Ugior (ELF Invocation)

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Revision as of 17:59, 3 February 2009 (edit)
Esmene (Talk | contribs)
(is it just me, or does "Ugior" sound a lot like 'Yu-gi-oh'?)
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Current revision (04:35, 15 February 2012) (edit)
Zaylin (Talk | contribs)
(chaos god = kathexon)
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''"Foulness, putrescence, disease and filth, Ugior, I name thee! Sickness, pestilence, corruption and rot, Ugior, I name thee!"'' ''"Foulness, putrescence, disease and filth, Ugior, I name thee! Sickness, pestilence, corruption and rot, Ugior, I name thee!"''
- [ Type : ] chaos god+ [ Type : ] kathexon
[ Portfolio : ] disease, pestilence [ Portfolio : ] disease, pestilence
[ Disposition : ] neutral [ Disposition : ] neutral
Line 9: Line 9:
and 50% of garbology skill; or have been in the presence of Nurgle and 50% of garbology skill; or have been in the presence of Nurgle
[ General Information : ] Inflicts a disease called Ugior's Rot. [ General Information : ] Inflicts a disease called Ugior's Rot.
 + You examine Ugior through your clear glass lens of analysis:
 + Stubby, swollen legs and arms like the stumps of mighty trees protrude from what can only be described as a globe of
 + diseased, rotted, and decayed flesh. Grotesque parasites distinguish one expression from another. A dozen colors of pus
 + drip slowly from assorted unnatural orifices, and the pungent smell of decay and sickness makes breathing difficult. He
 + is permeated by a dim sparkling light. He looks about forty-eight and a half dimins tall, fifteen dimins wide, and three
 + and four fifths dimins front to back. He is in good shape.
 + After a moment, the knowledge that Ugior is composed of sixty-three percent flesh, nineteen percent blood, six percent
 + skin, six percent bone, three percent brains, one percent black bile, one percent hair, one percent phlegm, one percent
 + green bile, and one percent eye drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.
 + You hear a low rumble like a storm in the distance, and the cavern shakes.
 + The dark form of Ugior stirs deep within the aether. It seems the priest's dying prayer was not unheard.
 + Rarel high priest of Ugior dies.
 + A deep, raspy voice reverberates, "There will be no mercy for those who have defiled this place. Those who have died in
 + my name shall be avenged!".
 + Scattered remnants of corpses begin to collect in the center of the cave, forming a hideous shape. You can feel inhuman
 + eyes focused on you from beyond mortal lands, twisted by rage and hatred.
 + A screaming storm of fetid wind swirls and howls inside the caves, announcing the arrival of Ugior. When you open your
 + eyes, the shambling grotesque creature is transformed, infected with the cursed consciousness of Ugior himself.
 + You join Nemesys in battle against Ugior.
 + An astreon drifts toward Ugior.
 + An astreon drifts toward Ugior.
 + [ Spirit: 337.8/2504 Water: 220.8/423.7 Order: 380/533.9 Endurance: 2532 Speed: 45 Head: 159.9 Chest: 351.9 ]
 + Ugior's mouth drips foul pink slime onto Nemesys and poisons him slightly.
 + Gobs of hissing lavender liquid erupt from Ugior's pores, covering Nemesys and gives him acid burns.
 + <§> Scorn <§> hisses at Ugior.
 + <§> Scorn <§> swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and pounds Ugior's head, chest, arms, left
 + hand, and right leg, though he resists the attack.
 + <§> Scorn <§> swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and pounds Ugior's head, chest, left arm,
 + left leg, and left foot, though he resists the attack.
 + Nemesys exclaims, "Lord Yehovah, aid your servant!"
 + Nemesys raises his hands high, and a shaft of holy light shines upon Ugior's head and chest, connecting adequately and
 + making them holy, and he is affected somewhat severely by
 + An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, left arm,
 + and right leg, catching him marginally and irradiating
 + An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, and right
 + leg, catching him somewhat marginally and severely
 + [ Spirit: 337.8/2504 Water: 220.8/423.7 Order: 380/533.9 Endurance: 2532 Speed: 34 Head: 159.9 Chest: 351.9 ]
 + Gobs of hissing lavender liquid erupt from Ugior's pores, covering Nemesys and gives him acid burns.
 + <§> Scorn <§> swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and wallops Ugior's chest, right leg, and
 + right foot, though he resists the attack.
 + A gush of ocean spray erupts from a thalassatherion's body mass over Ugior's chest, catching him in a sizable part of the
 + torrent and inundating it.
 + Ugior has been mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
 + An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's right leg and right
 + foot, catching him at the edge of the wave and massively irradiating them.
 + An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, and left
 + arm, catching him in a quite sizable part of the wave and irradiating them.
 + An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's chest, left leg, and
 + left foot, catching him in a sizable part of the wave and severely irradiating them.
 + [ Spirit: 310.8/2504 Water: 220.8/423.7 Order: 379/533.9 Endurance: 2532 Speed: 34 Head: 159.9 Chest: 351.9 ]
 + Ugior abandons his assumed body and flees to the aether.
 + The caves shake, and small jagged rocks smash onto the floor from the ceiling.
 + Ugior disintegrates.
 + You have gained forty-five experience.
 + You have gained twenty-eight experience.
 + You have gained two hundred twenty-two experience.
 + You have gained eighty-seven experience.
 + You have gained six hundred thirty-eight experience.
 + You have gained one hundred two experience.
 + You have gained two hundred ten experience.
 + You have gained one hundred fifty-nine experience.
 + You have gained one thousand five hundred fourteen experience.
 + You have gained two thousand one hundred twenty-three experience.
 + You have gained two thousand six hundred eleven experience.
 + You have gained two thousand nine hundred seventy-three experience.
 + You have gained one hundred six experience.
 + You have gained two hundred twenty-five experience.
 + You have gained nine hundred sixty-eight experience.
[[Category:ELF Invocations]] [[Category:ELF Invocations]]

Current revision

"Foulness, putrescence, disease and filth, Ugior, I name thee! Sickness, pestilence, corruption and rot, Ugior, I name thee!"

