will+
- conjuration 120 II EGO+
- prestidigitation, 185 V agi +
- evocation, 120 II ego+
- enchantment 115 II ego +
- +
- cast flaming insight on ioun malachite using identity +
- thaumaturgy, WIll 79 I+
- divination Per 126 IV+
- nymophrasty INT 52 I+
- +
- cast pyrax armor on me with gem+
- pyraturgy, +
- conjuration+
- hylophrasty int 80 I+
- +
- +
- fiery temper+
- +
- | Prestidigitation Agi [ 183 ] [ V ] |+
- | Thermaturgy Will [ 79 ] I |+
- | Ergiphrasty Int [ 79 ] [ I ] |+
- | Evocation Ego [ 118 ] [ II ] |+
- +
- +
- schola fervitus+
- combat reflexes+
- cast fire portal using schola fervitus+
- +
- +
-//older notes//+
- +
-devonshire n gate -6, -18, 0+
-new camelot 0, -10, 0.+
-avalon 40 -31+
-Bartziluth 4,7,1 nd+
-ryleth -37, 4+
- +
-from ws 10n, 4e, in, 4n, 2e, w, 2s, 2u, 3w, 3s'+
- +
- +
-Crumnorth [ghost] intones, ~* it'sh at 21,-40 *~ to you OOC in gutturally-accented Anglic.+
-Crumnorth [ghost] intones, ~* there'sh a trick to getting in and out *~ to you OOC in gutturally-accented Anglic.+
-The dark-green-scaled piscean murmurs, ~ if you touch the rock you'll go in, then search around the walls to find a button and+
-that take you further in ~ in Ularu.+
- +
-What are the Coords for R'lyeh from wsp, 15sw, all west. its a fairly non-trivial place to be with 3 gods hanging around if you're not careful.+
- +
- +
- +
- +
- Here is a tinyfuge hack to put the vitals in the tf status bar instead of on the main screen.+
- +
-/def setstatus= /let statline=%*%; +
-/set userstat_$[textencode(world_info())]=%{statline}%; +
-/if ( fg_world() =~ ${world_name} ) +
-/set userstat 0%; +
- +
-/def -p1 -agG -mregexp -q -t"^\[ Spiritual" statline_lostsouls= /eval /setstatus $[strcat({P1},{*})]+
- +
- +
- Another example: Say your mud has a prompt like "H:42 M:17> " that shows your hit points and mana, and you want it displayed on the status line like " 42, 17". To do this, add +
- "hp_mana:7" to the status_fields variable, and define a prompt hook:+
- +
- /def -mregexp -h"PROMPT ^H:([^ ]*) M:([^ ]*)> $" hp_mana_hook = \+
- /set hp=%P1%; \+
- /set mana=%P2%; \+
- /set hp_mana=$[pad(hp, 3, ",", 0, mana, 3)]%; \+
- /test prompt({*})+
- +
- /def -mregexp -h"PROMPT ^Head:([^ ]*) Chest:([^ ]*)> $" hp_hook = \+
- /set Head=%P1%; \+
- /set Chest=%P2%; \+
- /set hp_mana=$[pad(Head, 3, ",", 0, Chest, 3)]%; \+
- /test prompt({*})+
- +
- +
- +
- +
- [OOC Elronuan] /def -mregexp -Ft'^\| Spiritual +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_spr = \+
- [OOC Elronuan] /set _tf_energy_spr_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_spr_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_spr_per=%{P3}+
- +
- [OOC Elronuan] that ovg energy channeling and buff stuff isn't perfect by any means, but there's a decent amount of guards for+
-things being time consuming and interruptable+
- OOC Elronuan] ls2 is the world i'm using there, and the `tf` command is `tf Shared tfgag;$@;tfungag` where tfgag/ungag are+
-basically sending triggers for the client to not bother displaying stuff between them.+
- +
- +
-/loaded body_energies+
- +
-;/eval /test echo(%{_tf_energy_spr_cur}+%{_tf_energy_spr_max}>0)+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Spiritual +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_spr = \+
- /set _tf_energy_spr_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_spr_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_spr_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Creative +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_cre = \+
- /set _tf_energy_cre_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_cre_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_cre_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Magickal +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_mgk = \+
- /set _tf_energy_mgk_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_mgk_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_mgk_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Entropic +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_ent = \+
- /set _tf_energy_ent_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_ent_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_ent_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Amalgamal Cold +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_cld = \+
- /set _tf_energy_cld_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_cld_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_cld_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Amalgamal Ice +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_ice = \+
