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Revision as of 16:43, 31 October 2008

    This is a giant female winged lizard with magenta scales and bright magenta
eyes.  This is Zrael, perhaps the greatest of all dragons, and almost
certainly the wisest of all mortal beings -- though her morality is debatable:
she at some point died, but her transcendence of time apparently extends to
her time of death.  And transcend time she has.  Zrael is most known for her
remarkable time travel magicks, which she has used to amass a fantastic
quantity of knowledge.  She is permeated by a dim sparkling light.  She looks
about sixty-nine and a half dimins long, seventeen and a half dimins wide and
thirty-five dimins tall.  She is in good shape.
Zrael hisses, ~%( I can provide inssstruction in acting, aging reversssal,
albimancy, archery, armour operation, the ussse of axesss, barbery,
blindfighting, the techniquesss of breaking fallsss, the art of calligraphy,
cartography, the Ci-Xitid language, climbing, cold tolerance, cooking,
courage, daemonology, the ussse of daggersss, dancing, demolition,
dentissstry, desssert fieldcraft, diagnosssisss, dissscipline, disssguissse,
divination, earth resssissstance, electrical resssissstance, the ability to
elude pursssuit, entropy resssissstance, essskarimancy, evocation, extropy
resssissstance, fire affinity, the ussse of flailsss, flight, force
resssissstance, foressstry, homeopathy, hydromancy, inssstant ssstand,
intimidation, jungle fieldcraft, the Kryptonessse language, leeching,
lockpicking, magick resssissstance, martial artsss, the ability to make a
massssssive exertion, mathematicsss, matrix interface, metallurgy,
metamorphosssisss, metapsssychology, mimicry, the Nanomi language, necromancy,
nigromancy, order affinity, orienteering, ownerssship, pathomancy,
physssicsss, picking pocketsss, plainsss fieldcraft, plasssma affinity,
poissson lore, the ussse of pole armsss, politicsss, the ability to make a
precisssion ssstrike, psssychic integrity, rhetoric, rune lore, the art of
sssculpture, sssonic resssissstance, ssspelunking, ssstamina, ssstealth,
ssstorytelling, sssupernal durability, ssswamp fieldcraft, the ussse of
ssswordsss, sssymbology, tenacity, the Thari language, the Theran language,
the ussse of thrown weaponsss, the ability to torture, the handling of
trapsss, the Ularu language, Umbral fieldcraft, umbromancy, unarmed combat,
vacuum resssissstance, ventriloquisssm, vocalization, wressstling, the Xhax
language and the Xitid language. ]\+ at Avidis in harshly-accented Anglic.
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