The Rats of Liathyr

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This quest was created by Laine. This quest was created by Laine.
 +You have to talk to him during the daylight, in city hall, which is on lome st. just south of feanor. If he isn't there then he's in his apartment building and you can "break door" to get in -- though I'm not sure which one it is.
[[Category:Quests]] [[Category:Quests]]

Revision as of 08:13, 26 June 2011

Standard Information

Liathyr, city of the haughty Noldor elves, suffers great embarrassment from the rats that infest its sewers, occasionally overrunning them and spilling out into the city streets. Seek out Fayn, the city clerk, and ask him about what you can do to help with the rats.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   One
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Two
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Three
   This quest was created by Laine.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

You have to talk to him during the daylight, in city hall, which is on lome st. just south of feanor. If he isn't there then he's in his apartment building and you can "break door" to get in -- though I'm not sure which one it is.

End of spoiler information.