Operation Successful

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Revision as of 20:17, 25 May 2015 (edit)
Ralnos (Talk | contribs)
(The most beautiful way to become a mutant.)
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Current revision (20:17, 25 May 2015) (edit)
Ralnos (Talk | contribs)
(The most beautiful way to become a mutant.)

Current revision

You remark, ~/ Change my race to iaman \~ in harshly-accented Anglic.

You and Kurd haggle for a while.

Kurd takes your payment of five thousand three hundred forty-seven gold.

Kurd states, ' In advance... just in case. '

Kurd brings an iaman corpse from the morgue and places it on the table.

Kurd has you lie down next to the corpse.

Kurd states, ' This takes special tools. '

Kurd pulls out a truly bizarre device of shiny metal.

Kurd states, ' Sorry, Zafyr, but for the soul to properly accept transmigration, I cannot use anesthesia. '

You gulp hard in nervous anticipation.

Kurd states, ' This will only hurt for a few minutes. '

Kurd begins cutting into you with the strange instrument.

You somehow manage to hold in the scream that rises in your throat at the incredibly agony.

You lose consciousness.

You awaken in an iaman body.

Kurd states, ' Operation successful. '

You are now a first-degree specialist in balance, climbing, eructation, jumping, resilience, running, and unarmed combat. [event logged]

You are now a second-degree specialist in killer instinct and pain tolerance. [event logged]

You are now a third-degree specialist in acid affinity and combat reflexes. [event logged]

You sense the magicks blending your formerly living orcish blood with demon blood going awry.

A flood of opalescent flame bursts out of your veins in a violent torrent.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is existentially nullified.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is existentially nullified.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is existentially nullified.

The ajna chakra on your forehead disappears.

You feel a sense of your perceptions dulling, the world around you seeming less vibrant and full of life.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is existentially nullified.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest disappears.

The warmth and sense of vitality that had suffused you fades.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is existentially nullified.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen disappears.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is existentially nullified.

You are altered, though you resist the attack somewhat.

Your head ceases to exist.

Your something is torn from you.

You drop your something.

Spurts of acid gush from you toward something, but it dodges.

Your right arm and right hand cease to exist.

Your something is torn from you.

You cease to float in the air.

You drop your something.

Your left arm and left hand cease to exist.

Your something is torn from your grasp.

You drop your something.

Spurts of acid gush from you onto something's head and chest, dissolving them.

The acid clings to something's head and chest.

The acid sticks to something's head and chest.

Your right leg and right foot cease to exist.

Your something is torn from you.

You drop your something.

Spurts of acid gush from you onto something's chest and right leg, sizzling them away.

The acid clings to something's chest and right leg.

The acid sticks to something's chest and right leg.

Your left leg and left foot cease to exist.

Your something is torn from you.

You drop your something.

Spurts of acid gush from you onto something's left leg, connecting indifferently and sizzling it away.

The acid clings to something's left leg.

The acid sticks to something's left leg.

You are overwhelmed by crushing terror.

You do not have an iaman, and you do not see one here.

You attempt to flee southward, but cannot.

You can no longer specialize in supernal durability to the degree required, and so have lost all use of this ability. [event logged]

You no longer specialize in Archaen, axe, chaos affinity, goetia resistance, massive blow, or sephirotic affinity. [event logged]

You are now a fourth-degree specialist in eideturgy and sculpture. [event logged]

You are now a seventh-degree specialist in telesma. [event logged]

Your size, perception, dexterity, charisma, willpower, constitution, intelligence, and strength have changed in accordance with the nature of male iamen.

The sahasrara chakra above your head disappears.

The muladhara chakra between your legs disappears.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat disappears.

Kurd's head and chest are deliquesced by the acid clinging to them.

The acid sticking to Kurd's head and chest dissolves.

Kurd's chest and right leg are deliquesced by the acid clinging to them.

Kurd's right leg is too dissolved to use.

The acid sticking to Kurd's chest and right leg dissolves.

Kurd's left leg is dissolved by the acid clinging to it.

Kurd's left leg is too dissolved to use.

The acid sticking to Kurd's left leg dissolves.

Some blood flows from Kurd's chest.

You sense your knowledge of the form Hell and Heaven slipping away.

You wallop Kurd's head with your right hand.

You crush Kurd's right arm brutally with your right hand.

You spit a stream of acid on Kurd's head, giving it acid burns.

The acid clings to Kurd's head.

A vishuddha chakra appears on your throat.

A muladhara chakra appears between your legs.

A sahasrara chakra appears above your head.

Kurd dies.

You have gained sixty-five experience.

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