Elicat (Empathic Bond)

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Known Abilities

Petting the familiar

You pet the white-winged orange tabby female elicat with your right hand.
You sense holy, life-giving energies flowing from a white-winged orange tabby female
elicat's body into your spirit.

This provides a temporary bonus to the skills entropy resistance, extropic affinity, holy fortitude, holy purity, and magick resistance. It also restores 1 spell point.

Entropy Resistance Very Inept [ 5 ] | | Extropic Affinity <I> Inept [ 17 ] | | Holy Fortitude <I> Very Inept [ 5 ] | | Holy Purity <I> Inept [ 17 ] | | Magick Resistance <I>

Attribute Modifications

The elicat grants its consort bonuses in dexterity, willpower, charisma and perception (?).

Specialty Bonuses

Bonus specialty degrees and access are provided as follows:


Additional Bonuses and Powers

Traits granted

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