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Revision as of 20:45, 27 July 2009 (edit)
Esmene (Talk | contribs)

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Current revision (14:18, 26 May 2012) (edit)
Esmene (Talk | contribs)
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-Porphyria is one of the most effective operatives of the Erisian Liberation Front in recent memory, as well as one of the most powerfully-gifted psychics of her generation. Her exploits are as much rumor as legend, since she typically remains unseen as she sows chaos through her clandestine operations and guerrilla warfare. Her formidable psychic and magical talents extend her influence and perceptions far beyond her physical presence, and many secrets whispered in dark places have come back to be used against their owners by Porphyria or her agents. 
-Once a committed member of the adventurer's guild, Porphyria's outlook was changed radically after she came in contact with an ancient artifact that housed a malevolent intelligence. This strange artifact massively increased Porphyria's psychic potential while twisting her towards the path of chaos at the same time. Some say that the strange artifact's sibilant whispers drove Porphyria far past the brink of madness, while others claim that the artifact showed Porphyria the beginnings and ends of the cosmos. Shortly thereafter, Porphyria joined the Erisian Liberation Front in her continual quest for increased power. 
-Complementing her work with the ELF, Porphyria has also joined the Wandslingers, and currently keeps watch over the drow city of Yathryn, responding to trouble in that dark settlement with deadly force. Porphyria has also reportedly joined up with Xar's Weapons of Vengeance and the Chosen of Vashanka. 
-==Recent activities== 
-Although Porphyria does not share her goals with the rest of the world, there are faint musings that she is exploiting her wandslinger activities to ingratiate herself with the elites of Yathryn and play the two religious factions in the city against each other, although the benefit to be gained from this is unknown. There is also some speculation that she is behind some of the recent appearances of lloigor within Losthaven, as her ties to the lloigor through the Erisian Liberation Front would no doubt allow her to bring such entities into the city, albeit with little or no control over them once they arrived. Again, the ultimate motives behind these attacks remain pure speculation. 
-After a moment, the knowledge that you are composed of sixty-two percent flesh, nineteen percent blood, six percent skin, six percent bone, three percent brains, one percent eye, one percent green bile, one percent black bile, one percent feather, one percent hair and one percent phlegm drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory. 
-==Latest Psychic Talent Pop: 6/23/09== 
-:Distracted as you are by combat, the bit of attention reserved in the back of your mind for maintaining your invisibility slips, and you feel the field's psychic resonance going out of balance. 
-:In a confluence of errors, your attempt to handle the effects of your failed use of your talent overcompensates and causes the uncontrolled psychic energies to spiral into a massive wave of psychic force. 
-:You are affected somewhat severely by the attack. 
-:You collapse from the agony of the psychic shockwave tearing through your body. 
-:Your psychic faculties are thrown into a state of shock by the wild energies. 
-:In a slowly-dawning realization, you feel as if a door has been unlocked somewhere in your mind. Your psychic trauma has refined and focused your talent as a farstriker. 
-:Your psychic field of invisibility collapses. 
-==Personal Microcosm== 
-This appears to be the inside of a shimmering gray sphere several meters across. Motes of quintessence circle through the air around the periphery of the sphere. Writhing 
-gray tentacles cover the the sphere's inner surface. The wall is crisscrossed with shimmering runes connoting the symbolic energies that underly all thought and 
-civilization. Flickering motes of multicolored light dance in the air. The air is alive with snaking strands of incorporeal mentality that permeate the contents of the 
-sphere and apophatically reverberate with pure awareness. Hundreds of golden feathers swirl through the air. A round, tightly woven straw mat, in the style of a combat 
-training mat, curves along with the bottom of the sphere. The wall of the sphere along periphery of the mat is covered in elaborate etchings of battle scenes. More abstract 
-diagrams of combat tools and techniques follow above it, always showing a pair of combatants with diverse weapons and styles. The sphere is lit with a uniform, soft light 
-from no apparent source. Through the slightly translucent wall, the churning chaos of the Exoma is dimly visible. The area is permeated by an intense, vibrant auroric 
-radiance. The area has a few thin wisps of pulsing, chaotic glow, a few thin wisps of sparkling light, a few thin wisps of foulness and a few thin wisps of white light 
-within and around it. The area is filled with a thick, murky, unnatural darkness. The only obvious exit is out. 
[http://lostsouls.org/incarnos/porphyria Incarnos profile for Porphyria.] [http://lostsouls.org/incarnos/porphyria Incarnos profile for Porphyria.]
[[Category: Heroes and Legends]] [[Category: Heroes and Legends]]

Current revision

Incarnos profile for Porphyria.

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