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    The N'keh-Shub Race
    Rarity: Very Rare
    Plural: N'keh-Shubbu
    Anatomy: Four-Tentacled Three-Legged Columnar
    Sexes: Neuter
    Harm Skills:
        Elder Lore  80%
        Anatomy     20%
    No specific help is available for this race.
    Development Information: The n'keh-shub race was created by Chaos, who wishes to credit H.P.
Lovecraft as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Sat Sep 17 21:06:30 2016.
    This creature resembles a massive tree composed of glthuegln, the tough, stretchy, knotted
organic material common to the spawn of the lloigor Shub-Niggurath, though the comparison is rough. 
Its three hooved legs very nearly look like a tripartite trunk, the dark-green-slime-dripping
mouths dotting its body could perhaps be mistaken for boles in poor enough light, and the four
writhing tentacles atop it are a bit like tree limbs.  No head or sensory organs are in evidence. 
These things are thought to be the spawn of the lloigor Shub-Niggurath, and so are sometimes called
her Dark Young.  It has a webwork of sparkling light within and around it.  
    It looks about ten and a half dimins across and twenty-six and a half dimins tall.  
    After a moment, the knowledge that the n'keh-shub is composed of ninety-five percent glthuegln 
and five percent slime drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.
 Its limbs are named right foretentacle, left foretentacle, right
hindtentacle, left hindtentacle, trunk, right leg, middle leg, left leg, right
hoof, middle hoof, and left hoof.  It is your companion and is level
thirty-six with 1,501,916 experience, leaving 158,084 more experience needed
to advance to level thirty-seven.  The n'keh-shub was created by Chaos, who
wishes to credit Robert Anton Wilson and Kerry Thornley as inspiring this
work; the source code was last updated Sat Sep 17 21:13:35 2016.  The
n'keh-shub race was created by Chaos, who wishes to credit H.P. Lovecraft as
inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Sat Sep 17 21:06:30
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