- /set _tf_energy_ice_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_ice_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_ice_per=%{P3}+
- +
-/def -p1 -mregexp -Ft'^\| Order +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+) +([0-9.]+)% \|$' _tf_energies_save_ord = \+
- /set _tf_energy_ord_cur=%{P1} %; /set _tf_energy_ord_max=%{P2} %; /set _tf_energy_ord_per=%{P3}+
-/loaded Ordo_Verbus_Glacialis+
-/require ~/.tf.d/
-/require ~/.tf.d/body/
-;You are a member of Ordo Verbus Glacialis.+
-/set _tf_in_ovg_trigger=0+
-/set _ovg_show_energies_process=0+
- +
-/def regen = /add_ovg_auto_channeler %; /ovg_show_energies+
-/def ovg_show_energies_in = \+
- /if (%{_ovg_show_energies_process} == 0) \+
- /repeat -wls2 %{1} 1 /ovg_show_energies %;\+
- /set _ovg_show_energies_process=%?%;\+
- /endif+
-/def ovg_show_energies = \+
- /send -wls2 tf show energies %;\+
- /if (%{_ovg_show_energies_process} != 0) \+
- /kill %{_ovg_show_energies_process}%;\+
- /set _ovg_show_energies_process=0 %;\+
- /endif+
- +
-;/def -mregexp -t'^(> |)/-* Energies of Upina --' = /+
-;/----------- Energies of Upina -----------\+
-;| Type Current Maximum % |+
-;| Spiritual 1648.4 1649 100% |+
-;| Creative 0 18.9 0% |+
-;| Magickal 50.2 272.2 18.4% |+
-;| Entropic 115.9 115.9 100% |+
-;| Amalgamal Cold 392 392 100% |+
-;| Amalgamal Ice 329.7 329.7 100% |+
-;| Order 169.4 182.4 92.9% |+
- +
-;Frigus Cristallum cold energy storage cold crystal+
-;Glaciem Cristallum ice energy storage ice crystal+
-;Magicae Cristallum magickal energy storage magick crystal+
-;Mortem Cristallum entropic energy storage death crystal+
-;Structura Cristallum order energy storage order crystal+
-;Frigora Intensa intense channeling of cold energy intense frost+
-;Frigus Evoco gathering of cold energy evocation of cold+
-;Glaciem Evoco gathering of ice energy evocation of ice+
-;Imperium Evoco gathering of order energy evocation of order+
-;Industria Congregatione energy collection gathering of energy+
-;Magicae Evoco channeling of magickal energy evocation of magick+
-; 110 sp -> 25 mgk+
-;Mortem Evoco gathering of entropic energy evocation of entropy+
-; ent *10+
-; 65 mgk -> 25 ent+
-; 275 sp -> 25 ent+
-;Summa Glacies intense channeling of ice energy intense ice+
-;Vehementi Magicae intense channeli...f magickal energy intense ma... evocation+
-;Industriae Extractionem crystal energy removal energy extraction +
- +
-/def ovg_can_channel_energy = /test (%{_tf_energy_spr_cur} >= 450 | %{_tf_energy_mgk_cur} >= 75)+
- +
-/def ovg_do_channel_energy = \+
- /if (%{_tf_energy_cld_per} < 99) \+
- /if ((%{_tf_energy_cld_per} < 90) & (%{_tf_energy_spr_cur} > 450)) \+
- eicold %; \+
- /else \+
- ecold %;\+
- /endif %;\+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif (%{_tf_energy_ord_per} < 95) \+
- eorder %;\+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif (%{_tf_energy_ent_per} < 95) \+
- eent %;\+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif (%{_tf_energy_ice_per} < 99) \+
- /if (%{_tf_energy_ice_per} < 90) \+
- eiice %; \+
- /else \+
- eice %;\+
- /endif %;\+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif ((%{_tf_energy_mgk_per} < 99) & (%{_tf_energy_spr_cur} > 450)) \+
- eimag %; \+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif ((%{_tf_energy_mgk_per} < 15) & (%{_tf_energy_spr_cur} > 350) ) \+
- emag %;\+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /elseif ((%{_tf_energy_mgk_per} < 95)) \+
- /return 1 %;\+
- /endif %;\+
- /return 0+
- +
-/def add_ovg_auto_channeler = /def -n1 -mregexp -Ft'__TF_END_GAG__' ovg_gag_channeler= /ovg_auto_channeler+
-/def ovg_auto_channeler = \+
- /if /ovg_can_channel_energy%; /then \+
- hp %; \+
- /if /ovg_do_channel_energy%; /then \+
- rest %; \+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler %;\+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -6 %;\+
- /endif %;\+
- /else \+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler %;\+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -18 %;\+
- /endif+
- +
-/def ovg_triggered_buff = \+
- /let target=$[REPLACE("_", " ", %{2})] %; \+
- /if ("snow_shield" =~ %{1}) \+
- cast Scutum Nix on %{target} %; \+
- /return 1 %; \+
- /elseif ("cold_ward" =~ %{1}) \+
- cast Algus Praesidium on %{target} %; \+
- /return 1 %; \+
- /elseif ("frost_fists" =~ %{1}) \+
- cast Frigus Manus on %{target} %; \+
- /return 1 %; \+
- /elseif ("icy_resolve" =~ %{1}) \+
- cast Animi Gelidusque on %{target} %; \+
- /return 1 %; \+
