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Ghewmth Strunthlg

   Summary: levitary
   Plural: Ghewmthu
   Vorgaal: four
   Typical Fungmrul: high
   Required to Know: have at least 150 points among physics skill,
       metaphysics skill and mathematics skill
   Required to Flgathl: have at least 300 points among physics skill,
       metaphysics skill and mathematics skill
   Maximum Flgathu Formula: 0.3% of metamorphosis skill plus 0.2% of anatomy
       skill plus 0.5% of physics skill plus 0.5% of metaphysics skill plus
       0.5% of mathematics skill
   Capabilities Affected: wingless flight and flight
   Efficacy Formula: 15% of physics skill plus 15% of metaphysics skill plus
       15% of mathematics skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor
       of three
   Fl-n'gathl From: zath vorgaal

A ghewmth, or levitary, is a ring-shaped organ that, through establishment of certain mystic resonances with the underlying structure of the world, enables you to levitate your vorgaal, directing your motion in three dimensions at will. Fl'hlgath additional ghewmthu increases the speed and precision with which you are able to move.