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Revision as of 10:22, 4 August 2010 (edit)
Megnmax (Talk | contribs)
(New Osprey charm !)
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Megnmax (Talk | contribs)
(New Osprey charm !)

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This is an amorphous mass of deep blue seawater that continously flows and ripples in a disturbing manner. Occasionally, waves of deep blue seawater flow across it in the likeness of a breeze brushing the ocean. A distorted reflection of its surroundings continuously shifts across its surface You recognize it as a thalassatherion, a potent spirit of water that often appears in the stories of sailors, also often called a seapall or undire. While some magi and druids know how to control them, they also seem to manifest randomly near oceans, sometimes even hovering in the air above them. They seem generally indifferent or benevolent to anthropes that come across them. Some stories, however, feature the thalassatherioi as a violent force, drowning men where they stand or even sinking entire ships. It appears to be composed of a vivid auroric radiance. It has a tracery of sparkling light within and around it. It looks about nine and three fifths dimins across. It is in good shape.

Its limb is named body mass. It is your follower and is level thirty-one with 850,000 experience, leaving 110,000 more experience needed to advance to level thirty-two. The thalassatherion was created by Twilight, who wishes to credit Philip Pullman as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Thu Jan 28 10:39:23 2010. The thalassatherion race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Jun 29 16:44:36 2010.

The Thalassatherion Race
   Rarity: Exotic
   Plural: Thalassatherions
   Anatomy: Amorphous
   Sexes: Neuter
   Harm Skills:
       Arcane Lore  50%
       Metaphysics  50%
   No specific help is available for this race.
   Development Information: The thalassatherion race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Jun 
29 16:44:36 2010.
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