Verynvelyr Imagined Bonds

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Ralnos remarks: This is a page I'll be working on, possibly with help, if anyone wants to, as a reference page. Also would be nice if someone could organize it a bit better.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


Imagined Bonds


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the female
   chipmunk, and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
 You experience feelings of curiosity, eagerness, ingenuousness and


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the male
    falcon, and you feel a distinct echo from within him.
 You experience feelings of keenness, clarity and tenacity.
 You experience visions of the world viewed from high above.


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the male snow leopard,
and you feel a distinct echo from within it. You experience feelings of hiddeness, adroitness, ruthlessness and murderousness. You experience visions of a dagger.


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the black male
   squirrel, and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
 You experience feelings of radicalism, eagerness, surreptitiousness and


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the
  saber-toothed orange tiger, and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
 You experience feelings of immensity, raw might and irascibility.
 You experience visions of a claymore and a suit of heavy armour.


 You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the
   black-scaled female plains snake, and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
 You experience feelings of mystery, furtiveness, methodicalness and
 You experience visions of bizarrely curved and slithering lines and scales
   interlocking in impossible ways.