- /endif %; \+
- /return 0+
- +
-;Nerilith signs, ~a couple things~ to you in Lingua Manu.+
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*(The |)(.+) signs, ~([^~]+)~ (to you |)in (clumsy |)Lingua Manu\.' ovg_trigger_buffs = \+
- /let spell=$[tolower(replace(".", "", REPLACE(" ", "_", %{P4})))] %; \+
- /let target=$[tolower(replace(".", "", REPLACE(" ", "_", %{P3})))] %; \+
- /set _tf_in_ovg_trigger=1 %; \+
- /repeat -0:00:15 1 /set _tf_in_ovg_trigger=0 %; \+
- /if /ovg_triggered_buff %{spell} %{target} %; /then \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -30 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler %;\+
- /endif+
- +
-;You cannot target Hex because he is not trusting towards you.+
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*You cannot target .+ because .+ is not trusting towards you\.' ovg_trust_failure = \+
- /if (%{_tf_in_ovg_trigger} == 1) \+
- say You will need to trust me for these services. %; \+
- /endif+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*(.+) already has a (.+) enchantment\.' ovg_target_has_enchantment = \+
- /if (%{_tf_in_ovg_trigger} == 1) \+
- say You already have a %{P3} enchantment, %{P2}. %; \+
- /endif+
- +
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -Ft'^(> )?(.+) winces\.' ovg_wince_response = \+
- /let spell=snow_shield %; \+
- /let target=$[tolower(replace(".", "", REPLACE(" ", "_", %{P2})))] %; \+
- /set _tf_in_ovg_trigger=1 %; \+
- /repeat -0:00:15 1 /set _tf_in_ovg_trigger=0 %; \+
- /if /ovg_triggered_buff %{spell} %{target} %; /then \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -30 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler %;\+
- /endif+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*The elements of your body relax and separate as your metabolic processes resume\.' ovg_recast_glaciem_anima = \+
- cast Glaciem Anima on me %; \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -15 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*The swirl of gloomy energy around you flickers and disperses into the surrounding air\.' ovg_recast_mortiferum_amplexionem = \+
- cast Mortiferum Amplexionem on me %; \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -15 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*The dense aura of pure white snow surrounding you vaporizes\.' ovg_recast_scutum_nix = \+
- cast Scutum Nix on me %; \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -15 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*The dense aura of pure white snow surrounding you vaporizes\.' ovg_recast_scutum_nix = \+
- cast Scutum Nix on me %; \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -15 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler+
- +
-/def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^(> )*The aura of glacis around your hands disappears.\.' ovg_recast_frost_fists = \+
- cast Frigus Manus on me %; \+
- /ovg_show_energies_in -15 %;\+
- /add_ovg_auto_channeler+
- +
-; You cannot target (.+) because .+ is not friendly with you.+
- +
-; Your blue-white-sapphire-inset quarterstaff quickly evaporates and vanishes into the air.+
- +
-/loaded stream+
- +
-/def -wls2 -t'You begin the process of separating out pure symbolic-cognitive streams from streams that have become mixed.' start_stream_process = \+
- /set stream_answers=0 %;\+
- /def -wls2 -mregexp -t'^\\[([12])\\] (.+)$$' stream_attempt_response = \+
- /let search=\$[REPLACE("*", "[*]", %%{P2})] %%;\+
- /setenv STREAM_SEARCH %%{search} %%;\+
- /sys grep "\\\$STREAM_SEARCH" ~/ls/quotes.txt >> ~/quotes_streamed.txt %%;\+
- /if (%%? == 0) \+
- /repeat -wls2 -1 1 sv %%{P1} %%; \+
- /test stream_answers:=(stream_answers+1) %%;\+
- /if (stream_answers > 15) \+
- /undef stream_attempt_response %%;\+
- /endif %%;\+
- /endif+
- +
-/def -wls2 -t'You have completed your attempt at separating pure from mixed symbolic-cognitive streams.' end_stream_process = \+
- /if /ismacro stream_attempt_response %; /then \+
- /undef stream_attempt_response %;\+
- /endif+
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-[OOC Uwacasnath] anyone know the proper syntax to deal with the crimson druid? I have tried absorb, drain, soak, clean. I tried+
-dropping the prepared object+
-[OOC Mochi] tried use sponge on puddle?+
-[OOC Uwacasnath] dont know how to use+
-[OOC Uwacasnath] can't put in either+
-[OOC Cptcoffee] Try "tampon"+
-[OOC Mochi] hrm+
-[OOC Uwacasnath] touch+
- +
-Sandraella, the Crimson Druid.+

Current revision

Moved offline to be less annoying to discord updates..