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Flu (Talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 03:15, 2 June 2010 (edit)
Flu (Talk | contribs)

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* '''Notes''' * '''Notes'''
Trainers: Trainers:
 + [[Valathyr]]: [[Lothuial]]
Association: Association:
[[Crafty Linguists]]: [[Janid Suzak]] Wanders [[Crafty Linguists]]: [[Janid Suzak]] Wanders

Revision as of 03:15, 2 June 2010

Class: Language Skills
Attribute: Intelligence
Pedagogy: Procedural
Hidden Skill
Language Difficulty: Slightly Hard
Language Speed: Fast
Language Overlaps:
  Cilaghai: limited
  Sperethiel: slight
  Takargu: minimal

The ability to speak and comprehend the language Aelvalie, the language of faerie. Aelvalie is a lilting, whispering tongue similar in some ways to Sperethiel. It is difficulty for those not of the fey to wrap their tongues around, but rewarding when comprehension is achieved.

  • Notes
Valathyr: Lothuial
Crafty Linguists: Janid Suzak Wanders