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  • Containers do not need to be worn to be useful.
  • Many containers are flammable and have a chance to burn up when hit by fire, or fire related attacks.
  • When destroyed, the contents of containers may be also be destroyed or lost.
  • Most Infusion will dramatically increase the durability of these items, though it's not possible to completely remove the flammability flag.


Nonmagical Containers

Backpacks, Scroll cases, Briefcases, any armour etc.

  • You can open them, close them, put items in them. amazing! Some of them can be worn. Useful for inventory management but not much else.
  • Acquired from various sources, such as Grog's Supply Shop from Losthaven.
go ei, 3e, n, e
go w, s, 4w

Cloak of Holding

This is a cloak made of white silk trim and bright red linen.  The quality of its
craftsmanship is good.  You recognize it as a Cloak of Holding, enchanted to have unusual 
carrying capacity within its folds.
  • A useful container with limited capacity that decreases the weight of items within it.
  • Randomly loads in the Sinbyen Cloak store. May also be found elsewhere(?).

Sporran of Holding

This is a decidedly odd-looking sporran.  The belt and pouch are made of red leather with strange orange fur trim distributed
about it in regularly occurring tufts.  Woven throughout is a crisscrossing pattern of copper wire, adding to the already
bizarre nature of the assemblage.  The quality of its craftsmanship is good.  The enchantments which are lain on this Sporran
of Holding cause there to be a much greater capacity for space within the pouch than what seems physically possible, yet the
device remains light and portable even when the pouch is at full capacity.  It has a tracery of auroric radiance within and
around it.  You estimate its value at about eight hundred gold.  
It is intermediate in size, and looks just about right to fit you.  It looks about three dimins across and a tenth of a dimin
thick.  It weighs about two and one thousand eight hundred forty-one two-thousandths dekans.  
It is closed.
After a moment, the knowledge that the red leather sporran of holding is composed of fifty percent fur, forty-three percent
leather, five percent dweomer, and three percent copper drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.
  • Adorable sporran, much higher capacity, and reduces weight of contents within by about 98%.

Randomly loads in the Varghan fur store and is an unusual drop in Varghan tunnels and pits.

Portable Hole

This long loop of enchanted white silk is a portable hole, a magickal device that, when spread out to form a wide circle, opens
into a small pocket of space on another plane of existence.  It cannot be opened while being carried, and can only function on
planes which adjoin on the Umbra, where its internal pocket resides, but they can have a tremendous storage capacity, depending
on the size of the pocket, with none of the weight of the contents affecting the weight of the loop itself, and a sufficiently
large pocket offers the additional bonus of being able to climb into a sufficiently large pocket and pull the hole shut after
you, making these devices quite prized by many adventurers.  One phenomenon to be cautious of, however, is that while the
pocket may be able to hold quite massive objects, if too many individual items are placed in it -- more than one hundred or so
-- there is a chance of the smaller items drifting through the walls of the pocket and being lost, with this being more likely
the more items are present.  You estimate its value at about two thousand four hundred fifty gold.  
It looks about two dimins across and a tenth of a dimin long.  It weighs about three tenths of a dekan.

It must be dropped before it may be opened; then one may put things into it, take things from it, or enter it.  The following
commands can be used inside it: 'pull portable hole' to pull the portable hole in after you, 'push portable hole' to push it
back out, 'open portable hole' to attempt to open it, 'close portable hole' to attempt to close it, and 'climb out' to attempt
to climb out of the portable hole.  Portable hole was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Thu Dec 01 11:54:41
  • Largest capacity container, but risks losing items if overfilled. Extremely light, and contents are completely weightless. Can be climbed into and used to transport living beings. Is often used as a seed for Puzzle.

Belt of Suspension

This is a golden leather belt with a tracery of golden silver wire worked into its surface in a
simple but attractive pattern.  It has a round golden silver buckle.  The quality of its 
craftsmanship is good.  This is an magickal Belt of Suspension, fashioned with enchantments that 
work to suspend the items placed on it, keeping their weight from bearing down on the wearer.
  • Items can be placed on the belt (hung from it, basically) and have their effective weight reduced.
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