 [ Type                   : ] kathexon
 [ Portfolio              : ] disease, pestilence
 [ Disposition            : ] neutral
 [ Offerings Desired      : ] corpses, any organic matter
 [ Spirit Point Cost      : ] thirty to sixty
 [ Requirements to Invoke : ] worship Ugior; have at least 50 points among theology skill, elder lore skill, pathomancy skill
   and 50% of garbology skill; or have been in the presence of Nurgle
 [ General Information    : ] Inflicts a disease called Ugior's Rot.

You examine Ugior through your clear glass lens of analysis:
Stubby, swollen legs and arms like the stumps of mighty trees protrude from what can only be described as a globe of 
diseased, rotted, and decayed flesh.  Grotesque parasites distinguish one expression from another.  A dozen colors of pus 
drip slowly from assorted unnatural orifices, and the pungent smell of decay and sickness makes breathing difficult.  He  
is permeated by a dim sparkling light.  He looks about forty-eight and a half dimins tall, fifteen dimins wide, and three 
and four fifths dimins front to back.  He is in good shape.
After a moment, the knowledge that Ugior is composed of sixty-three percent flesh, nineteen percent blood, six percent 
skin, six percent bone, three percent brains, one percent black bile, one percent hair, one percent phlegm, one percent 
green bile, and one percent eye drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.

You hear a low rumble like a storm in the distance, and the cavern shakes.
The dark form of Ugior stirs deep within the aether.  It seems the priest's dying prayer was not unheard.
Rarel high priest of Ugior dies. 
A deep, raspy voice reverberates, "There will be no mercy for those who have defiled this place.  Those who have died in 
my name shall be avenged!".
Scattered remnants of corpses begin to collect in the center of the cave,  forming a hideous shape.  You can feel inhuman 
eyes focused on you from beyond mortal lands, twisted by rage and hatred.
A screaming storm of fetid wind swirls and howls inside the caves, announcing the arrival of Ugior.  When you open your 
eyes, the shambling grotesque creature is transformed, infected with the cursed consciousness of Ugior himself.
You join Nemesys in battle against Ugior.
An astreon drifts toward Ugior.
An astreon drifts toward Ugior.
[ Spirit: 337.8/2504  Water: 220.8/423.7  Order: 380/533.9  Endurance: 2532  Speed: 45  Head: 159.9  Chest: 351.9 ]
Ugior's mouth drips foul pink slime onto Nemesys and poisons him slightly.
Gobs of hissing lavender liquid erupt from Ugior's pores, covering Nemesys and gives him acid burns.
<§> Scorn <§>  hisses at Ugior.
<§> Scorn <§>  swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and pounds Ugior's head, chest, arms, left  
hand, and right leg, though he resists the attack.
<§> Scorn <§>  swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and pounds Ugior's head, chest, left arm, 
left leg, and left foot, though he resists the attack.
Nemesys exclaims, "Lord Yehovah, aid your servant!"
Nemesys raises his hands high, and a shaft of holy light shines upon Ugior's head and chest, connecting adequately and 
making them holy, and he is affected somewhat severely by
An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, left arm, 
and right leg, catching him marginally and irradiating
An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, and right 
leg, catching him somewhat marginally and severely
[ Spirit: 337.8/2504  Water: 220.8/423.7  Order: 380/533.9  Endurance: 2532  Speed: 34  Head: 159.9  Chest: 351.9 ]
Gobs of hissing lavender liquid erupt from Ugior's pores, covering Nemesys and gives him acid burns.

<§> Scorn <§>  swings her tail at Ugior, catches him at the edge of the strike and wallops Ugior's chest, right leg, and 
right foot, though he resists the attack.
A gush of ocean spray erupts from a thalassatherion's body mass over Ugior's chest, catching him in a sizable part of the 
torrent and inundating it.
Ugior has been mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's right leg and right 
foot, catching him at the edge of the wave and massively irradiating them.
An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's head, chest, and left 
arm, catching him in a quite sizable part of the wave and irradiating them.
An astreon stands still for a moment, and a wave of weird energy flows from its core over Ugior's chest, left leg, and 
left foot, catching him in a sizable part of the wave and severely irradiating them.
[ Spirit: 310.8/2504  Water: 220.8/423.7  Order: 379/533.9  Endurance: 2532  Speed: 34  Head: 159.9  Chest: 351.9 ]
Ugior abandons his assumed body and flees to the aether.
The caves shake, and small jagged rocks smash onto the floor from the ceiling.
Ugior disintegrates.
You have gained forty-five experience.
You have gained twenty-eight experience.
You have gained two hundred twenty-two experience.
You have gained eighty-seven experience.
You have gained six hundred thirty-eight experience.
You have gained one hundred two experience.
You have gained two hundred ten experience.
You have gained one hundred fifty-nine experience.
You have gained one thousand five hundred fourteen experience.
You have gained two thousand one hundred twenty-three experience.
You have gained two thousand six hundred eleven experience.
You have gained two thousand nine hundred seventy-three experience.
You have gained one hundred six experience.
You have gained two hundred twenty-five experience.
You have gained nine hundred sixty-eight experience.